‘Kynsa ha Diwettha – Agan Tirwedh Bewa ha Gonis’
First and Last – Our Living Working Landscape Penwith Landscape Partnership
Farm Environment Officer
for ‘First and Last – our Living Working Landscape, Penwith Landscape Partnership’
0.6 (22.5 hours), 5 years
West Cornwall office base
£25,000 pa pro rata
This pack contains:
- A summary of the First and Last – our Living Working Landscape, Penwith Landscape Partnership scheme
- Additional information on the projects within the scheme
- A job description and person specification for this role
Applications are only accepted on a completed application form. We do not accept CVs and covering letters. The application form can be downloaded from
Completed applications should be sent to
Application Deadline: Sunday 25th February 2018 (midnight)
Interview Date:6thMarch in Penzance
Summaryof First and Last – Our Living Working Landscape, Penwith Landscape Partnership Scheme
1. In 2014 a partnership of community groups and organisations called ‘First and Last – Our Living Working Landscape came together as Penwith Landscape Partnership and agreed a vision for the Penwith landscape:
The cliffs, fields, downs and moors of the Penwith peninsula combine to create a wild, ancient and mysterious landscape that is valued and celebrated by locals and visitors. The area is renowned for its unique combination of historic, cultural and natural assets with numerous national and international designations reflecting the significance of the landscape and its heritage.
Shaped by humans, with Bronze Age farmed landscapes visible today, farmers continue to play a key role in the stewardship of the Penwith landscape. The ancient field systems, on thin soils and buffeted by Atlantic winds, support viable farming that is sensitive to the valued landscape, heritage and biodiversity.
Our vision is a resilient living, working Penwith landscape where farming prospers while protecting natural resources, restoring habitat connectivity and enhancing the archaeological heritage; a landscape that is loved, enjoyed and supported by local communities and visitors.
2. A Memorandum of Agreement is in place for the operation of the Board, members of which include: Cornwall Councillors representing 4 Penwith wards, Zennor and Towednack Parish Councils, farming representatives, a Penwith based business, Cornwall Archaeological Society (CAS), Cornwall Ancient Sites Protection Network (CASPN), National Trust, St Aubyn Estates, Farm Cornwall, Bolitho Estates, Penwith Access and Rights of Way (PAROW), Penwith Community Development Trust, Save Penwith Moors (SPM), Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Cornwall AONB.
Advisors to the Board include: Natural England, Cornwall Council Historic Environment Section and Cornwall Rural Community Charity.
The Patron is Colonel Edward Bolitho OBE, Lord-Lieutenant of Cornwall, who is a major landowner in the project area.Cornwall Wildlife Trust is the lead partner and accountable body and as such main employer for all staff.
3. A short film about Penwith and the Board produced by a local film maker with the support of Cornwall Rural Community Council and Cornwall AONB can be viewed at:
4. Early in 2014, the Partnership bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund under its Landscape Partnership programme, which invests National Lottery money in the UK’s most distinctive landscapes, further information about which can be found at: In October 2015, the Board received approval to its initial proposals and funding for an 18 months Development Phase during which detailed planswere worked up, including budgets and work programmes, for13 interconnected projects to be delivered over 5 years. The resulting document, the Penwith Landscape Conservation Action Plan (LCAP) was submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund in August 2017 and approved by its South West Committee in December.
5. HLF has awarded the scheme a grant of £2.5m which together with financial support from Cornwall Council and additional match funding will enable the delivery of works amounting to over £3.5m.
6. The Penwith Landscape Partnership scheme seeks to better manage Penwith’s heritage (natural, historic and cultural) in an economically sustainable way and enable people to get involved through learning and volunteering. The heritage is threatened by a number of different factors which were identified through consultation, reference to published documents and input from specialists. They are grouped into three, interconnected, issues, which will be addressed through the projects. These are:
- Fragmented landscape management
- Lack of appreciation and understanding
- Loss of traditional skills
These issues influence how land is managed or if it is not managed at all. A key overarching issue is long term changes in the area’s farming economy along with a squeezed public purse.
Penwith Landscape Partnership Projects and Key Project Outputs
Theme / Project Title / Project Codes / Lead Partners(s) / Key Project OutputsPeople and Communities / Outstanding Penwith
Pennwydh an Gwella / 1.1 / AONB with PCDT / Volunteer Programme: Recruitment, support and training of 300 volunteers to support all PLP projects as required
That’s our Parish
Yth yw agan Pluw / 1.2 / AONB / Understanding our heritage: Surveys and recording of heritage features and Local Landscape Character Assessments in 11 Parishes
Access and Ancient Sites / At the End of the Land
Orth Pedn an Wlas / 2.1 / PLP / Access to Penwith: Development of PLP trails with interpretation and practical improvements to Rights of Way and Open Access land
Making Tracks
Gul Hynsi / 2.2 / PLP / Surveying, restoring and promoting the Tinners’ Way
Ancient Penwith
Pennwydh Koth / 2.3 / CASPN / Recording, monitoring and interpretation of heritage features (historic sites and monuments) in the landscape
Restoration of neglected sites
Educational visits and guided walks
Economy, Farming and Wildlife / Buildings in the Landscape
Drehevyansow y’n Tirwedh / 3.1 / PLP / Supporting owners in the use of redundant farm buildings with heritage value
Farming Futures
Bargednyow-Tir y’n Termyn a-dheu / 3.2 / Farm Cornwall / Working with farmers to support farm businesses which are sensitive to Penwith's landscape, heritage and biodiversity
Wild Penwith
Pennwydh Gwyls / 3.3 / Cornwall Wildlife Trust / Increasing biodiversity: providing Farm Surveys andWhole Farm Plans, and Small Grants and volunteer support for positive heritage and habitat management
Penwith Hedges
Keow Pennwydh / 3.4 / Cornwall Wildlife Trust / Surveying, recording and ongoing monitoring of Cornish hedges
Practical hedging supported by training of volunteer hedgers
Up with the Downs
An Gonyow Bys Vykken / 3.5 / PLP / Surveys of rough ground and improvements to rough ground management
Communication and Interpretation / Virtual Landscape Hub
Kresen a’n Tirwedh / 4.1 / PLP / Online resources, promotion and communications
Taking Names
A-dro dhe Henwyn-Tyller / 4.2 / Save Penwith Moors / Knowing and recording our past: Research into and communication of historic place and field-names
Assistance with Cornish Language interpretation and application to all projects
Seeing the Landscape
Gweles an Tirwedh / 4.3 / PLP / Promoting and encouraging arts and culture across all PLP projects
JOB TITLE:Penwith Landscape Farm Environment Officer
RESPONSIBLE TO:Penwith Landscape Partnership Programme Manager
RELATIONSHIPS :Farmers, landowners, volunteers, PLP Project Officers and staff team, CWT conservation staff, agricultural consultants
TERM :0.6 FTE, fixed term (5 years), starting April 2018 or earlier
[This post may be suitable for a secondment or other flexible working arrangements].
To work on the Penwith Landscape Partnership’s Wild Penwith Project to advise farmers and landowners on resource protection, pesticide use and nutrient management planning and administer a capital grants scheme to deliver practical works. The post holder will also organise and deliver a programme of farmer engagement and training sessions on related topics.
- Carry out targeted landowner advisory site visits including taking soil and slurry samples
- Produce Whole Farm Plans including interpretation of soil and slurry analysis and nutrient management plans, with input from Penwith Landscape Ecologist.
- Provide follow up advice and information to landowners as requested by them. Where specialist advice is required outside of the remit of the Penwith Landscape Partnership farm environment officer, direct farmers and landowners to appropriate specialists.
- Implement a capital grants scheme and assist landowners with applications to this scheme; administer the funds and oversee delivery of the funded work with input from Penwith Landscape Ecologist.
- Seek input from specialist agricultural consultants regarding farm infrastructure capital grants works if required. Work with PLP Programme Manager to prepare scope of works for engaging specialist consultants.
- Through the work above, support landowners in complying with cross-compliance, the Code of Good Agricultural Practice and the Silage Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil Regulations.
- Advise landowners on other issues where appropriate such as NVZ compliance, septic tank / cesspit management, water pollution incidents e.g. pesticide detections.
- Assist landowners with agri-environment scheme applications such as Countryside Stewardship in liaison with the Penwith Landscape Ecologist.
- Identify and assess tasks for practical community volunteering group and determine suitability of tasks through liaising with landowner, and in close liaison with relevant Penwith Landscape Partnership team members.
- Record activity on the PLP database and assist in the production of reports to the PLP Board and funders.
- Lead on the formation of a Penwith Farm and Wildlife Project Group in liaison with PLP partners and associates (especially Natural England, RSPB, National Trust, Environment Agency and South West Water).
- Work with other members of the PLP team to ensure a co-ordinated approach to advisory provision across the PLP project area, to avoid duplication and ensure that farmers are not approached by multiple advisers.
- Work with the PLP Manager to ensure that the Partnership, and Cornwall Wildlife Trust as lead partner, maintains up-to-date information about and provides input into agri-environment grant schemes and agricultural reform where this is relevant to the project.
- Work with the PLP Digital and Communications Officer on the production of publicity material and online resources.
Other duties:
- Participate in internal PLP team meetings and external meetings as a PLP staff member as required
- Participate in the Trust’s performance and management scheme and undertake training as agreed with the PLP Manager and Head of Conservation.
- Carry out all duties and responsibilities with reasonable care for the health and safety of oneself and any other persons and co-operate fully with the Trust in health and safety matters.
- Assist in other work of Cornwall Wildlife Trust as appropriate
This section details the experience, skills, knowledge and personal qualities required for the post.
Essential- Degree level or equivalent qualification in the field of land management or a minimum of 5 years’ experience of this sort of work.
- Previous experience in delivering conservation projects in an agricultural setting
- Demonstrable experience in assessing soil structure condition and the delivery of resource protection initiatives
- Application of Catchment Sensitive Farming and resource protection interventions
- A thorough understanding of agricultural systems and the agricultural calendar
- Knowledge of yard infrastructure and slurry collection, storage and land application
- Crop nutrition planning including the use of manures and organic wastes
- Knowledge of pesticide products, sustainable crop protection and integrated pest management
- Experience of project management and working with budgets, managing expenditure against allocated yearly spend and delivering projects on time and in line with agreed outputs and outcomes
- GIS mapping
- Computer literate in all basic packages
- Full driving licence (manual preferred)
- FACTS and BASIS Soil and Water qualifications
- Experience of environmental legislation relating to the farmed environment
- Agricultural business management and planning
- Knowledge of the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
- Experience of presenting project activities and findings at stakeholder meetings
- Access to a vehicle for work use
- Excellent communicator with proven track record in developing and creating new strong working relationships with farmers, landowners and their representatives
- Ability to provide clear, concise written material in a variety of formats for a variety of audiences
- Good at diplomacy and negotiation
- Good time management and the ability to prioritise a varied workload
- Ability to work with minimal supervision
- Ability to build trust and respect with a wide variety of stakeholders and interest groups and fellow staff members
- Ability to work well within a small team
- Tactful and sensitive to the needs of individuals and stakeholders
- Self-motivated and professional with high standards of work
- Enthusiastic and approachable
- Good self-discipline
- Integrity