The Mischell Family Prostate Cancer

Pilot Grant Award

Important Deadlines:

Grant Announcement May 11, 2016

Application Deadline Friday, June 3, 2016

Grant Award Notification by Wednesday, June 22, 2016


The Mischell Family Prostate Cancer Pilot Grant Award is reserved for scientific researchers of the highest caliber who are dedicated to the eradication ofprostate cancer. This award supports projects that could lead to the discovery of early detection methods, innovative treatments and ultimately a cure for prostate cancer.

Goals of the Program

All grants should have a strong scientific basis for potential development into peer-reviewed extramural funding.The goals of the program are to:

  • Increase collaborative interaction to foster innovative prostate cancer research
  • Facilitate novel approaches in prostatecancer research
  • Encourage entry of new investigators into prostate cancer research
  • Facilitate the translation of laboratory findings into clinical interventions


The Mischell FamilyProstate Cancer Pilot Grant Award will offer one (1) grant of $47,500. The grant will be awarded for a period of one year.


All UC faculty and medical professionals are eligible to apply for funding. Requests for proposals will be distributed via the UCCI to all relevant College of Medicine faculty members at the University of Cincinnati (UC).


Applications will be a maximum of five single spaced pages (excluding references) in no less than Arial 11-point font. The application will include the following elements:

  • Background
  • Hypothesis and Specific Aims
  • Preliminary Data (not mandatory)
  • Experimental Design

For investigators moving into new, innovative areas of work, the absence of preliminary data will not preclude funding. The role of the presented project in leading toward successful extra-mural funding should be addressed. In addition to these elements, an itemized budget, budget justification and bio-sketches for key personnel should be submitted.


The budget should include only items needed to perform the project. PI salary, capital, equipment needs or indirect costs may not be included.Exceptions may be made if a proven need exists.


The following items must be submitted for an application to be considered complete and eligible for review.

  • Cover Sheet
  • Project Narrative: The Narrative is limited to a maximum of five type written pages of text in no less than Arial 11-point font and should include the following headings: Background, Hypothesis and Specific Aims, Preliminary Data (not mandatory) and Experimental Design. All text, tables and figures must be included in the body of the application and no appendices will be accepted other than appropriate letters of support.
  • Budgets and Justifications: The budget should include only items needed to perform the project. PI salary, capital, equipment needs or indirect costs may not be included. Exceptions may be made if a proven need exists. See eligibility section regarding funding for administrative expenses. Projects are limited to a maximum of $47,500 for one year. See eligibility sections for additional information.The budget should be submitted in PHS-398 format:
  • Biographical sketch of the applicant’s current curriculum vitae or a PHS-398 biosketch:
  • All Project Investigator’s active and pending sources of research support.

For investigators moving into new, innovative areas of work, the absence of preliminary data will not preclude funding. The role of the presented project in leading toward successful extra-mural funding should be addressed.

Review of Applications

Applications received by the deadline will undergo rigorous peer-review by a panel of researchers approved by the Chair, Environmental Health and Chair, Cancer Biology. Reviews will be scored in accordance with NIH grant review guidelines.

Progress Report

All investigators who receive funding will be expected to provide two detailed progress reports, an initial (6 months from the initiation of the award) and a final (12 months from the initiation of the award). A template will be provided. Progress reports should include status of project and any abstracts, publications, or secondary funding generated from this award. Progress reports may also be shared via a personal meeting with Tom & Pam Mischelland additional staff as appropriate.

Discontinuation of Funding

In the event the Tom and Pam Mischell Prostate Cancer Pilot Grant’s Principal Investigator (PI) leaves the University of Cincinnati Cancer Institute or uses the grant award for research not within the guidelines of the grant award, the UCCI will rescind the remaining grant money available to the PI. The rescinded funds will be reinvested into TheMischell Family Prostate Cancer Research Fund.

Important Deadlines:

Grant Announcement May 11, 2016

Application Deadline Friday, June 3, 2016

Grant Award Notification by Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Questions and electronic version of application submission should be directed to:

Kara Evans

Program Coordinator, University of Cincinnati Cancer Institute

Phone: 513.558.3845



Project Title:
Applicant Name: (last, first, middle)
Position Title:
Division/Department/School/ UC or CCHMC:
Telephone / Fax Number: / Email Address:
Human Subjects: ☐ Yes ☐ No / Animals: ☐ Yes ☐ No
Total Budget Requested:

Department Chair Signature Date
Applicant Signature Date


The Mischell Family

Prostate Cancer Pilot Grant

Deadline: Wednesday, June 30th, 2016 11:59 PM
Maximum of 5 single spaced pages in Arial 11 font (excluding references).
The application will include the following elements:
  • Background
  • Hypothesis and Specific Aims
  • Preliminary Data (not mandatory for new and innovative areas of work)
  • Experimental Design

The following items must be submitted for an application to be considered complete and eligible for review.
___ Cover Sheet
___ Project Narrative:
The Narrative is limited to a maximum of 5 type written pages of text (not including bliography). All text, tables and figures must be included in the body of the application and no appendices will be accepted other than appropriate letters of support.
___ Budgets and Justifications:
The itemized and detailed Budget Justification must include only items needed to perform the project and expenses directly related to research efforts. PI’s salary, capital, equipment needs or indirect costs may not be included. Projects are limited to a maximum of $47,500 for one year. The budget should be submitted in PHS-398 format

___ Biographical sketch of the applicant(s) current curriculem vitae or a PHS-398 biosketch:
___ All project investigator’s active and pending sources of research support. This infomration should be submitted in PHS-398 format:

Please submit electronic version of Full Application to:

Kara Evans

Program Coordinator, UCCI
