University of Alaska Anchorage


Friday, February 29, 2008

9:00 a.m.

JPC Lab, Professional Studies Building


Voting members: Ms. Paola Banchero, board chair; Dr. Fred Pearce, KRUA faculty advisor; Ms. Megan Moore, JPC-appointed student representative.

Vacant positions: JCP-appointed UAA graduate; 2 additional student-at-large representatives.

Ex-officio members: Ms. Annie Route, student media administrative advisor; Ms. Kerry Davis, board secretary; Mr. Paul Flahive, KRUA 88.1 FM station manager; Ms. Caroline Willis, KRUA 88.1 FM program director; Mr. Aaron Burkhart, TNL executive editor; Ms. Yuliya Redelina, TNL advertising manager; Ms. Beth Schruf, TNL executive operations assistant.

Guests: none.

Reports: As no quorum was met at 9:05 a.m., The Northern Light proceeded with an informational report.

The Northern Light (TNL) report highlights:

·  Mr. Burkhart reported that TNL’s 20th anniversary celebration will be September 19, 2008, and included a timeline of TNL’s editors over the past 20 years.

·  He addressed the staffing situation: TNL will be facing an almost complete staff change at the end of spring semester to due graduations, etc.

·  TNL is pursing new distributing ideas.

·  Two representatives will attend the College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers conference.

·  TNL will have a First Friday art showing, featuring recycled and repurposed materials, in the Consortium Library, and sponsored by the Sustainability Club, and the Bear and Raven Adventure Theater.

·  Mr. Burkhart also reported that he estimated the cost of an average story to be approximately $116.25 in labor. He came to this number by looking at each position reviewing the story, factoring their hourly rates, etc. He will submit a hard copy of his estimation to the board.

CALL TO ORDER/MINUTES: Quorum was met, the meeting was called to order at 9:14 a.m., and the February 8 meeting minutes were approved with changes.

Reports (continued):

KRUA report highlights:

·  Mr. Flahive reported that KRUA switched over to a new automation system on Monday.

·  Mr. Shelby is hosting the 4th installment of A Weekly Show, featuring a wrap-up of news both on campus and around the country.

·  The 12th episode of Mr. Laputka’s From the North aired, discussing the Model UN event on campus.

·  President Hamilton was interviewed by the station.

·  News reporter Mr. Stromberg will host the 4th installment of election coverage.

·  Women’s Basketball coverage is wrapping up.

·  KRUA’s 16th Anniversary open house and celebration, scheduled March 28, will include tours, live performances, and broadcasts.

·  3 KRUA representatives will attend Radio Television News Directors Association conference in Las Vegas.


A.  Budget Review for FY09: The board reviewed the proposed FY09 budget for KRUA, and inquired about the possibility of grant writing and underwriting. KRUA’s proposed budget was approved with corrections at 10:00 a.m. TNL’s proposed budget was approved with corrections at 10:28 a.m. Revised budgets will be approved via email in late March.

B. Hiring committee for TNL executive editor, other positions: A motion was made and passed to review interview questions and begin recruitment for TNL’s executive editor at 10:35 a.m.

New Business:

A. Administrative support: A discussion / review took of increased administrative needs and activities will occur. Increasing the administrative assistant’s work week from 30 to 40 hours will be considered.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.