This guide is intended to serve as an outline/checklist for planning and implementation of an instructional unit plan. It accompanies the College of Education B-K Instructional Unit Plan Rubric. The “Progress Check” column can be used for self-evaluation to ensure timely movement through the planning process and ultimate success of the unit.

1. Introduction and Overview

(Provide brief paragraphs that describe each of the topics below.)

Progress Check

1a.Statement of Topic

What is the topic/theme of this unit? Broadly explain how this unit will address 1a.______

Widely Held Expectations as described inFoundations.

1b.General Description of Unit

Give a general description of the unit, in paragraphform,that would enable the reader

to have a brief “snapshot” of the unit.1b.______

1c.Context of the Unit

Where does this unit fit in the big picture? When is it taught and why?1c.______

1d.Description of Children

Describe the children – What ages? What are the characteristics of “typical” 1d.______

children at that age? Are there exceptionalities?What are the demographics of this group?

1e.Time Allotted

How long do you anticipate this unit will take to teach? How will it be implemented1e.______

throughout the day?

1f.Role of Technology

How will technology be used in the development and/or implementation of the unit?1f.______

2. Rationale

2a.Unit Value

Why is this unit important to teach? Of what value is it to the children?2a.______

2b.Needs of Children

How does this unit meet the needs of each child? What about developmental2b.______

needs, learning styles/levels, modifications, overall class needs?

2c.Real World Concerns

How does the unit relate to real world concerns? What is the relevance to the children’s2c.______

“real world”?

2d.Unit Philosophy

How does this unit reflect your philosophy of education? Which theorist(s) is2d.______

reflected in your beliefs?

3. Broad Goals

3a.Broad Goals/Essential Questions

List no more than four general goals/essential questions. Be sure to number the3a.______

goals. Use these numbers in section 4.

3b.Domains of Development(refer to Foundations)

List unit related activities under each domain:3b.______

Approaches to Learning

Emotional and Social Development

Health and Physical Development

Language Development and Communication

Cognitive Development

4. Specific Student Outcomes

4a.Specific Daily Objective(s)

List no more than 2specific unit objectives for each day.4a.______

4b.Relate to General Goals/Essential Questions4b.______

After each daily objective, write the number(s) of the general goal(s)/essential question(s)


5. Content Analysis and Family Involvement

5a.Topics and Skills

For each day of the unit, summarize in paragraph form, the unit content/concepts5a. ______

that will be introduced and/or reviewed with the children. Include a statement in each

paragraph about the relevance to students’ lives.

5b.Family Involvement5b.______

Proposed timeline – outline your plan for family involvement with the unit

Parent contact documentation – samples of unit related parent contacts

Describe outcomes of event – How many family members attended? Was

the event successful? What would you do differently next time?

6. Instructional Strategies and Activities


6a. Overview

Matrix of center objectives and activities for each week. Include any individual modifications.6a.______

6b. Materials

Matrix of unit materials for each weekly center 6b.______

6c. Technology

Include technological resources being used in centers and/or the planning for centers6c.______

7. Assessment Methods, Evaluation and Impact on Student Learning

7a.Pre/Post Assessment

Write a brief description of how you will assess children’s prior knowledge, as well as7a.______

their knowledge of the subject matter at the conclusion of the unit. Include a reflective analysis

of pre/post assessment results.

7b.Methods of Assessment

Write a brief description of what you will look for to determine if each child has7b.______

attained each daily objective(s).

7c.Documentation 7c.______How will you document which children have attained or made progresstoward the daily

objective(s) ? (anecdotal records, photographs, charts, graphs, checklists, etc.)

8. Daily Plans

8a. Daily Plans

Label each plan Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc.8a.______

List specific daily unit objectives at the top of each daily plan(objectives from 4a)

Include transition activities.

8b. Activity Plans

Include detailed activity plans where applicable. 8b.______

8c. Daily Critique

Daily critique reflects unit activities. Site specific evidences that demonstrate the 8c.______

children are learning about the topic.

8d. Vocabulary andMaterials

Include daily unit vocabulary to be introduced and unit materials list for each day8d. ______

8e. Highlights of Student Learning

Include sketches/photographs of bulletin boards, projects, etc. with captions that reflect8e. ______

daily objectives.

9. Resources, Materials, and Bibliography


Create lists for ALL technology, print, visual and human resources used in developing the9a.______

unit. (These are 4 separatelists.)

9b.Literature Selections

Include all children’s literature used in your unit.9b.______

9c.Bibliographic Form

Use standard APA bibliographic form as appropriate in 9a and 9b.9c.______

9d.Songs and Fingerplays

Words and actions for all songs and fingerplays used in the unit9d. ______

10. Unit Reflection and Evaluation

10a. Evaluation of the Unit

Unit judged by what the children have learned.Include effectiveness of technology 10a.______

integration in the unit.

10b. Unit Reflection

Reflect on what you have learned from teaching the unit. 10b.______

10c.Future Modification

Share ideas for future modification. 10c.______

10d. Feedback from children 10d.______

What activities did the children like/dislike?

11. Standard Writing Conventions

Demonstrate knowledge of standard writing conventions through correct use of:

11a.Punctuation 11a.______

11b. Capitalization 11b.______

11c.Grammar 11c.______

Additional Notes

a.Include a CT evaluation that describes strengths of the unit,a.______

age appropriateness of activities, suggestedmodifications, and other feedback.

b.Complete a self-evaluation using the Instructional Unit Plan Rubric.b.______

c.Unit is aminimum of 10 daysc.______

d.At least one activity must include technology. d.______

e.Packaged in a 3-ring binder or folder with no plastic sleeves or page protectors.e.______

f.Use dividers for each sectionf.______

g.Submit a copy on a disk to the US.g.______

Aug. 2005