February 16, 2010
Northwest High School PTSA
Minutes from Meeting
Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm by April Keyes, PTSA President
Minutes fromJanuary meeting were read and approved. Introductions were made. See sign-in/attendance sheet.
Treasurer’s Report >Paulette White
- budget report for this meeting issued
- reporting practices discussed
- Paulette had questions about bank statement; to be followed up by Paulette
- Need to determine if after prom expenses will remain on the budget report (separated in the past)
Principal’s Report>Lance Dempsey
- New football coach hired—Bob Hampton. He has lots of experience.
- Meeting with 9th grade parents was a huge success; lots of feedback
- January 28, AP academy fair (7pm in cafeteria) was great; booths were run very nicely by students.
- Registrations for 10th and 11th grades done.
- Mock SAT’s for all Jrs., Feb. 26, ½ day.
- International night and battle of the bands to be rescheduled.
- Meeting at board of education; discussed positive behavior intervention systems (PBIS); telling students these are our expectations and have them deliver
- Assemblies Jan. 22nd and 23rd; met with all classes; shared data regarding eligibility
- Northwest is a summer school site this year
- EFO helps keep incidents down; 3 arrests so far.
- SGA giving after prom $1000.
Committee Reports:
Grant Proposal>no report
Nominating Committee
- Need 1 more parent to chair committee
- Needs to be in place by next month.
SAT/ACT Practice Test>April Keyes
- Canceled due to lack of participation
After Prom>No report
Reflections>Linda Rubenstein
- 4 selected to go to local/county level
- Of the 4, 2 received Award of Merit and 2 received Award of Excellence
- March 12-county level reception
- All will be displayed for viewing at upcoming reception for all participants (May 16th meeting)
Staff Appreciation>Karen Sortino
- Staff appreciation breakfast was a success; thanks to parents
- Staff appreciative of gluten-free products
Volunteer Coordinator>no report
Brick Sales>no repot
Cluster Coordinator/MCCPTA Delegate>Beth Kennington
- Night in Annapolis (March 1); bringing parents out to discuss education funding issues; ask for funds for MCPS budget
- County fined for failure to meeting 2008-2009 maintenance of effort; waiver of the fine requested by Montgomery County Delegates and Senators; failure to pass the waiver for MCPS will have a dramatic effect on staffing
- New information shared regarding Advanced Courses in middle schools (on grade level, honors, advanced)
- Resolution introduced (still on the floor-discussion, then vote); recommendedthe “reevaluation” of the MCPS definition of “serious incident” to include bullying and harassment.
- Only 85 reports of bullying in all of MCPS last school year; most people do not know that there is a reporting procedure
- Vote taken and approved to have Beth vote yes to redefining “serious incident”
- Northwest ClusterTestimony offered before County Council on the Capital Improvement Program, Feb 17, 2010 (main focus on CIP issues affecting Germantown ES and Darnestown ES)
- PTAs contributing to Haitian relief- can donate, but must be properly documented
- March 8, Sean Taylor will speak on “The 10 Laws for Effective Parenting in the 21 Century”, 7 p.m., NWHS auditorium
Safety Committee>Beth Kennington reported
- Main concern continues to be drop-off safety; cars need to stop driving through parking lanes and to drop off students only along the school side curbed lane.
Outreach>no report
Technology>no report
New Business:
- Need nominating committee for upcoming school year
Next meeting is March 16, 2010, 7:00 in the media center.
Meeting adjourned at 8:49