Public Health England, Colindale, London

Friday 20May 2016

Assessing the Impact of New Technology in Diagnostics on Global Epidemiology: How Laboratories make a Difference

Please note, programme may be subject to change

09.00 – 09.55 / Registration, Coffee and Trade Show
09.55 – 10.00 / Welcome by BSMT Chair: Dr Valerie Bevan
Chair for the Morning Session: Professor Brian Duerden, CBE
10.00 – 10.15 / Introduction to the Day
Professor Eric Bolton, President of the BSMT
10.15 – 10.45
10.45 – 11.15 / The role of the microbiology laboratory in the vision for a National Infection Service
Professor Derrick Crook,Director of Microbiology, Public Health England
Intercontinental dissemination of azithromycin-resistant shigellosis through sexual transmission: a cross sectional study
Dr Kate Baker,Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridgeshire
11.15 – 11.35 / Break & Trade Show (with light refreshments)
11.35– 12.05 / Disruptive technologies for pathogen diagnostics and epidemiology
Dr Nick Loman, Independent Research Fellow, University of Birmingham
12.05 – 12.35 / One sized medicine – it has all gone pear-shaped
Dr Matthew Donati,Consultant Medical Virologist, PHE Microbiology Services, Bristol
12.35 – 12.50 / Professor Brian Duerden:Panel questions / discussion & review of morning session
12.50 – 13.40 / Trade Show
13.40 – 14.30 / LunchContinuation of Trade Show
Chair for the Afternoon Session: Professor Eric Bolton
14.30 – 15.00 / Integration of public health microbiology into sexually transmitted infection surveillance to improve health outcomes
Dr Gwenda Hughes,Consultant Scientist in Epidemiology,Head of Sexually Transmitted Infection Surveillance, National Infection Service, PHE
15.00 – 15.30 / The role of new (and not so new) technologies in understanding the evolution and transmission of Ebola virus in Sierra Leone
Professor Ian Goodfellow,Head of Virology, Dept of Pathology, Addenbrookes Hospital
15.30 – 16.00 / Epidemiology andentomologyofthe Zika virus outbreak
Professor Matthew Baylis,Chair of Veterinary Epidemiology, Research Strategy lead, Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool
16.00 – 16.15 / Professor Eric Bolton: Panel questions / discussion & review of day

Cost: An Early Bird Discount RegistrationRate of £85 has been extended to 30 April 2016

The higher rate of £105:00 will apply to registrations received after this date

(includes morning coffee, light refreshments & lunch)

Application Forms maybe downloaded from BSMT website: and

emailed to Yvette Howell:

Please note that photos may be taken throughout the day for BSMT publicity
