Algebra 1 Mr. McKendry 2013-2014 Syllabus

Classroom Expectations

1.  Bring all required material (see below).

2.  Be in your seat when the bell rings.

3.  Do not speak while someone else is speaking.

4.  Be respectful of others and their personal belongings.

5.  No sleeping in class.

6.  No working on other assignments during class. (Unless granted permission).

7.  See additional rules on BYOD page.

Required Material

1.  Pencil


3.  Notebook/Paper/Folder

Classroom Consequences

1. Verbal Warning

2. 15 minute detention before or after school

3. Lunch detention and a call home

4. Removal from class and trip to office

Severity Clause – severe behavior will result in the immediate removal from the class.


At Green High School, grades are calculated in all classes based on the 80/20 Policy. As a result, a student’s grade is divided into 2 categories: Academic Achievement and Academic Practice. After a student has had sufficient instruction and practice on a topic, it is then reasonable to judge his/her mastery of the information or skills in the form of academic achievement assessments. The purpose is to evaluate how well a student has learned the material. Eighty percent of the total course grade comes from academic achievement and will consist of tests (oral, written and performance), some quizzes, some homework, writings, projects or presentations. Whenever a student learns new material he or she goes through a time of wrestling with the material before eventually mastering the information or skills. It is expected that a student will make some mistakes during this learning process. Work completed during this learning period is considered academic practice. Twenty percent of the total course grade comes from academic practice and will consist of some quizzes, homework, first drafts of writing, teacher questions during instruction, some worksheets, informal observations or pre-testing.

Academic Practice (20%)



Daily Quizzes

Academic Achievement (80%)

Multi-section Quizzes

Chapter or Unit Tests



Daily Quizzes


If you are absent from class, YOU ARE RESPONSBILE FOR ALL WORK AND MATERIAL COVERED. Assignments are available from the assignment book , which I will have on my desk or on my teacher website that is accessible from the school website. Test and quizzes will be made up outside of class time. YOU MUST MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH ME. You have the number of days missed plus one to make up work for full credit. If you do not turn make-up work in at this time, you will have an additional two days to turn in work for half-credit. If the make-up work is still not turned in after the two additional days, you will receive a zero. REMEMBER, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MAKE-UP WORK!

Class Participation

I will expect everyone to fully participate and take notes in class. There will not be a point value assigned to this.

Extra Credit/Bonus

There will be opportunities for both extra credit and bonus. Extra Credit will be some sort of additional, small project that must be done on an individual basis. They will be extensions of topics that we have covered during the course of that grading period or the year-to-date. They will be graded for correctness and they will be worth 3% of the total points available during that current 9-weeks.

Bonus will be available on some (I stress the word some, they may not be available on all assessments) of the unit and/or chapter test and quizzes. They will be worth up to 5% of the total points for that test. So if a test is worth 100 points, the bonus will be worth 5 points. Then those will fall under 80% since they will only be available on Academic Achievement grades.

Extra Help

If you are having a problem with any topic, please see me. I can help to arrange a tutor for you. Also available will be our lunch math tutors which are located in room 158 which is a few doors from the commons in the back hallway. A member of the math department will be on duty during all four lunch periods. So you can ask questions at anytime during lunch. You do not need an appointment or a pass.

Grading Scale

A+ 98 – 100 B- 80 – 82 D 63 - 66

A 93 – 97 C+ 77 – 79 D- 60 - 62

A- 90 – 92 C 73 – 76 F 59 & below

B+ 87 – 89 C- 70 - 72

B 83 – 86 D+ 67 - 69


The Only Stupid Question is the Question that is Never Asked!