Understanding Shape

Foundation Stage

  • Usefamiliarobjectsandcommonshapestocreateandrecreatepatternsandbuildmodels

 / Let’s say together the shapes in your pattern.
blue cube, green cone, blue cube, green cone, …
Find the next two shapes in the pattern.
Look at this pattern with me
big square, small square, big square, small square, …
What are the next two shapes in the pattern? / I have given you four cones.
Put all your cones in order of size.
  • Uselanguagesuchas‘circle’or‘bigger’todescribetheshapeandsizeofsolidsandflatshapes

Look atthissetofflatshapes.
Putall thecirclesinside this hoop. / Look atthissetofsolidshapes.

• a shape withtwo faces thatare triangles;
• a shape withsixfaces thatare allsquares;
• a shape withtwo faces thatare circles;
• a shape withthreefacesthatare rectangles.
Point to the smaller circle.
Which of these shapes is a square?

Packthissetofsolidshapesinto thisbox. Trytofit them allin.Tellmewhythisshapewon’tfitinthe box.
  • Useeverydaywordstodescribeposition

Putyouranimal in themiddle ofthetable. Nowputthepig behindthesheep.
Putthecowinfrontofthehorse. / Hereare picturesofa ball,ahorse,andaboat. Puttheballabovethehorse.
Standbehind thetable. Nowwalkina straightline tothefrontoftheroom. / Stand in front of, behind, beside, opposite a partner. Stand between two other children.
Whois sittingnextto,beside,in frontofRanjit? / Followmyinstructions to getthroughthisobstacle course.Goover themat,throughthetunnel,climb tothetopofthebars,…
Are thefeltpens on topof,underornext tothe books? / Turn to yourrightandface the window.
Goforwardsthreesteps. Nowgobackwardstwo steps / Makehalfa turn on thespot.
Slidethebook across thetable. / Whichoftheseshapes will rollin astraightline? Which will rollinacurved line?
Rolltheballasfarasyoucan. / Followmyinstructions to getthroughthemaze. Moveforwards,turn left,gostraighton,turn the corner,…
Turn on thespot.

Year One

  • Visualiseandnamecommon2-Dshapesand3-Dsolidsanddescribetheirfeatures;usethemtomakepatterns,picturesandmodels

Pickupa shapewhich hasnocurved sides.
KS1 1997level1 [oral] / Look atthenamesoftheshapesinthebox. They
pentagon,square,triangle, hexagon,rectangle.
Tick thenamesoftheshapes thathavefoursides.
KS1 2004level2c[oral]
Give each child this shape.

Child A:
Child B:
Child C:
Child D:
Look at the shape I have given you. Tell me one thing about the shape.
KS1 1997 level 1 [oral] / One shape has2 longsidesand 2shortsides. Tick()it.

KS1 2004 level 2c
Child A:cylinder
Child B:triangularprism
Look attheshapeIhavegiven you.Tellmeone thingabouttheshape.
[Give eachchild two differentshapes.]
Tellmesomething thatis thesameaboutthetwo shapes.
Nowtellmesomethingthatis differentaboutthe two shapes.
KS1 2000level1 [oral] / Freddraws round thebottomofacone.

Tick () the shape that Fred draws.

KS1 2005 level 2c
  • Identifyobjectsthatturnaboutapoint(e.g.scissors)oraboutaline(e.g.adoor);recogniseandmakewhole,halfandquarterturns

Standupand face the front walloftheclassroom.
Makea halfturn.
Which walloftheclassroomare youfacingnow?
[oralquestion] / Look atthe map. Go to start.
Followthis route,fromthere.
Goto theendofPark Street.Turn left.
Goto thefourth house on theright.
Drawaringaround it.

KS1 2004level3 [oral]
Thebighandoftheclockis pointingtothe3.
Whatnumberwillitpointto whenithas madehalfa turn?
  • Visualiseanduseeverydaylanguagetodescribethepositionofobjectsanddirectionanddistancewhenmovingthem,forexamplewhenplacingormovingobjectsonagameboard

Iamgoingtosaysomething toeach ofyou about
yourcards.WhatIsaywillbewrong.Iwantyou to
tell me whatIshould have said.
Meg's hands areoutsideherpockets.
Jim'snumber2isonthe backofhisT-shirt. Kim's hands areatthetopofherT-shirt.
Bob is lookingupathis trainers.
KS1 1999level1 / Look at this map.

Desi starts here
Desi’s house is the 2nd on the left. Tick () it.
KS1 2003 level 3

Year Two

  • Visualisecommon2-Dshapesand3-Dsolids;identifyshapesfrompicturesofthemindifferentpositionsandorientations;sort,makeanddescribeshapes,referringtotheirproperties

Find a shape which is called a pentagon. Put a tick in it.

KS1 1997 level 2b / Tick () each picture of a cylinder.

KS1 2003 level 2a
Two of these shapes are not hexagons. Draw a cross (x) on each shape which is not a hexagon.

KS1 2003 level 2a / Imagine a cube. Four faces are yellow, the rest are blue. How many faces are blue?
KS1 2003 level 3 [oral]
Look at this shape.

How many right angles does it have?
KS1 2005 level 3
Write each word in the correct box.

Y3 optional test 2003 level 2 / Complete the table.

Y3 optional test 2003 level 3
  • Identifyreflectivesymmetryinpatternsand2-Dshapesanddrawlinesofsymmetryinshapes

[Holdupasquare so thatall the childrencanseeit.]
Tick theshapeIcanmakeifIfold thissquarein half.

KS1 1001 level 2c [oral] / Hereisapicture ofashape.Theshapehas been
Imagine opening itup.

KS1 2004 level 2a [oral]
Draw the reflection of this pattern in the mirror line.
You may use a mirror.

KS1 1999 level 2c / Two oftheseshapeshavenolinesofsymmetry. Drawacross (x) onthem. Youmayuse amirror.

KS1 2004 level 3
  • Followandgiveinstructionsinvolvingposition,directionandmovement

Use the grid to help you complete the table.

KS1 1998 level 2c / Thetick ()isinsquare B5.
Drawacross(x)insquare D2.

KS1 2002 level 2b
Alanslid his fingeralongthis routefrom STARTto

Hestartedwriting howhis fingermoved. Complete themoves.

KS1 1999 level 2a / Followthis route withyourpencil.

Completethischartshowingthe route from START toSTOP.

Y3 optional test level 3
  • Recogniseandusewhole,halfandquarterturns,bothclockwiseandanti-clockwise;knowthatarightanglerepresentsaquarterturn

Watch me as I rotate (turn) this picture of a clown.

[Rotate the clown smoothly and continuously through a full turn, keeping it facing the children at all times.]
Which of your pictures shows what the clown will look like if I rotate (turn) my picture a half-turn? Tick the picture.
[Do not rotate your picture this time.]

KS1 1999 level 2b / Whatwill thisarrowlooklike afterahalfturn?

Tick()thedrawinga,b,cordwhich shows this.

Y3 optional test level 3
Drawhowthis triangle willlookafterahalfturn.

KS1 2002 level 3
Shadethecorrecttriangleinthe lasthexagon.

KS1 2004 level 2a / Here is a triangle.

Tomturnsitonequarterturn clockwise.
Tick()thetriangle which shows howitlooksafter theturn.

KS1 2002 level 3
Draw the next shape in this pattern of quarter turns.

KS1 1996 level 2a / One shape is a pentagon and has a right angle.
Tick the correct shape.

KS1 2004 level 3 [oral]

Year Three

  • Relate2-Dshapesand3-Dsolidstodrawingsofthem;describe,visualise,classify,drawandmaketheshapes

Write the missing numbers in the 2 empty boxes.

KS1 2000 level 2a / One shape is in the wrongplaceonthis sorting diagram.Drawacross(x)onit.

KS1 2003 level 3
Complete this shape so that it makes a square.

KS1 2000 level 2b / Sita had a square.

She cut a triangle of this size off each corner.
Whatis thenameoftheshapethatisleft? Tick () it.
KS1 2003 level 3
Use the dots to draw a different pentagon. Use a ruler.

KS1 1999 level 2a / Look at the diagrams showing 3-D shapes.

One of the shapes has one square face and four triangular faces. Write the letter of this shape.
Two of the shapes have six faces. Write the letters of these shapes.
KS3 2005 Paper A level 3
  • Drawandcompleteshapeswithreflectivesymmetryanddrawthereflectionofashapeinamirrorlinealongoneside

Draw thereflectionoftheshape in themirrorline. Use aruler.

Y5 optional test 2003 Paper A level 3 / Hereisagrid witheightsquares shadedin.Shade intwo more squares to make asymmetrical pattern.

KS2 2003 level 3
Draw the reflection of the shape in the mirror line. Use a ruler. You may use a mirror or tracing paper.

KS2 2000 Paper A level 3 / Complete the diagram below to make a shape that is symmetrical about the mirror line. Use a ruler.

KS2 2003 Paper A level 3
  • Readandrecordthevocabularyofposition,directionandmovement,usingthefourcompassdirectionstodescribemovementaboutagrid

Tick()thesquare which is exactlyhalfwaybetweensquaresA1and G7.

KS1 2005 level 3 / Karl puts 6 pegs in a pegboard.

He turns the board through 1 right angle. Draw below how the board looks now. You may use tracing paper.

KS2 1996 Paper A level 3
Lisa places a counter on square D4.

She movesit2 squares eastand3 squaressouth. Write theposition ofthesquareshe movesitto.
Y4 optional test 2003 Paper B level 3 / Here is a shape.

Puta tick()ontheshapebelowwhich is thesame astheone above.

KS2 2005 Paper B level 3
  • Useaset-squaretodrawrightanglesandtoidentifyrightanglesin2-Dshapes;compareangleswitharightangle;recognisethatastraightlineisequivalenttotworightangles

Look at this shape.

How many right angles does it have?
KS1 2005 level 3 / Two of the shapes are hexagons and have two right angles. Put a tick () on each of the two shapes.
KS1 2000 level 3
Use the dots to draw one different shape which has a right angle.

Year 4 optional test 1998 Paper A level 2
Here are some shaded shapes on a square grid.

Write the letters of the two shapes which are hexagons.
Write the letters of the two shapes which have right angles.
KS2 2005 Paper A level 3

Year Four

  • Drawpolygonsandclassifythembyidentifyingtheirproperties,includingtheirlinesymmetry

Draw two more straight lines to make a rectangle. Use a ruler.

KS2 2001 Paper A level 3 / Here is an equilateral triangle drawn on a circle.

Use a ruler to draw a regular hexagon on this circle.

KS2 1996 Paper B level 3
On thegridjoin dotstomake atrianglewhich does nothavearightangle.Use aruler.

KS2 2002 Paper B level 3 / Completethissentence.
All equilateraltriangleshave …
Y5Optionaltest PaperBlevel 3
A shape has 4 right angles.
It has 4 sides which are not all the same length.
Write the name of this shape.
Y4 Optional test Paper B level 3
Complete the table.

KS2 1996 Paper A level 3 / Here are five shapes on a square grid.

Write theletters ofthetwo shapeswhich have aline
KS2 2004 PaperAlevel4
Completethediagrambelowto makeashapethat
issymmetrical aboutthemirrorline.Use aruler.

KS2 2004 Paper B level 3
  • Visualise3-Dobjectsfrom2-Ddrawings;makenetsofcommon solids

This table shows information aboutfoursolid shapes.Complete thetable. One hasbeen doneforyou.

KS2 2005 Paper B level 3 / Drawinlineswhere you would foldthis shapeto make acube. Use arulertomeasurewhere they would go.

Y3 Optional Test 1998 Paper B level 3
These nets will fold to make 3-D shapes. Match each net to the name of its shape.

Y4 Optional Test 1998 Paper B level 3
Tom makes this shape from four cubes stuck together. Two circles are drawn on the shape.

Tom moves the shape. Draw the circles on the shape in its new position.

KS2 2001 Paper B level 3
Anna makes a cube using straws.

First she joins 4 straws to make a square. Then she joins more straws to make a cube. Altogether, how many straws does she use?
Y7 progress test 2005 Paper A level 3 / I am thinking of a 3-D shape. It has a square base. It has 4 other faces, which are triangles. What is the name of the 3-D shape?
Y5 optional test 1998 Paper B level 3
How many sides has a quadrilateral?
Y3 optional test 2003 Mental test level 4
How many vertices has a cuboid?
Y4 optional test 2003 Mental test level 4
  • Recognisehorizontalandverticallines;usetheeightcompasspointstodescribedirection;describeandidentifythepositionofasquareonagridofsquares

The shaded rectangle covers squares (D,4) and (E,4).

Draw and shade the rectangle that covers (B,5) and (B,6).
Y3 Optional test Paper B level 2 / The arrow is pointing north-east.

The arrow is moved a quarter turn clockwise. In which direction is the arrow pointing after it is moved?
Y4 optional test 2003 Paper A level 3
Kelly is facing North. She turns clockwise through 2 right angles. Which direction is she facing now?

Aled is facing West. He turns clockwise through 3 right angles. Which direction is he facing now?
KS3 1998 Paper A level 3
The arrow labelled N is pointing north. Which arrow is pointing south-east? Put a ring round the correct arrow.

Y7 progress test 2004 Mental test level 3
I face west, then I turn through two right angles. Which direction am I facing now?
KS3 2005 Mental test level 3
  • Knowthatanglesaremeasuredindegreesandthatonewholeturnis360°;compareandorderangleslessthan180°

Here is an arrow.

The arrow is rotate 90˚ clockwise. In which direction does the arrow now point? Put a tick () by the correct answer.

Y5 optional test 2003 Paper A level 3 / Look at these six angles.

a. Which is the smallest angle?
b. One of the angles is a right angle. Which is a right
c. One of the angles is an obtuse angle. Which is an
obtuse angle?
KS3 1999 Paper A level 3
A robot is facing West. It turns one hundred and eighty degrees clockwise. In what direction is the robot now facing?
Y5 optional test 1998 Mental test level 4 / Two of these angles are the same size. Put rings around the two angles which are the same size.

Draw an angle which is bigger than a right angle.
KS3 1998 Paper A level 3
Here is a dial.

The pointer on this dial turns in a clockwise direction.
The pointer is at 0. Which number does it point to after a turn of 270˚?
KS2 1998 Paper A level 5
This pattern is made by turning a shape clockwise through 90˚ each time. Draw the two missing triangles on the last shape.

KS2 2005 Paper B level 4

Year Five

  • Identify, visualise and describe properties of rectangles, triangles, regular polygons and 3-D solids; use knowledge of properties to draw 2-D shapes and to identify and draw nets of 3-D shapes

Use the dots to draw a shape that has 4 straight sides and no right angles

Y5 optional test 1998 Paper B level 3 / I am thinking of a 3-D shape. It has a square base. It has four other faces which are triangles. What is the name of the 3-D shape?
Y5 optional test Mental test level 3
Here is part of a shape on a square grid. Draw two more lines to make a shape which has a line of symmetry. Use a ruler.

KS2 2005 Paper A level 4 / Two of these diagrams are nets for a triangular prism. Put a tick () in them.

Y4 optional test 2003 Paper A level 3
Here is a regular hexagon. Join three of the dots to make an equilateral triangle. Use a rule.

Here is a regular octagon. Join three of the dots to make an isosceles triangle. Use a ruler.

KS2 2004 Paper B level 4 / Look at each of these diagrams. Put a tick () if it is the net of a square based pyramid. Put a cross (x) if it is not.

KS2 2000 Paper B level 4
Here is an open top cube.

Here is the net from which it is made.
Put a tick () on the square which is its base.

Y5 optional test 2003 Paper A level 4
What is the size of each angle in an equilateral triangle?
KS2 1998 Mental test level 4
  • Readandplotco-ordinatesinthefirstquadrant;recogniseparallelandperpendicularlinesingridsandshapes;useaset-squareandrulertodrawshapeswithperpendicularorparallelsides

The Cave has co-ordinates (7,4). What are the co-ordinates of the Treasure?

Y5 optional test 1998 Paper B level 4 / Loot at the shape drawn on the square grid. For each statement below, tick () True or False.

Y7 progress test 2004 Paper A level 3
(7,6) are coordinates of a point on the line.

Tick () which of these are coordinates of other points on the line.
(3,2)  (9,10)  (5,4) 
(4,2)  (10,9)  (7,9) 
Y4 Optional test 1998 Paper B level 3 / Here are 4 shapes.

Each shape has two parallel sides.
Write TWO other things which are the same about ALL the 4 shapes.
KS2 1995 Paper A level 4
Here is a shaded square.

Write the coordinates for point A.
Y5 optional test 2003 Paper B level 4 / Here is a grid of centimetre squares. On the grid draw a quadrilateral. It must have only one pair of parallel sides.

KS2 1995 Paper A level 4
  • Completepatternswithuptotwolinesofsymmetry;drawthepositionofashapeafterareflectionortranslation

Draw the 2 lines of symmetry on this shape. You may use a mirror.

KS1 2001 level 3 / Shade in the reflection of this shape. You may use a mirror.

Y4 optional test 1999 Paper B level 3
Shade in two more squares to make this design symmetrical about the mirror line. You may use a mirror or tracing paper.

KS2 2001 Paper B level 3 / Here is a square with a design on it. The square is reflected in the mirror line. Draw the missing triangle and dots on the reflected square. You may use a mirror or tracing paper.

KS2 2002 Paper A level 3
The grid is mad of hexagons. Draw the reflection of the shaded shape on the grid.

KS2 2005 Paper B level 3 / Here is a shaded square on a grid. Shade in 3 more squares so that the design is symmetrical in both mirror lines.

Y5 optional test 2003 Paper A level 4
  • Estimate,drawandmeasureacuteandobtuseanglesusingananglemeasurerorprotractortoasuitabledegreeofaccuracy;calculateanglesinastraightline

This shape is three-quarters of a circle.

How many degrees is angle x?
KS2 2001 Paper A level 4 / Measure angle A accurately. Use a protractor (angle measurer).

Y5 optional test 2003 Paper A level 4
Here are four triangles drawn on a square grid.

Write the letter for each triangle in the correct region of the sorting diagram. One has been done for you.

KS2 2002 Paper B level 4 / Measure accurately the smallest angle in the shape. Use a protractor (angle measurer).

KS2 2001 Paper A level 4
The diagram shows a square.

How many degrees is angle a?
Y7 Progress test Paper A level 4
PQ is a straight line.

Calculate the size of angle x. Do not use a protractor (angle measurer).
Y5 optional test 2003 Paper B level 5

Year Six

  • Describe,identifyandvisualiseparallelandperpendicularedgesorfaces;usethesepropertiestoclassify2-Dshapesand3-Dsolid

These two shaded triangles are each inside a regular hexagon. Under each hexagon, put a ring around the correct name of the shaded triangle.

KS2 2001 Paper B level 4 / Imagine a triangular prism.
How many faces does it have?
KS2 1999 Mental test level 4
Imagine a cube.
How many vertices does it have?
KS2 2000 Mental test level 4
Here are five shapes on a square grid.

Write in the missing letters.
Shape  has two pairs of parallel sides.
Shape  is a pentagon.
Shape  has reflective symmetry.
KS2 1999 Paper B level 4
Here are six triangles. One of them is an equilateral triangle. Put a tick () in the equilateral triangle.

Write one property which makes equilateral triangles different from all other triangles.
KS2 1998 Paper A level 4
These diagrams show the diagonals of three quadrilaterals. Write the names of the quadrilaterals in the boxes.

KS2 2003 Paper A level 4 / Here is a shape on a square grid.

For each sentence, put a tick () if it is true. Put a cross (x) if it is not true.
Angle C is an obtuse angle.
Angle D is an acute angle.
Line AD is parallel to line BC.
LineAB is perpendicular to line AD.
KS2 2000 Paper B level 5
  • Makeanddrawshapeswithincreasingaccuracyandapplyknowledgeoftheirproperties

Draw two straight lines from point A to divide the shaded shape into a square and two triangles.

KS2 2003 Paper B level 4 / Here is the net of a cube with no top. The shaded square shows the bottom of the cube. Draw an extra square to make the net of a cube which does have a top.

KS2 2003 Paper B level 4
Here are five shapes on a square grid.

Which two shapes fit together to make a square?
KS2 2001 Paper B level 4 / A cube has shaded triangles on three of its faces.

Here is the net of the cube. Draw in the two missing triangles.

KS2 2002 Paper B level 5
Here are some shaded shapes on a grid.

Which three shapes have reflective symmetry?
KS2 2000 Paper A level 4 / On the grid below, use a ruler to draw a pentagon that has three right angles.

KS2 1998 Paper B level 5
  • Visualiseanddrawongridsofdifferenttypeswhereashapewillbeafterreflection,aftertranslations,orafterrotationthrough90°or180°aboutitscentreoroneofitsvertices

Kyle has drawn triangle ABC on this grid.

Holly has started to draw an identical triangle DEF.
What will be the coordinates of point F?
Y5 optional test 2003 Paper B level 4 / Here is a shaded shape on a grid. The shape is rotated 90˚ clockwise about point A. Draw the shape in its new position on the grid. You may use tracing paper.

KS2 2000 Paper B level 4
The rectangle is rotated 90˚ clockwise about point A. Draw the rectangle in its new position. You may use tracing paper.

Y5 optional test 1998 Paper B level 4
Draw the reflection of this shape.

Y3 optional test 2003 Paper B level 4
This pattern is made by turning a shape clockwise through 90˚ each time.
Draw the two missing triangles on the last shape.

KS2 2005 Paper B level 4
  • Usecoordinatesinthefirstquadranttodraw,locateandcompleteshapesthatmeetgivenproperties

The diagram shows two identical squares.

A is the point (10,10).
What are the coordinates of B and C?
KS2 2005 Paper B level 4 / Here is a graph.

The dots on the line are equally spaced. What are the coordinates of the point A?
Megan says, ‘The point B has coordinates (11,5).’ Use the graph to explain why she cannot be correct.
KS2 1997 Paper B level 4

A, B and C are three corners of a rectangle. What are the coordinates of the fourth corner?
Y4 optional test 2003 Paper B level 4 / Here is a pentagon drawn on a coordinate grid. The pentagon is symmetrical.

What are the coordinates of point C?
KS2 2003 Paper A level 5
  • Estimateangles,anduseaprotractortomeasureanddrawthem,ontheirownandinshapes;calculateanglesinatriangleoraroundapoint

Measure angle x accurately. Use a protractor (angle measurer).
KS2 2004 Paper B level 5 / Look at the triangle. Angle x is fifty-five degrees. Calculate the size of angle y.

KS2 2001 Mental test level 5
Two of the angles in a triangle are sixty degrees and seventy degrees. What is the size of the third angle?
KS3 2005 Mental test level 5
Complete the drawing below to show an angle of 157˚. Label the angle 157˚.

KS3 2000 Paper A level 5 / A pupil measured the angles in a triangle.
She said: ‘The angles are 30˚, 60˚ and 100˚.
Could she be correct? Tick () Yes or No.
Explain your answer.
KS3 2004 Paper A level 5
Look at these angles.

One of the angles measures 30˚. Write its letter.
KS3 2000 Paper A level 5 / What is the angle between the hands of a clock at four o’clock?
KS2 2003 Mental test level 5
This diagram is not drawn accurately. Calculate the size of angle m.

KS3 2004 Paper A level 5
Look at the angle.

Put a ring around the number which is the approximate size of the angle.
60˚ 90˚ 110˚ 135˚ 240˚
KS2 2000 Mental test level 5

Year Six Progression to Year Seven