The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Colebrookdale Township was held on the above date at the Township Building. The meeting was called to order by President Todd Gamler at 7:30 pm. with all present joining in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The following Commissioners were present: Todd Gamler (President), William Spade (Vice President), Thomas Herb,Linwood Bartman and Tom Reidnauer. Also present were Township Manager Cindy Conrad, CEO/Zoning Officer Allen Stauffer, Road Master Bruce Sands, Township Secretary Jeannie DiSante,Treasurer/Tax Collector Joan Herb, Township Solicitor Jeffrey Karver, Engineer Mary Lou Lowrie and Police Chief Christopher Schott.


Mr. Greg Marshal, Environmental Designs addressed the Board with a request concerning the construction of a stream discharge sewer system for Mr. John Leffel at 907 N. Ironstone Drive and the associated escrow and fee requirements. He requested a reduction of those costs. Mr. Leffel’s current on-site sewer system is failing; public sewer is more than a mile awayand the stream discharge system is the only alternative available to him due to lot size. Manager Conrad and Road Master Sands looked into the costs associated with a similar system installed last year for Mr. Gussoni. They noted that was the first of its kind in the Township and some of the initial reviews, attorney’s fees and inspections for that system would not apply for subsequent installations.

Mr. Marshal needs an agreement from the Township prior to submitting a plan to the DEP. The Board agreed to reduce the escrow fee to $2000.00 and asked Solicitor Karver to draft an agreement to include semi-annual testing for two years. If no problems exist after that time the system testing can be reduced to annually. Solicitor Karver will send a draft to Mr. Marshal. The Commissioners also asked that Solicitor Karver send a letter to Mr. Gussoni informing him that his escrow will be reduced to $2000.00 and the testing will be done semi-annually.


Motion by Thomas Herb and seconded by William Spade to approve the minutes of the October 5, 2009 Board of Commissioners’ meeting. Motion carried.


Treasurer Herb submitted the Treasurer’s September 2009 report for review. There were no comments. President Gamler noted the Customer Balance Summary and read the bills list as follows:

General Fund Expenses 10/5-10/19/09$ 20,561.30

Payroll Fund Expenses 10/16/09$ 34,560.21

Recycling Fund Expenses 10/19/09$ 5.72

Police Projects Fund Expenses 10/19/09$ 21.56

Joint Zoning Fund Expenses 10/19/09$ 5,450.00

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October 19, 2009 Minutes

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Motion by William Spade and seconded by Linwood Bartman to pay the listed bills from the funds mentioned above. Motion carried. President Gamler noted the submission of the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual statements. The Statements are available to the public for review.


The September 2009 Police Report, submitted at the October 5, 2009 Board of Commissioner’s meeting, was read as follows by Chief Schott:

Colebrookdale Township 662Traffic Arrests 61

Borough of Bechtelsville 147Criminal Arrests 17

Assists to Others 36

TOTAL Incidents 845

Eighteen motor vehicle accidents were investigated and 4,932 miles were patrolled during September 2009. There were no questions on the report from the Commissioners.

Chief Schott requested approval to purchase a new computer for Officer Viola. Based on the review of all the computers in the police department and Township offices, Officer Viola’s system was next in line to be upgraded and he is experiencing problems with his processor. Motion by William Spade and seconded by Tom Reidnauer to approve the purchase of a new computer processor for Officer Viola. Motion carried.

Chief Schott requested approval for purchasing a new copy machine for the police department. The current copier is in need of repair and there is no service warranty on it. A Township resident has offered to anonymously donate the funds for a new copier. Motion by Tom Reidnauer and seconded by Linwood Bartman to authorize the purchase of a copy machine for the Police Department. Motion carried.


Nothing reported at this time.


CEO Stauffer submitted the following building permit applications:

- James Dodson, 1124 Weisstown Road – roof repair

- Kurt Michaels, 44 Lindy Lane – install wood stove and chimney


Nothing to report at this time.

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Solicitor Karver submitted and requested the Board adopt the advertised Ordinance No. 3-2009, the Solicitation Ordinance. Motion by William Spade and seconded by Thomas Herb to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 3-2009 ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES REGULATIONS FOR ALL PEDDLING & SOLICITING ACTIVITIES. Motion carried.

Solicitor Karver submitted a copy of a letter he sent to the Rosen Organization concerning their intention to continue pursuing the subdivision plans for Moser/Granahan and Moser Age Qualified. No response has been received. Solicitor Karver also submitted a copy of a letter sent to Dana & Shannon Samsel concerning the procedure and fees for the adjustment to their lot line proposal. He informed the Board that the Samsel’s will pay all fees as noted in the letter.


Engineer Lowrie noted there was nothing to report at this time.


Nothing at this time.


Manager Conrad submitted a request from the Tri-County Community Network to place a link on the Township’s website to their website in order to promote their organization. Commissioner Bartman noted that the Township cannot control what they included on their site and the Township would be endorsing anything they post. All Commissioners were in agreement not to link their website though the Township’s site.

Concerning the purchase and installation of a computer processor for Officer Viola, Manager Conrad submitted a cost estimate of $1,092.34 from Omega Systems. The Commissioners approved the purchase as stated in the Police Report above.

Manager Conrad submitted a repair quote for CEO Stauffer’s 1999 Durango Township vehicle. The front bumper needs replacing and both quarter panels are in need of rust repairs. The estimate from Conrad’s Body Shop is $1,652.40. CEO Stauffer said the repairs could wait until the coming spring. Commissioner Spade asked for an additional estimate before making a decision and also suggested contacting the Vo-Tech school for their services.

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Reinhart & Company submitted a quote for the 2009 Township and Treasurer Annual Audit. The cost for the Township audit would be $9,820.00 and the Treasurer audit would be $1,200.00. Manager Conrad also submitted a resolution toappoint an independent auditor. Motion by William Spade and seconded by Thomas Herb to approve the fees submitted by Reinhart & Company for the audit of the Township and Tax Collector records for 2009 and adopt Resolution 10-1-09 Appointing Reinhart Company as Independent Auditor to examine the Township and Tax Collector’s books and records for fiscal year ending 12/31/09. Motion carried.

Manager Conrad submitted a follow-up letter from BC Cooperative Purchasing Council noting 70% of the participating entities accepted the electricity bid and there may be another bid coming for Met-Ed customers.

The letter also included a survey request for Municipalities interested in a joint purchase of collection and/or disposal service of yard waste. The Board agreed to have Manager Conrad complete and submit the survey indicating the Township’s interest in joining.

Concerning the Customer Balance Summary submitted earlier in the meeting, Manager Conrad asked for approval to release escrows to Boyertown Foundry, follow-up on getting Henry Johnson’s deed recorded, get confirmation on the Westwood and Colebrookdale Woods status as well as other small outstanding items that need to be cleared up. Solicitor Karver gave her names of contact persons for some items. The Board agreed to have Manager Conrad clean up these accounts.


President Gamler noted there will be a Joint Zoning Ordinance Committee meeting on October 22nd at 7:00 PM at the Township building. There also is a scheduled Transportation meeting on October 27th at 7:00 pm. to discuss the Spring Creek Commons subdivision plan.


The Commissioners discussed the prior request from Lloyd Wary to consider requiring Township businesses to have a Knox Box system installed for fire security. They asked Manager Conrad to contact the Borough of Boyertown for any interest in jointly working with the Township on a proposal. The Board also would like to see the Borough of Pottstown’s ordinance on this system.

President Gamler noted the submission of the Minutes of the 9/24/09 Pre-Construction Meeting at Fred Beans Ford submitted by Gilmore & Associates.

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Spring Creek Commons Subdivision – Preliminary – Spring Garden Drive

The review period for the plan is to expire on January 12, 2010. No action was taken by the Board.

Colebrookdale Woods Development – State Route 73

September 10, 2009 Township sent letter to owner and developer requesting payment of invoices and notification that reviews are discontinued until payment received. No action was taken by the Board.

Westwood’s Subdivision – Preliminary Plan – Route 562.

September10 Township requested confirmation of active plan from Douglass Township. No communications received; the review period for the plan is to expire on December 29, 2009. No action was taken by the Board.

Mest Subdivision – Preliminary – Township Line Road.

The review period for the plan was continuous. The plan was tabled by the Planning Commission on 5/18/07. September 14th, 2009 Solicitor Karver sent notification to owner and developer that plan must be completed then approved by the Commissioners by December 31, 2009 or it will be formally rejected by the Township. No communication received. No action taken by the Board.

Mildred Frey Minor Annexation –Final –436 & 516N.Reading Avenue

No communication received; no action was taken by the Board.

Boyertown Foundry Building Expansion – Final Plan

No communication received; no action was taken by the Board.

Reitnauer/Staton Annexation Final - #614 & #618 North Reading Avenue

September 15, 2009 Aston Surveyors submitted a minor subdivision plan. October 7 & 9 Aston Surveyors and applicant notified of waiver conditional approval. October 15 Township received BCPC review. No action was taken by the Board.


Nothing submitted at this time.


Allcommunications received since October 5, 2009is included in the Commissioner’s books. All correspondence was available for review by the public.

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Four items submitted to the Commissioners. President Gamler noted an acknowledgement received from Boyertown Multi-Service thanking the Township for its donation.


No one at this time.


There being no other business to come before the Board there was a motion by Linwood Bartman and seconded by William Spade that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous unless stated otherwise. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeannie DiSante

Township Secretary