10th grade U. S. History Course Syllabus
Franklin Towne Charter High School: 2017-2018
Ms. McKeever

Course Description
This required course traces the history of the United States from the creation of our nations Constitution through the present. It introduces the themes of balance between unity and diversity, the shaping of democracy, the search for opportunity, and the influence of geographical factors on society throughout history.

Required Supplies

-Lined paper or a copybook for note taking
-Notes, Handouts, and Assignments

-Mastery Vocabulary List

Course Expectations
-Students will demonstrate respect for themselves, their classmates, and their teacher.
-Students will give their attention to whomever is speaking,including the teacher or other students.
-Students will not use or have electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, etc.) during class.
-Students will not work on assignments for other classes during any point of the class period.
-Students will not pack up their belongings until the bell has rung.

-Students will come to class on time, with all necessary supplies, having completed all assignments, and will be prepared to actively participate in class.

-Students will keep and maintain a U S History binder. This will help to organize class notes and materials, serve as a tool to make meaningful connections across the curriculum, and be a resource to prepare for the semester and final exams.

-Students will take responsibility for themselves and their learning.

Grading Policy

Midterm and Final: 20%

Formative Assessments: 20%

Summative Assessments: 60%

Absences and Makeup Policy
While absences are sometimes necessary and unavoidable, your success in this class is very muchdependent on your regular attendance. Please keep the following in mind:
1. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to look at the class website for any classwork youmissed, in addition to arranging to meet with me if necessary. You are responsible forhanding in any assignments that were due while you were out.

2. If you miss an announced test or quiz due to an excused absence, you are expected to make up thatassessment the day you return to school. Exceptions will be made for extended absences and/or other extenuating circumstances.

Homework Policy:

  • Homework is due on the start of the period.
  • If the homework is not submitted, an appointment slip will be issued for that day.
  • Students will receive adetention for the same day to complete homework, in which they can earn up to 70% of their grade.
  • If a student is absent from school on the day work is assigned homework, the student is responsible to get the assignment from the class website. Make up work is due the day the student returns to school. Appointments and new deadlines will be created for those with extended absence.

Late Work Policy

  • Formative assessments: Homework will be accepted only if completed in a same day detention. The student will be given the chance to complete the homework in detention to receive 70% of their grade.
  • Performance assessments: The student must complete the assignment. If they did not complete the assignment the student must attend an appointment and the teacher will make a phone call home. Same for the next day if still late. By day three the student will meet with the department head.
  • Grade reduction by 10% per each day of lateness
  • Lateness is considered when: Any assignment is not submitted by the time of collection.

Academic Honesty

You are expected to abide by the Academic Honor Code, included in the StudentHandbook. Cheating and plagiarism WILL NOT be tolerated and possible consequences include being asked to re-do the assignment, losing partial credit, and/or receiving a zero. I will dedicate significant class time to educating you regarding what academic honesty is and how you can avoid being dishonest, but please keep in mind that it is ultimately your responsibility to act with integrity.

Teacher Availability
If you would like extra help, have a specific question, or need to make up work due to an absence, you can make an appointment to meet with me during advisory or after school. I will always find time for a student who demonstrates that they are willing to put forth a little extra effort. Email is a great way for both parents and students to contact me; my e-mail address is.

Things to Remember

  • Always check the class website.
  • If you are absent be sure to get the work you missed from the “Missed work folders”
  • If you have a late assignment be sure to drop it off in the “Late work folder”

***Ms. McKeever will be participating in the Renaissance Homework Passes.