<Date contract created>

<Judge Name>

<Judge Street Address>

<Judge City, State and Zip Code>

Judge’s Contract for Companion Dog Sports Program Trials

Judge: <Judge Name> (hereafter “Judge”) agrees to serve as judge for Trial Host: <Trial Host/Club> (hereafter “Trial Host”) for the following event under the following conditions:

Trial Date(s):<Trial Date(s)> / ☐ Indoor☐ Outdoor / Ring Size:40’x50’ / Surface:Rubber matting
Trial Site Name: Golden Rule School for Dogs LLC / Physical Address: 23 Morris Sussex Pike
City: Andover / State: NJ / ZIP Code: 07821
Date: <Date of judging assignment> / Trials #: 1/2 / Level(s) to Judge:☐ Starter Novice A/B/C ☐ Novice A/B/C
☐ Open A/B/C☐ Utility A/B/C ☐ Versatility A/B/C
Trial Host shall provide the following equipment at the trial: ring barriers and jumps.
All compensation and expenses will be paid to the Judge at the conclusion of the Judge’s last assignment at the trial.
Trial Host shall compensate Judge as follows:
Judging Fee:$XX per day.
Mileage Expense:$0.535 per mile plus any tolls.
Meals: Breakfast and lunch will be provided at the trial.
Lodging: Coverage of lodging expenses will not be provided.
Trial Entries: Trial entries for Judge’s dog(s), including Judge’s class, will be offered at 50% off the regular price.
Judge shall fulfill obligation as required pursuant to CDSP Rules and Regulations and comply with policies governing this licensed event.
Judge shall submit an expense report and provide receipts for all expenses to the Trial Host at the conclusion of the Judge's last assignment at the trial.
Judge shall electronically sign this contract no later than two (2) weeks prior to the closing date of the trial which is<closing date>.


In the event the Trial Host cancels or postpones the trial, the Judge shall be compensated, within 7 days, an amount equal to one half the total Judging Fees. If re-scheduling the trial, the Trial Host must inform the Judge of the new date within 7 days. The remaining balance and all related expenses shall then be paid at the conclusion of the Judge's last assignment on the rescheduled date. If, due to prior commitment, the Judge is not available for assignment on the rescheduled date, the Judge will not receive any further compensation from the Trial Host and a new judge will be contracted to replace the original contracted judge.


In selecting Judges, it is important that the host group provide a written agreement to address the terms and fees to be paid to a judge for services. Judges on the "Approved Judges List" are independent contractors who have demonstrated the knowledge and skills necessary to meet CDSP qualitative standards. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations provide that such contracts stipulate that the party is an independent contractor and that they are responsible for their own payroll taxes.


Signature below confirms that the signers understand and agree to all terms of this Judge’s Contract.

Judge Signature:______Dated:______

Printed Name:______

Mailing Address:______

City, State, ZIP:______


Trial Host Signature: ______Dated:______

Printed Name:______

Mailing Address:______

City, State, ZIP:______


Prepared By Signature: ______Dated:______

Printed Name:______

Mailing Address:______

City, State, ZIP:______


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