Grade Level: 4
Unit Title: Energy: Conservation and Transfer / Timeframe Needed for Completion:6 Weeks
Grading Period: 3nd Nine Weeks
Big Idea/Theme:Energy
Understand that energy takes various forms that may be grouped based on their interaction with matter.
Essential Questions:
Where do magnets come from?
What is force?
How is force measured?
How is electric energy formed?
How does energy change forms?
What are the basic forms of energy?
What is energy?
Weekly Written Responses:
How do the protons and electrons create static electricity? (Use scientific vocabulary)
What are the elements must be present for electricity to flow?
Compare and contrast incandescent versus fluorescent light bulbs.
Describe how light travels.
What does MRI stand for? Who invented the MRI?
How are magnets and electricity related? / 4.P.1 Explain how various forces affect the motion of an object.
4.P.1.1 Explain how magnets interact with all things made of iron and with other magnets to produce motion without touching them.
4.P.1.2 Explain how electrically charged objects push or pull on other electrically charged objects and produce motion.
4.P.3 Recognize that energy takes various forms that may be grouped based on their interaction with matter.
4.P.3.1 Recognize the basic forms of energy (light, sound, heat, electrical, and magnetic) as the ability to cause motion or create change.
4.P.3.2 Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an object or travels from one medium to another, and that light can be reflected, refracted, and absorbed.
Essential Skills/Vocabulary:
Pull/push Attract
Conductor/insulator Force field
Magnet Support wires
Lodestone Coiled filament
Circuit: open/closed/parallel/series Electrical contacts
Electric current Iron
Charge: positive/negative/neutral
Circuit: open/closed/parallel/series Energy
Electric current Energy of motion
Light Battery
Heat Thermal energy
Sound Refracted light
Support wires Reflected light
Coiled filament Absorbed light
Electrical contacts
- The student will interpret that Magnetic forces are essential in the creation of mass energy.
- The student will recognize how light, heat and sound is produced from electricity.
- The student will implement electrical safety tips within a visual representation.
- The student will classify items as conductor or insulators.
- The student will invent Magnetic forces which are essential in the creation of mass energy.
- The student will create a model describing how light, heat and sound is produced from electricity.
- Daily 5: Informational Books, text features, read to self/read with someone, research, work on word work, and work on writing
- Sort items by level of magnetism
- Test for magnetic field
- Identify the results the electric circuit (Lamp=light, stove=heat, radio=sound)
- Explain how electricity is used in daily life
- Electrical safety (skit)
- Identify the result the electric circuit (Lamp=light, stove=heat, radio=sound)
- Teacher-made quizzes and tests
- Formative assessments
Materials Suggestions:
Share resources by posting to the shared RW drive 4th grade science
Electrical safety booklets (Dominion Power)
Community Workers-Power Company, Phone Company, Fire Dept. etc.)
Magic School Bus “The Magic School Bus Gets Charged”