1. Parents are considered active participants in our program and are encouraged to get involved through fundraising efforts, as well as clock operators and bookkeepers from time to time.

2. Parents are encouraged to be a POSITIVE force for our teams throughout the season.

3. Parents are expected to enforce a sense of commitment to their daughter regarding the Westchester Hoopers Basketball Program.

4. Help the coaches foster a team atmosphere. You may not agree with all of the decisions of the coach, but you should be SUPPORTIVE of all players in the Westchester Hoopers Program. During a game is not the time to voice your opinions or show negative body language.

5. Parents should allow the coaches to do the coaching, and the referees do the officiating.

6. There should be no parent/player interaction during a game. Cheering and encouraging is fine.

7. Practices are generally closed to parents. Parents may attend the last 15 minutes of a practice, unless authorized by the coach to remain.

8. Playing time - Coaches are coaching games to win. Playing time will not always be distributed evenly.

9. Fees should be paid in a timely fashion based on the schedule established by the coach.

10. Issues that may arise:

a. Players should always be the first person to approach a coach regarding an issue or playing time question. This should be a face-to-face interaction and discussion. This meeting will focus on that individual athlete and not other players on the team.

b. If parents would like to meet with a coach, a meeting should be scheduled via email or phone and a third (neutral) party may be in attendance. Emails that are negative in nature will not receive a response. Only state that you are requesting a meeting and the coach will respond in a timely manner.

c. Parents should NEVER approach a coach during, after, or prior to a practice or game regarding team/player issues. 24 hour Rule is suggested: when dealing with issues that involve emotions it is recommended that parents and coaches wait 24 hours before contact to discuss the issue.

d. RESPECT the coaches and they will show you the same respect.


SCHOOL COMES FIRST: your grades and true class work comes before basketball. (This does not include extra-curricular activities.) You are to do your homework and study when you should. If you don’t wait until the last day to do homework or study, school will rarely interfere with basketball and vice-versa. Report Cards shall be collected by the coach to ensure there is no such interference.

RESPECT & COURTESY: All players are to treat teammates and coaches with respect and courtesy. Behavior that puts other players or coaches down, which results in profanity, or demonstrates lack of self-control, will not be tolerated. Any instance of this behavior will result in being asked to leave the practice or the game.

TRAVELING: Traveling with the Westchester Hoopers is a privilege, not a right. Girls will need to be responsible for their belongings and their behavior. Rules will be followed. Curfews will be adhered to.

If a player violates the rules, her parents will be notified and she will be sent home.

COMMITMENT: We know that being a part of this demanding basketball experience will require sacrifices, adjustments, and extra-ordinary commitment on the players, their families, and the coaches. However, we are working to achieve extra-ordinary teams, with individual success. This demands extra-ordinary efforts on all of our parts. Your goal and our goal are to help you use basketball as a vehicle to College. That may include a Scholarship, Grant or acceptance into a certain institution.

Players will be constantly evaluated on their demonstration of coachability, hustle, mental and physical toughness, LOYALTY to the team, unselfishness, and the desire to improve their skills.

Another goal is to have players constantly demand more of themselves than is demanded by the

coaching staff.

The members of this team are expected to work harder than any other basketball team on the AAU circuit. This is an expectation, not a goal.

Our job as coaches is to teach you enough so that you can be the very best you can be with the

expectation that each member will be play college ball.

The amount of playing time shall be earned during practices/workouts and games; however, all players shall expect to play in every game.

I agree to abide by the expectation described on this sheet. If for any reason, this contract is broken, the player will be asked to leave and no refunds will be given whatsoever.

Player Signature______Date______

My child has shared with me the expectations described on this sheet, and I will give all the possible help and support needed.

Parent’s Signature______Date______