Northeast Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association

Fall Meeting

October 6, 2014

In Attendance

Tim Yakiwchuk Johathan Randall Lenny Halfe

Daryn Galatiuk Dale Hunter Alain Mahe

Brad Tillapaugh Cody Riley Curtis Paulichuk

Hank Smid Mavis Kartz Jen Romanchuk

Daryl Venance Aaron Canfield Zane Polishuk

Rueben Baker Calvin Anhorn Nicole Polishuk

Brent Wasylik Mike Kardas Andrew Przybylski

Etienne Vaillancourt Steven Reid Shayne Midford

Cory Kokotailo Krista Strom Megan Kelm

Jim Salsbury Chris Manderson Kevin Fleming

Jamie Landry Brendan Toner Frank Power

Peter Peraino Steven Hulan Kim Boheme

Tim Turko Jen Machetchuk Lee Woodward

Rob Merilees Tyler Collins Marc Hamel

Alex Melnyk Michelle Ross

Meeting called to order at 1:29 pm

1.  Welcome and Introductions

1.1  President’s remarks

Thank everyone for coming to the meeting but it is appreciated. Cross country is happening in two days. Good luck next year and ha

Huge hosting year for us

2.  Establish voting strength 42 members

3.  Minutes of the Spring Meeting

3.1  Shayne motions that the minutes be accepted. Jim 2nd. Carried

4.  Confirm Sports Commissioners

Sport Commissioner (years completed)

Cross-country Daryn Galatiuk (2) - Glendon School

Volleyball Chris Manderson (5) – St. Mary’s

Basketball Shayne Midford (4)- Assumption

Football Vince Orieux (4) – Holy Rosary

Wrestling Darcy Plamondon (0) - Beausejour

Curling Kendall Warawa (0) – Two Hills

Badminton Curtis Paulichuk (0) – Two Hills

Golf Mike Lo (0) – Two Hills

Track & Field Hank Smid (6) – St. Paul

Rugby Jared Nichol (5) CLHS

Team Handball Tyler Collins (2) NDHS

Officials Andrew Przybylski (3) JAWS

5.  Zone Hosts

Event Host Date Contact Entry Fee

Cross-country running District 5 Oct 8 C. Manderson $3/athlete

A Girls Volleyball St. Jeromes Nov 14/15 Brent Wasylik $175/team

A Boys Volleyball Ecole Beausejour/Nov 14/15 Etienne Vaillancourt $175/team

2A Girls Volleyball Veg Comp Nov 14/15 Alex Melnyk $175/team

2A Boys Volleyball FG Miller Nov 14/15 Jonathan Randal $175/team

3A Volleyball Boys Westwood Nov 14/15 Kim Boheme $200/team

Girls Father Merc Nov 14/15 BrentEaston $200/team

4A Volleyball Lloyd Comp Nov 14/15 Aaron Canfield $200/team

A Girls Basketball Marwayne Mar 13/14 Joel Bowtell $250/team

A Boys Basketball Glendon Mar 13/14 Daryn Galatiuk $250/team

2A Girls Basketball J.R. Robson Mar 13/14 Lee Woodward $250/team

2A Boys Basketball Assumption Mar 13/14 Shayne Midford $250/team

3A Basketball CLHS or JAWS TBA March 13/14 $250/team

4A Basketball Lloyd Comp March 13/14 $250/team

Wrestling no zone championship

Curling zones Veg/Innisfree approx. $80/team depending on venue cost

Team Handball wait to see fee dependent on many variables

Badminton Holy Rosary April 22 Jason Almond $7/athlete

Rugby wait and see fee dependent on many variables

Track and Field District 4 in Ft. Mac May 27 Kim Bohme/Marina Francis


Golf 2015 District 5 (A/2A) in Mundare Sept 14 Chris Manderson

District 4 (3A/4A) info to come at spring meeting

6.  Financial Report

Last year we made money

Daryl has provided a 14-15 entry fee and he motioned that all fees stay the same. Cody 2nd. Carried

7.  Committee Reports

7.1  Track and Field BCHS

Good day


1) Meet Manager – hire one person to do it and run it

2) Zone coach needs a document with cell phone numbers

7.2  1A/2A Golf – Mannville

Mannville – boys & St. Jeromes – Girls

Overall a good day some small issues

7.3  3A/4A Golf – BCHS


1) scoring (penalty strokes)

- see if the commissioner can come up with something

2) speed of play – 10 cap

3) handicaps given

7.4  Rugby

Hard to get a large commitment in our zone

Need more playing time

8.  ASAA Discussion Items

- 4 days left to register the school

- fundamentals of coaching Oct 10 is the deadline

- Ian MacGilivray is the transfer compliance officer

- online coaches will have some new courses are coming on line

- GST – audit done with ASAA and now GST will be added

- FIBA came out with new rules and will be implementing almost all of the changes

- ASAA Loonie fee – pay it forward fee for ASAA scholarships

9.  Upcoming Events

9.1  Cross-country Running

- all of the registrations should be in

- course is out and things look great

- food will be available

Course description – some flat sections. There is one road crossing (asphalt) one major hill fast course

9.2  Golf notice of motion

9.3  Volleyball

9.3.1  5 minute warm up discussion

- had teams doing only serves

- rule is 5 minutes

9.3.2  Volleyball Alberta – Brad Johnston has sent this email to all Volleyball Referees in NE

Carmen Lemenko – volleyball ref assignor for tournaments

9.3.3  Officials’ Chairperson Andrew P. JAWS

9.3.4  Confirmation of Ranking Officers

A Boys– Curtis Paulichuk – Two Hills

A Girls – Brent Wasylik – St. Jeromes

2A Girls– Tyler Collins – Notre Dame

2A Boys – Chris Manderson

3A – Not required

4A – Not required

9.4  Curling

9.5  Basketball

9.5.1  Teachers’ Convention – Does it affect the zone competitions this year?

9.5.2  Selecting Ranking Officers

A Girls Brittany Partington A Boys _Daryn Galatiuk

2A Girls Tim Urlacher 2A Boys Shayne Midford

3A Girls Heather Bartling 3A Boys George Silva

10.  New Business

Discussion items

Website – Lee Woodward

- Golf Notice of Motion Two Hills

Curtis motions that at the zone championship there will be a maximum of 10 strokes per hole. Zane 2nd. Carried.

Curtis motions the zone golf tournament shall be played on an 18 hole course. Cody 2nd. Motion is defeated

- banners

New change in supplier

- NEASAA meeting times and schedule

Proposal: Would like to change the zone meeting to change the start time 9:00.

- 1A volleyball zone representation

Need to have a discussion on district teams coming forward to zones

Will need to look at a change in policy

- zone award of merit

11.  Adjournment

Cody motions that the meeting is adjourned Shayne 2nd. Carried