SUBJECT:Finite Mathematics
CLASSROOM:M-213 (Manassas) / EMAIL:
Voice Mail: 703-369-3252, Ext 386
CLASSTIME:M,W8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

PREREQUISITES: MTH099 – Introduction to Mathematics or acceptable score on the ECPI entrance exam.

ATTENDANCE: You are expected to attend each class for the full duration of the class. I will take attendance daily. Attendance will be taken by signing a class role sheet for every class. The total number of minutes that you are in attendance for each class will be recorded. In the event that you come to class late, the minutes that you missed will be deducted from the full time of 300 minutes. If you do not come to class and contact me ahead of time to inform me of your reason for not attendening, I will contact you by telephone. A report will be generated for every missed class and turned into ECPI administration.

REQUIRED TEXTBOOK:“Mathematical Excursions,” by Aufmann, Lockwood, Nation, and Clegg, Houghton Mifflin Copany, ISBN 0-395-72779-0.

ADDITIONAL REQUIRED MATERIALS: Scientific Calculator (either the Sharp EL-531V or Casio fx-115MS); 3-Ring Binder; Paper (3 hole punched) and Graph Paper; Wood or Mechanical Pencils (no work will be accepted in ink); colored pencils, a separate eraser, pencil sharpener, highlighter and ruler.

COURSE DISCRIPTION:This course is designed to introduce students to mathematical ideas, techniques and applications considered essential in a finite mathematics course. Topics will include sets and probability, counting principles, basic statistics, linear functions, systems of linear equations and inequalities, matrices, logic, and the mathematics of finance. This course recommends the use of graphing calculators or graphing and matrix software, spreadsheets, and real-data applications. Emphasis is on problem solving strategies.

COURSE OBJECTIVES:At the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Use mathematical models to study linear relationships between sets of data.
  • Maximize or minimize production outcomes, using systems of equations and matrices.
  • Determine outcome of events based on probabilities given.
  • Use statistics to determine, interpret and synthesize groups of data.
  • Use the tools of logic and mathematics to evaluate validity of mathematical and written statements.

COURSE DATES:Monday October11, 2004 – Wednesday November10, 2004

Holidays– None

WITHDRAWAL DATES: You may withdraw from the course within three (3) days from the start of a semester.

PROBLEM SETS: Problems will be assigned for all of the material covered. Some Problem Sets may be required to be turned in at the end of a class, while other Problem Sets may be started in class, as time permits. Other Problem Sets will be gradeded for completeness and showing ALL work leading to the correct answer. There are detailed solutions in the solutions manual for many of the problems and answers to odd problems are in the back of the book. Go through the entire set, problems are grouped by type and you need to attempt all the different types. Struggling through problems is an excellent way to learn. I will address homework questions at the start of every class. You should budget at least 10 hours a week (more time if necessary) for homework and study for this course outside of the hours spent in class.

STUDENT HELP/ASSISTANCE: You should take full advantage of many of the HELP Resources available to you.

Solutions to Quizzes / Work with other students in the class / Tips on How to Study Math (NVCC)
Instructor’s Office Hours / Math Student Resources
Available by appt. with instructor

CHEATING: Cheating on any quiz or exam constitutes a violation of ECPI’s Honor Code. Cheating means giving or receiving help. The quizzes and exams are NOT group projects, however you may choose to work together on Problem Sets. This behavior will be reported to either the General Education Department Head or the Provost for further action.


  • Cell phones or beepers are to be turned off during class!
  • Please refrain from eating or drinking inside of the classroom.
  • When contacting the instructor for any reason, do so by both email and voice mail.

GRADING: 16.6% Problem Sets, 16.6% Quizzes, 33.3% Midterm, 33.3% Final

EPCI GRADING SCALE: (Based on 300 points)

90 - 100%A

80 - 89.9%B

70 - 79.9%C

65 - 69.9%D

0 - 64.9%F

Problem Sets:3 points each. Best 17 scores count, for a total of 51 points.

Quizes: 10 points each. Best 5 scores count, for a total of 50 points.

Notebook: (Required) Collected at the end of the term, for a total of 30 points

One Midterm: 100 points. Final: 100 points.

Total Possible Points: 331. (Final Grade based upon 300 points)

RETEST/MAKE-UP EXAMS: A retest or make-up test will be given for one of two reasons:

  1. A student fails an original examination; OR
  2. A student is absent from a scheduled examination but fails to provide sufficient and documented reasons for the absence. In either case the highest grade allowed is 65 (D). In the case of absence the retest will normally be given the day the student returns to school. In the case of a failed test, the retest will normally be given within three (3) days of the failed examination. Students who miss an original (first administered) examination for sufficient and documented reasons may arrange with their instructor for a make-up examination and receive full credit. Make-up examinations will normally be given the day the student returns to school.

It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to see the instructor of the course in order to schedule a retest/make-up examination. The appointment times for the retest/make-up are scheduled at the instructor’s discretion.

COURSE CONTENT: Refer to the MTH 115 Homework .

Page last updated Thursday, October 7, 2004.