PTA Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Kymberly Meade’s Home

Call to Order: 7:20 pm

Roll Call and Board Member List:

Position / Name / Present
1 / President / Terry Jett / yes
2 / Vice President / Helen Banks Routon / no
3 / Treasurer / Sean Schwoerer / no
4 / Secretary / Heather Ortega / yes
5 / Director of Fundraising / Kym Meade/JoDee Hull / yes
6 / Director of Membership / Lori Chisholm / yes
7 / Director of Communications / Karina Meik / no
8 / Director of Education / Rebecca B./Gurleen G. / yes
9 / Director of Health & Welfare / Tracy Shaffer / no
10 / Director of Special Events / Dan / Diane Dorsey / yes
11 / Director of Hospitality / Open / no
Board Member Positions Filled / 10 / 6

Total needed for quorum: 6 Quorum Reached? yes


General Business:

·  Council Meeting. Discussed Parent Portal, parent access per LWSD web. Could possibly replace Parent Organizer, but we are at least a year away.

·  Founders Day Luncheon. Very successful; people should try to go next year.

·  Focus Day. PTA members go to Olympia. Helen & Anita are planning to go. Anyone else is welcome.

·  Nominating Committee. Lori, Omnia and Gurleen. Check back next month for status update.

·  5th/6th Grade Social. Social was “snowed out” on original date. Kym will help organize this social; needs to be scheduled after the auction. Possible date: April 12 <Kym and Terry – check if that would work, there are no Ben Rush events that I know of on this date. –H.O.>

·  Prepaid School Supplies. Might have them delivered to students’ homes this year. Would save a LOT on delivery work. May also be able to have parents order directly through website.

Committee Reports:

Secretary, Heather Ortega

·  Dan moved to approve minutes from our last Board Meeting on 1/9/07. The motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved.

·  Sympathy flowers. The Board decided to allow the purchase of sympathy flowers to Ben Rush staff or families up to $30 per purchase, or $150 annually. Sean, can you please move or add this to the appropriate line in the budget?

Treasurer Report, Sean Schwoerer (absent, no email report):

·  No financial report or transaction sheet distributed since 11/22/06.

·  Audit Committee. Ellen Krumm’s name was recommended. <Post meeting: Ellen has agreed to be on the Audit Committee.>

Hospitality, Terry Jett (open position):

·  YMCA – Amanda Enright is new contact for YMCA. Terry will check that the YMCA can provide childcare for the auction on Mar. 23 and for the PTA general meeting on April 26. Kym will handle the “Kid Auction” and have parent volunteers to do crafts, popcorn, etc. But they will still need the YMCA to provide general supervision/childcare for the kids.

Membership Report, Lori Chisholm:

·  Have 31 new members since January, 177 total families. Now we have surpassed the total from last year.

·  4 new staff members, now we are at 88%.

Education, Rebecca Bluechel:

·  Mini Museum – going well.

·  Reflections – 10 entries this year, no winners, Fang Oh will help again next year.

·  Proposed to Kimo that we teach art curricula to staff/teachers; have found an outside teacher willing to introduce the curricula.

·  Assemblies. Digipen is scheduled for 3-6 graders on Mar. 27 at 2:00 pm. Jump Rope Assembly scheduled with the Hot Dog jump rope team.

·  After-school clubs. Heidi is getting the help she needed.

·  Field Day. Need someone to chair; will put notice in next newsletter. Heather has notes from last year to pass along.

·  Math Lab. Underutilized by classes.

·  Passport Club – Would like to see Kimo approve this program for ALL grades next year; not just K-2. Passport check-in days are the last Tuesday of each month from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Please contact Ellen Krumm at if you would like to be on her volunteer-email list.

·  Adult Education – Love & Logic class from Feb. 28 to Mar. 28, 6:30 to 8:30 pm. We have 13 families signed up for this class.

Communications, Terry Jett (for Karina Meik, absent):

·  Directory status. Lori has taken over the task of putting together the Directory and it is almost complete. Ideas for next year: bring laptops to events at beginning of the year (i.e. – ice cream social) and let parents input their own directory information. It was agreed that Lori should print approximately 200 directories.

·  Website. Please remember to inform Dan Dorsey of any date events or date changes to ensure the information goes on the website.

Health & Welfare, Terry Jett (for Tracy Shaffer, absent):

·  Walk to School Day – hope to have it this spring.

·  Safe Arrival – would like more help next year.

·  Coin Drive in June. Remember to send dates to Dan if you want it on the website.

Special Events, Dan/Diane Dorsey:

·  Sock Hop – Feb. 15. Terry will DJ, Diane will do popcorn. Need someone to run cash box.

·  Carnival will be June 1st. Need huge volunteer list.

·  Book Fair is coming in May; they want to do a Pajama Night. Dan is thinking that we might combine that with Family Games Night which was snowed out in December.

·  Volunteer hours required? Discussion was raised if we should set some sort of volunteer expectations similar to what some of the choice schools do (x volunteer hours expected per year). This discussion was generally well received, as long as no one actually needs to log in or track the hours. No conclusion was reached.

Fundraising, Kym Meade

·  We have $18,500 worth of donations so far, not including priceless items.

·  Terry will email class reps for another “push”.

·  We now have a sponsor and received $500, so we can have a heated covered area between the K and 1 buildings.

·  Live Auction will include all class projects, among other items.

·  Catalog will go home on Friday, Mar. 16 (one week before the auction).

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Submitted by Heather Ortega


PTA Board Meeting:

·  Tuesday, Mar. 13th at 6:45 pm at JoDee Hull’s house (?)

JoDee – please confirm

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