Formatting in Word
Formatting in Word
Font is a style and size of type on a computer. You can make your words look fancy or plain. You can change the font of only a few words or a part of your document or you can change the whole document.
Changing the Font of Your Whole Document
1. From the toolbar at the top of the document, choose “Select” a menu will drop down.
2. Move your mouse down to “Select All” and click once. This will select all the words on the document. All of the words will be highlighted.
Changing the Font of Specific Words
1. Using your mouse, select the words you want to change.
2. When the words are highlighted they will look like this
Preparing for the Practice Exercises
1. Open a new Word document
2. Type the numbers one through twenty, hitting “enter” twice after each number. It should look like this:
3. Save the file, and name it numbers
There are many fonts available on Microsoft Word. Here are a few examples:
This is Times New Roman Font
This is called Hurry Up Font
This is Monotype Corsiva
This is Book Antiqua
1. Select either the whole document or the words you would like to change.
2. On the toolbar find the “font style” menu and click once on the drop down menu.
3. Scroll down until you see the font you would like and then and then click once with your mouse.
Changing Font
Practice Exercise 1
1. Open your document named “numbers”
2. Select the words in the whole document using “Select– Select All”
3. Change the font to another style
4. Change it again
5. Change it to Times New Roman
6. Close your document.
Practice Exercise 2
1. Open the document named “numbers”
2. Use your mouse to select the number one. Change its font to another style.
3. Select the number two. Change its font.
4. Change the font of each of the numbers to something different
5. Close your document.
Font Size
You can choose many sizes of letters from very small to letters that fill the entire page. When typing letters and resumes, it is best to choose size 12. Using a larger size to increase the length of your letter is not a good idea. To make words stand out, you can make them larger.
This is size 8
This is size 12
This is size 20
1. Use your mouse or the Edit-Select All menu to select the words you want to change.
2. From the toolbar at the top of the page, click on the drop down menu next to the font size.
3. A list of font sizes will drop down.
4. Move your mouse down the list until you find the size you want and click once.
Changing Font Size
Practice Exercise 3
1. Open your document named “numbers”
2. Select the words in the whole document using Select – Select All or use Ctrl A
3. Change the font to another size
4. Change it again
5. Change it back to size 12
6. Close your document.
Practice Exercise 4
1. Open the document named “numbers”
2. Use your mouse to select the number one. Change its font to size 8
3. Select the number two. Change its font to size 26 .
4. Change the font of each of the numbers to something different
5. Close your document.
Font Style and Color
You can change the style and the color of the words in your document. This can make words stand out and get noticed. It can also be used to show website addresses. Remember, if you do not have a color printer, your document will print in black and white.
This is in bold type
This is in Italics
This is underlined
This is red
This is blue
1. Use your mouse or the Edit-Select All menu to select the words you want to change.
2. You will see these buttons on the toolbar, but they might not be in this order.
3. To choose bold type click on the
4. To choose Italics, click on the
5. To choose Underline, click on the
6. To change the color, click on the drop down menu next to the
7. A palette of colors will pop up. Choose the color you want with your mouse and click once
Changing Font Style and Color
Practice Exercise 5
1. Open your document named “numbers”
2. Change the numbers one, four, ten, and twenty to Bold type
3. Change the numbers two, eight, and sixteen to Italics
4. Change the numbers five, eleven, and fourteen to Underline
5. Save and Close your document.
Practice Exercise 6
1. Open the document named “numbers”
2. Use your mouse to place your cursor after the number twenty. Hit “Enter” on your keyboard twice
3. Type in the colors Blue, Red, Black, Orange and Green.
4. Change the color of the font of each word to match
5. Close your document.
Alignment and Line Spacing
You can change the position and spacing on your document. For this we use several buttons on the toolbar.
Once you have typed your document, you can change where on the page the words are positioned; left, right or centered
Left positioned are here
Centered words look like this
Right positioned are over here
1. First select the text you want to position.
2. On the toolbar, click the button of the position you want.
3. If you want your entire document positioned a certain way, use the “Edit-Select All” menu
Line Spacing
You can choose how much space is between lines of text. Business letter usually have single spacing, essays and papers usually have double spacing. Spacing can also be used to make words stand out.
1. Use your mouse to select specific parts of your document OR use Ctrl A to choose the entire document.
2. On the toolbar, click the drop-down menu arrow to see a list of spacing choices.
3. Move your mouse down until the spacing you want turns blue and click once with your mouse.
Alignment and Line Spacing
Practice Exercise 7
1. Open Microsoft Word.
2. Type your name and your address and phone number on different lines.
3. Use your mouse to select your name, position it in the center of your document using the button
4. Use you mouse to select your address, position it on the right using the button.
5. Use Ctrl A to select the entire document.
6. Use the button to change the spacing to 2.0, double spacing.
Practice Exercise 8
1. Open Microsoft Word.
2. Make a list of as many colors you can name. Put each color on a new line.
3. Use the Edit-Select All menu to choose the text in the whole document.
4. Change the spacing to 1.0, this is single spacing.
5. Select the bottom half of your list
6. Change the spacing of this section to 2.0, this is double spacing
7. Save your work in your folder. Name it “colors”.
Numbers and Bullets
Microsoft Word can help you create lists that are numbered or bulleted. You can also indent sections of your document. Bulleted lists really stand out in a document! Indenting can also make your text stand out.
Creating a Numbered or Bulleted List
A numbered list looks like this
1. first
2. second
3. third
A bulleted list looks like this
· first
· second
· third
To make either kind of list, follow these steps:
1. On the toolbar, click the to make a numbered list or click to make a bulleted list.
2. Type in your information. Each time you press “Enter” on your keyboard, a new number or bullet will be inserted.
3. When you are finished with your list, click the or the to turn it off.
Changing Text to Lists
You can change text that you have already typed into a list.
1. Use your mouse to select the section you would like to change.
2. On the toolbar, click to make a numbered list and to make a bulleted list
3. To separate paragraphs, move your mouse to where you would like to add a bullet or number, press “Enter” to add the bullet or number
Bullets and Numbering
Practice Exercise 9
1. Open Microsoft Word. If it is already open, create a new document.
2. Make a numbered list by clicking the button on your toolbar.
3. Type “Who, What, Where, When, Why” pressing “Enter on your keyboard after each word.
4. Use the Edit menu to “Select All”.
5. Click the button on your keyboard. Your numbered list should change to a bulleted list.
Practice Exercise 10
1. In Microsoft Word, open the document “colors” from your folder.
2. Change your list into a bulleted list.
3. Use your mouse to select this section.
4. Click on the bullet button
5. Save your work.
Other Word Tools
Spelling and Grammar Checks
Word can check your spelling and grammar. You should always spell check before printing or saving a document. Even if you spell check, you still need to look over your paper for errors!
1. Move your mouse to the beginning of your document and click once to move the cursor.
2. On the toolbar, choose the spell check button. This will open a new window.
3. Word will find words that are misspelled and grammar mistakes.
4. Spelling mistakes are in RED, grammar mistakes are in GREEN.
5. When Word finds a mistake, it will appear in the window. Word will also make suggestions of correct spellings.
6. You can choose to Ignore the mistake – use this for names or words that might not be in the dictionary.
7. You can change the misspelled word by picking one of the suggested words. Click “Change” to change to the word in blue.
8. If you want a different word from the list, use your mouse to choose that word and then click “Change”
Spelling and Grammar Checks
Practice Exercise 11
1. Open Microsoft Word or create a new document if Word is open.
2. Type the following words, pressing “Enter” after each word
a. grammer ______
b. realise ______
c. The children was happpy. ______
d. Her didn’t undersand. ______
3. Go to Review
4. Then click on button on the keyboard to correct the spelling and grammar in your list
5. Next to each word, write the correct wording in the blank.
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