This isan approved North Somerset Safeguarding Children Board documentandshouldbe used as a signposting guide in conjunction with the additional summary sheet for Keeping children safe in education 2016. The summary sheet will provide more detail with regard to the new changes detailed in KCSIE 2016. You may wish to edit your existing policy to highlight and reflect specific areas of change which may be relevant to your setting.
Model Safeguarding Policyfor Schools
SourcesofAdvice in relation to this document:
Naomi Grace Safeguarding in Education Officer
This policy replaces:
Model SafeguardingPolicyApril2015
Approved by:
Policy &Procedure sub group of theNSSCB
Datedisplayed on NSSCBweb site:
October 2016
Date due to be reviewed byresponsible person or body:
November 2018
The NorthSomerset SafeguardingChildren Board (NSSCB) works to safeguard andpromotelocal child welfare by:
  • Coordinatingthe safeguardingwork of member agencies so that it iseffective.
  • Monitoring,evaluatingand whennecessary, challengingthe effectiveness of the work.
  • Advisingon ways to improve safeguardingperformance.
In order to:
  • Protect childrenand youngpeoplefrom maltreatment.
  • Prevent theirimpairment of healthanddevelopment.
  • Ensurethat theygrowup in circumstances consistentwith the provisionof safeand effective care.
  • Enable themtohave optimumlifechancesand enter adulthood successfully.


ReferenceNumber: NSSCB/SCH/105

Date / Version Number / Update / Named Person
April2013 / 101 / April2014 / Sarah Mellor
June2014 / 102 / April 2015 / Sarah Mellor
April 2015 / 103 / April 2016 / Sarah Mellor
Sept2015 / 104 / Sept2016 / Sarah Mellor
Oct 2016 / 105 / Sept 2016 / Naomi Grace
Sept 2016 / Sept 2017


Nov 2017



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Flax Bourton Primary School

ThisPolicy was developedon 23.11.16 andadoptedformallyby the governingbodyonNov 2017

The Policyis to be reviewed annuallyand thenext reviewis due on November 2018.

Name of the Designated SafeguardingLeadis:Jane Bennett

Name of the SafeguardingGovernor is:Carole Phillips

PART ONE: Introduction

Flax Bourton Primary Schooland the governingbodyare clearabout theirresponsibilities in relation to safeguardingand promotingthewelfare of children.

Section175 of the EducationAct 2002 placesadutyon local authorities (in relation to theireducation institutions, which include sixth-form colleges) to exercise theirfunctions with aviewto safeguardingandpromoting thewelfare of children who arepupilsat a school,or who are studentsunder 18 years of age attendingfurthereducation institutions.The samedutyapplies toindependent schools (which includeAcademies andfree schools)byvirtue of regulationsmade under section157 ofthe same Act.

In order tofulfill theirdutyunder sections157and175 of the EducationAct2002,all educational settings towhomthedutyappliesshouldhave inplacethe arrangements set out inchapter2, paragraph 4 ofWorkingTogetherto Safeguard Children March2015.

Inadditionschools should have regard to specific guidance given bytheSecretaryof Stateunder sections 157 and175of theEducationAct 2002 namely, Keepingchildren safeineducation September 2016

Safeguardingandpromoting thewelfare of children refers totheprocess of protecting children fromabuse orneglect, preventing theimpairment of theirhealth or development, ensuringthatchildrengrowup in circumstances consistentwith the provision of safe and effectiveand nurturing care and undertakingthat role so asto enable those childrento have optimumlife chancesandtoenter adulthood successfully.

Schooland college staff areparticularlyimportantas theyare ina positiontoidentify concernsearlyandprovide helpfor children, to prevent concernsfrom escalating. Schoolsand collegesandtheirstaffformpart ofthe wider safeguardingsystemfor children.This systemis described in statutoryguidanceWorkingTogether toSafeguard Children 2015.Schoolsandcolleges should work with social care, the police, health services and other services to promotethewelfare of children and protect themfrom harm.

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Our policyappliestoallstaff, governors, volunteersand visitorsworkingin the school. There arefive mainelements toourpolicy:

  • Establishingasafeenvironment in which children can learn anddevelop
  • Ensuringwe practice safer recruitment in checkingthe suitabilityofstaffand volunteers toworkwithchildrenandcreate aculture of vigilance
  • Raisingawarenessof and respondingappropriatelytosafeguarding and Child Protectionissues
  • Equippingchildren with the skills needed to keepthemsafe
  • Havingclear proceduresfor identifyingadditionalneedsand reportingcases, or suspectedcases, of abuse andallegationsagainst teachers andother members ofstaff
  • Supportingpupils who have been abused

PART TWO: Procedures

Our proceduresfor safeguardingchildren will be in line with North Somerset SafeguardingChildrenBoardandthe SouthWest Child ProtectionProcedures which have been adopted byNorth Somerset LocalAuthority. Theywill followanyguidance issuedbyTheDepartmentforEducation (DfE), namelyKeepingchildren safe in education September 2016 (KCSIE)andWorkingTogether to SafeguardingChildren 2015issuedbyHM Government. Alongside theselocal guidance -the North Somerset Safeguarding Children BoardThreshold CriteriaforChildren in Needand Child ProtectionReferrals provides aclearframework for identifyinglevels of need andtheactionrequired to support and safeguardchildren.

2.1Safer Recruitment

Wewillfollowrelevant guidanceinkeepingchildren safeineducationSeptember 2016(Section 3 Safer Recruitment)andfrom The Disclosure and BarringService (DBS):

  • Wewill ensure governors andstaff on recruitment panelsundertakeall appropriatesafer recruitment training asoutlined inKCSIESeptember2016
  • Our selectionandrecruitment policywill includeall appropriate checks onstaff and suitabilityincludingDBS checks.With regard to the recruitment of volunteers our policywillbe rigorous andfollow KCSIE 2016 and other DfE guidance with regard to regulated and supervised activity.
  • Wewill ensure thatalladults within our school who have access to children have been checked astotheirsuitabilityas outlinedinKCSIE 2016
  • Wewill ensure thatallstaffand volunteershave read the staff behaviour policy (code of conduct) andunderstand that theirbehaviourand practiceneeds to be in line with it


  • Anyallegations against staff other thantheHeadteacher, volunteers, governors, contractorsand visitors that indicate that theymayhave:
  • Behaved in awaythathas harmed achild,ormayhave harmed achild;
  • Possiblycommitted acriminal offence againstor related to achild; or
  • Behaved towards a child or children ina waythat indicatesheor shewould posea risk of harmtochildren

Willbe reported immediatelyto the Headteacher or the Designated SafeguardingLeadifthe Headteacheris notpresent.The Headteacherwill informtheDesignated Officer for Allegations (DOFA) followingthe guidanceKCSIE 2016

Contact is through: SPA 01275888808or

  • If the allegationconcerns the Headteacher,the person receivingtheallegation willimmediatelyinformthe Chairofgovernorswho willconsult asabove, withoutnotifyingthe Headteacherfirst
  • The name of anymember ofstaff considerednot suitabletoworkwith children willbe referredtotheDisclosure and BarringService (DBS) with the advice and support of HumanResourcesandin accordance with the DBSReferral Policy

2.2RaisingAwareness and EquippingChildrenwith SkillsNeeded

Werecognise thatbecause ofthedaytodaycontact with children, school staffarewell placedtoobserve theoutward signs ofabuse and thatallstaff and governors have afull andactive part to playin protectingour pupilsfromharm. The school willtherefore:

  • Ensure children knowthat thereareadults in the school whomtheycan approach if theyare worried
  • Embedopportunities inthe curriculumand school lifefor children todevelop the skills theyneedto recogniseand staysafefromabuse, also including peer on peer abuse,online abuse, ChildSexual Exploitation, Radicalisationand Female GenitalMutilation

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  • Raise theawareness of allstaff membersof the needtosafeguardand promotethewelfare of children,andof theirresponsibilities inidentifyingand reportingpossible cases of abuse
  • Ensureeverymemberofstaff (includingtemporary, supplystaffand volunteers)and the governingbodyknows the nameof theDesignated SafeguardingLead (DSL)and theirdeputies responsiblefor child protection andtheirrole
  • Clearly display thenames ofthe DesignatedSafeguardingLeadandtheirdeputiesso they are clearly visiblein the school. In addition, astatementexplainingthe school’srole in referringandmonitoringcases ofsuspectedabuseandallegations will be displayed

2.3ImplementingProcedures for ReportingAbuse


  • Havea DesignatedSafeguardingLeadfor child protectionwho has undertaken two daymulti-agencyAdvancedSafeguardingTrainingas recommended by the NorthSomerset SafeguardingChildrenBoard (NSSCB)and updates this trainingeverytwoyears
  • Have amember/sofstaffwho will act in the DesignatedSafeguardingLead’s absence who havealso received multi-agencytraining, and who will be familiar with the roles and responsibilitiesandknowthe procedures tofollow
  • Ensure we have anominated governor responsiblefor safeguardingwho has been appropriatelytrained
  • Ensureallstaff, volunteers and governors understand theirresponsibilities in beingalert to the signsofabuse andneglectso that theyare able toidentify cases of children whomaybe inneed of helpor protectionand the importance ofreportingtheirconcerns expeditiously
  • Ensurethat allstaff, volunteers and governors maintainanattitudeof ‘it could happenhere’andwhen concerned about thewelfare of a child always act in thebest interestof thechild
  • NotifySocial Care immediatelyifthere is an unexplainedabsenceof anypupil who is subject to aChild ProtectionPlan(or an absencewhich has been explained byaparentor carer but the schoolremains concerned)
  • Developeffective linkswith relevant agenciesand co-operateas required with theirenquiries regardingchild protectionmatters includingattendance atinter agencymeetings,strategymeetings and case conferences
  • Keep clear written records ofconcernsaboutchildren,even where there is no need torefer thematter immediately

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  • Provideasystematic means of monitoringchildren known or thoughttobe at risk of harm, andensure we,the school, contributetoassessments of need and support plansfor those children
  • Ensureallrecordsarekept securely, separatefromthemainpupilfile, and in locked locations
  • Understand thatour responsibilityto safeguard childrenrequires thatweall appropriatelyshare anyconcerns that we mayhave aboutchildren.This may include contactingtheSingle Point of Access(SPA), Social Care or the Designated Officer for Allegations (DOFA)who will provideconsultationand advice for anyoneworkingwith children
  • Ensurethat parentsare clearly informed of the schools responsibilityfor safeguardingandchildprotection and as such the schools policy(Policies) will be available for parents to view should they so wish
  • The school willseekto discuss anyconcernsabouta childwith their parentsand gain consent tomakeareferralor an offerofsupport.However, ifthe schoolbelieves that notifyingparentscould increase the risk to the child or exacerbatetheproblem,advice willbe taken in order to ensure the child’s safety is not placed at risk
  • Ensureallmembers ofstaffhave anawareness oftypes ofabuse including Sexual, Physical, Emotional and Neglect
  • Ensureallmembersof staffareprovided with opportunities toreceive Basic Awareness trainingbytheLocalAuthoritySafeguardingin Education Officer or other sourcein order to understandtheirresponsibilities relating to safeguardingchildren
  • Ensurethat allmembers ofstaff areaware of theirresponsibilities under the Prevent DutyandtheMandatoryReportingDutyin relationto Female Genital Mutilation(KCSIE September 2016)
  • Ensurethat allstaff membersare aware of the systems within the school which supportsafeguarding–this should includethesafeguarding policy, staffbehaviour policy (see Guidance forSaferWorking Practice)and identifytheDesignatedSafeguardingLead. This information should form part of an induction process for any new member of staff
  • Allstaff members should readat leastpart 1ofKCSIESeptember 2016and this should formpartof an induction process for all new members of staff
  • Recognise that allmatters relatingto child protectionare confidential andthe Headteacher orDesignated SafeguardingLeadwill disclose personal informationabouta pupilto othermembers of staffona need toknowbasis only

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  • Ensureallstaffmust be aware that theyhave a professional responsibilityto share informationtoother agenciesin order to safeguard children and that theycannotpromiseachild to keepsecretswhich might compromise the child’s safetyor well-being, or that of another
  • Always undertake to share our intentiontorefer a childtoSocial Care unless todo socouldputthechild at greater risk of harm,or impede acriminal investigation.Ifindoubt, we will consultwithSocial Careon this point

2.4Supporting Pupilswho have beenabused


  • Recognise that achildwho is abused, who witnessesviolence orabusewho lives in aviolentor abusiveenvironmentmayfeel helplessandhumiliated, mayblame him/herself, andfind it difficult to develop andmaintain asense of self-worth
  • Recognise that the school mayprovidetheonlystabilityin the lives ofchildren who have been abused or who areat risk ofharm
  • Be awarethat researchshows thatthebehaviourof a childin these circumstancesmayrangefrom that which is perceived tobenormalto a change in personality and or demeanor
  • Ensurethese childrenare particularlycloselymonitoredand supported and anyconcernsare recordedandreportedtoSocial Care
  • Attend case conferences, core groupmeetings andother liaisonmeetings as necessary
  • Implement aPersonalEducationPlan(PEP)for allChildren inCareanda PastoralSupportPlan(PSP) or Individual Education Plan (IEP)forother children where there isaneedfor specificsupport inschool

2.5EstablishaSafe Environment for all pupils


  • Support the child’sdevelopment in ways thatwillfoster security, confidence and resilience ineveryaspectofschool lifeincludingthroughtheschool curriculum

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  • Provide anenvironment in which childrenandyoungpeoplefeel safe, secure, valued and respected,feel confidentandknowhowto approach adults ifthey are in difficulties
  • Ensurethat childrenand youngpeople are educatedabout the expectations theyshouldhave relatingto the behaviourofadults who work with them
  • Developeffective workingrelationships with allotheragencies involvedin safeguardingchildrensuch asSocial Care, CommunityFamilyTeams, The Police,Childand AdolescentMental HealthServices, The Vulnerable Learners Service, specialist domesticabuse support service anddomestic abuse Multi AgencyRisk Assessment Conferences (MARAC)
  • Ensurethat we have anamed DesignatedTeacherfor ChildrenLooked After andthat we providethe best opportunitiesand supportfor children to achieve thebestoutcomesandparticipate in school life
  • Contribute to the wider safeguardingagenda by workingwiththe local communityandfollowinggovernment guidance tohelpourchildrenlive in a safeenvironment
  • Recognise that staffworkingin the school whohave become involved with a child who has sufferedharm,or appears tobelikelyto suffer harmmayfind the situation stressful and upsetting. We willsupport ourstaff byproviding an opportunityto talk through theiranxietieswiththe Designated Safeguarding Leadand to seekfurther support where needed
  • Ensurethat our other policiesand publicationswhich contributetowards safeguardingchildrenand youngpeople areactedupon, reviewed and updatedregularly.


The GoverningBodyof our school is responsibleforensuringthe annual reviewofthis policy.

Thispolicyhas beendeveloped inaccordance with theprinciples established bythe Children Act1989;andin linewith government advice, National guidanceandlocal publications:

  • WorkingTogether toSafeguardChildren March 2015
  • Keepingchildren safe in education September 2016
  • North SomersetSafeguardingChildrenBoardThreshold Criteriafor CINand CP Referrals December 2012
  • GuidanceforSaferWorkingPracticeforAdults whoWork with Children and YoungPeople.
  • Prevent DutyGuidance
  • Mandatoryreportingof Female Genital Mutilation
  • Disclosure and BarringService Guidance
  • North Somerset SafeguardingChildrenBoard
  • SouthWest ChildProtectionProcedures

Signed: / Headteacher / Date
ChairofGovernors / Date

Nov 2017

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