TSCNA VIII Convention Committee Minutes

December 20, 2009

The meeting was opened with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer at 10:50am Service Prayer-Brenda B. 12 Traditions-Terry C.

Roll Call


Vice-Chair-absent w/notice

Treasurer-absent w/notice


Programming-absent w/notice

H & I Chair-present

Transportation Chair-present

Registration Chair-absent w/notice

Merchandise Chair-absent w/notice

Convention Information Chair-present

Events to Support Chair-present

Serenity Keepers Chair-absent w/notice

Entertainment Chair-present

Arts N Graphics-open


The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved. Lonzell H. Mary L.


Chairperson: Theresa P

Next meeting will be held Sunday January 17, 2010@1:30 pm-Convention Information Chair please send an email to Steve K. after meeting.

Establishing quorum

Total position 17-open positions Arts & Graphics, & Hospitality

Total position filled 15 –

Total position for voting rights-10-

(4)Hold Additional positions Myron(2), Gwen (2), Terry (2), Michael (2),

(1) excluding Chairperson- Chairperson only vote to break tie.

Total people holding a position(only 1 voting right-no matter if the person holds two position= 10

Vice Chairperson
Event Support
Serenity Keeper Chair
Program Chair
Registration Chair
Convention Information Chair
Entertainment Chair

Present at meeting on December 20, 2009

Event Support Chair
Transportation Chair
Convention Information Chair
Entertainment Chair
1 N A member

When sending your email. In the Subject Area, put the committee name and make sure to label it as the report.


  1. All reports deadline is due by Friday noon, prior to the Sunday meeting.
  2. If you will be absent and or a committee member will not be present, this needs to be included in your report.
  3. When submitting your report after the deadline & you put in your report there will be no one attending the meeting, it will show absence without notice.
  4. These are very important upcoming meetings and we need everyone present. Tentative below is an upcoming schedule, so if you need to make arrangement for others to attend, please do so

Sunday - January 17 @ 1:30pm

Sunday- February 21 @ 1:30pm- Due to Tejas Bluebonnet Convention

March thru May andApril we will meet twice a month, tentatively

Sunday March 14 1:30pm & Sunday March 28 @ 10:30am

Sunday April 11 @ 130pm & Sunday April 25 @ 10:30am

May we will meet weekly

Sunday-May 2 @ 1:30pm

Sunday-May 9 @ 10:30am

Sunday-May 16 @ 1:30pm

Sunday-May 23 @10:30am

The posting of the minutes to the TSCNA website will be held until clearance from AB. Make sure to get with the secretary before you leave each meeting to make sure that your reports are complete and correct. The chair wants it noted that each committee chair can and is responsible for contacting the secretary if an error appears in their report. All errors will need to be reported within 48 hours after receiving the minutes from each meeting.

It is vital that each committee chair, co-chair, or someone from the committee be present at each committee meeting from now until the end of the convention.

A motion was made by Lonzell H. to suspend the order of the day in order to hold elections for the open positions of Arts N Graphics and Hospitality. Motion was seconded by Brenda B. The order of the day was suspended and elections held.

Each position was announced and any nominations and or volunteers were called.

Gary E. was nominated for Arts N Graphics Chair but respectfully declined.

Terry C. was nominated and accepted and was voted in unanimously.

The convention committee for TSCNA VIII is pleased to announce Terry C. as the Arts N Graphics Chair. Gary E. of Tyler will be Terry’s Co-chair.

Hospitality Chair remains open. Continue to announce this position in all groups and surrounding areas.

A motion was made by Lonzell H. and seconded by Mary L. that we return to the order of the day. Reports were continued.

Vice-Chairperson –Michael S

December 19, 2009

To: TexasState Convention VIII Meeting

From: Michael S. – Vice Chair

Vice Chair report


This past month has been a quiet month, I have nothing to report.

I regret not being able to meet on Sunday the 20th as my entire family meets yearly the Sunday before Christmas in Houston.

Although, big events are coming in the months ahead of 2010, let's hope for the best..
Happy Holidays!

ILS Michael S

Treasurer –Acting Treasurer Michael S

December 19, 2009

To: TexasState Convention VIII Meeting

From: Michael S. – Treasurer

Treasurer's Report

I am presently on board with the TSC AB's treasurer in order to learn a simple yet accountable means to report to our Convention Committee. In order to be thorough my goal is to present these documents to the body come January and throughout. Also notifications from PayPal will be routed directly to my email for the future. Enclosed in my report is the bank statement.

Balance as of November 20, 2009$1,248.09

Account Activities:

11/20/09 Event support deposit 200.00

11/24/09 Banquet-PayPal transfer 24.15

Total Activity 224.15

Balance as of November 24, 2009 $1,472.24

ILS Michael S.

Both the Vice-Chair and Treasurer’s reports were tabled until the next meeting.

Event Support Committee-Lonzell

December 20, 2009


Hey family,

Hope all is well. I Things are going well with the event support committee. Amanda was unable to come this week, but she sends her love. We are continuing to contact groups and visit groups to promote the TSCNA VIII and attempt to set up events to support the convention. We have schedule events that will be posted on the website, this month. Tyler will be Jan. 30th, Broadway Group for Jan 16th, Cedar Creek in Feb, High Noon Steppers on Mar 6th in Dickerson, Tx. And mid Mar in Texarkana, Tx. Spoke with Liz in El Paso and they are planning to put on an event in April 2010.

We have been trying to get rid of the merchandise from 2009 TSCNA, several was given to Tyler for the Auction at there event, to the New Years Eve Bash for the ETex Area and Rose City Area. We have sold a couple and we picked them up Mike S. was letting them go for $6 for the Cup & T-Shirt. So that is what they are going for. I ask for a donation so I am getting $6 to $10 for the pair. But we will get rid of it.

In the meantime I am still promoting the 2011 convention as I visit groups to set up events for the upcoming convention.

We are glad to be of service and will make ourselves available to work anywhere we nee too.

In loving service

No inventory was done of the merchandise from the El Paso Convention when it was turned over to the Events to Support Chair

The Events to Support Chair was reminded to deposit whatever funds were made within 48 hours.

Program Chair- Myron B

Good morning to everyone, I apologize for not being able to attend the meetings held in the mornings however I have made a prior commitment during that time. Absalon is not able to be here this morning either. I am not sure what time the meeting will end however I will call around 12:30 to see if the meeting is still in session. We are still accepting cd/tapes for speakers and workshops. At the next meeting I will have a mock program to discuss. Remember it will be a working program and will have many changes as the months pass. I am planning a walk through with the hotel in January 2010 for anyone that may want to be there. I am not sure of the time or date at the present time but I will let coordinate it with the chair and she can send out an email. We did have a short program meeting after the last convention meeting. We are still looking for members that would like to help with the program committee. If anyone has any suggestions for speakers please let us know. Well I have nothing else to report so I would like to say thank you for being part of this convention committee.

Love & Respect,

Myron B.

H & I Chair – Gwen C

H & I Report

December 2009

This committee has nothing to report at this time. A draft of the letter that will be sent to the treatment centers in this area will be included in next month’s report. Again, if anyone needs assistance, please feel free to contact me.


Gwen C.

Transportation Chair- Terry C

The Transportation Committee has nothing to report at this time. We will be more active closer to the state convention.
In Respect,
Terry C.

Serenity Keepers Chair- Carlos A

This is the report for the Serenity Keepers Chair. At the present time we have nothing new to report. Have plenty of volunteers willing to be of service. So we are prepared for the convention, and excited about it.Also, I have officially volunteered for the Arts and Graphics chair position.I will not be able to attend the meetings from now on.My co-chair has agreed toattend them. Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to participate in my recovery


Convention Information Chair –Brenda B

I sent an email to the Regions and Areas below reqeusting that the TexasState Convention information and/or flyer be added to their website.
- Tejas Bluebonnet Region-responded with changes to flyer for website security
- Hill Country Area
- Rio Grande Region
- Houston Area-responded "Posted to our area event calendar."
- Tri-Country Area
- North Central Texas Area
- Dallas Area
- Lone Star Region
- Esperanza Area
- Fort Worth Area
- Coastal Bend Area-responded "We have had a link to your site for years. "
Brenda B

The chair sent the email about this meeting of the convention committee and the information that programming wanted added to the website.

Registration Chair – Magan S

Good morning all
Sorry we are unable to attend the meeting today and for the tardiness of this report. We will be having a meeting on Jan 11th at 6:45pm. If you could announce this at the meetings you attend it would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to give out my number to those interested. (512)507-7770. To my knowledge nothing has changed financially (as far as registrants) and with the groups permission I'd like to print registration forms and have them at the groups to try and change this. I'll wait to hear back on this. Also if anyone knows of any events coming up please let me know so I can make sure we have someone there to make it easy to register for TSCNA 8. Thanks so much.
Magan S./ Allison H.

The Convention Chair called Magan and Allison and reminded them to please submit their reports separately. The address for the registration/merchandise meeting is 808 Salem Lane, 78753

Entertainment Chair-Mary L

I have been researching comedies on the internet. I am trying to put together a subcommittee, asking for help at other meetings.

I am taking Ideas from other members for entertainment.

Asking if the venue will allow live music?

Will have an estimate of a budge at the next committee meeting

Thank you for allowing me to be of service.


The Entertainment Chair will hold subcommittee meetings on January 13th and 16th. A suggestion was made to have a comic review comedy show. Look into having more than one comedian. The meetings will be held at the St. Andrews church on 14311 Wells Port Dr. It is the church where Here & Now meets.

Old Business

Budgets Tabled

New Business

Continue to bring T-shirt designs and logos.

Sharing Session


Motion to Close at 1:15 pm


Gwen C.