Tears of a Tiger- Test 1 Student Name: ______A

Multiple Choice- Circle the correct answer (1pt. each)

1. After Rob dies, Andy becomes one of the basketball team’s star

A. centers. B. forwards. C. guards. D. strategists. E. three-point shooters.

2. Mr. Jackson thinks that Andy lacks

A. potential. B. the talent necessary to excel. C. the intelligence Monty displays. D. the desire to excel.

3. Coach Ripley is the sponsor of

A. D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) B. M. A. D. D. (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)

C. S.A.D.D. (Students Against Drunk Driving) D. A. A. (Alcoholics Anonymous)

3. Andy’s mother refers to the crash that killed Rob as

A. “that trouble you had”. B. “that unfortunate incident”. C. “that one dark day”.

D. “the unmentionable”.

4. Andy’s mother spends most of her energy and time on

A. Monty. B. her sorority. C. Andy’s father. D. working out. E. her book club.

5. Who surprises Andy by showing up at a basketball game soon after the crash?

A. Andy’s father B. Andy’s mother and Monty C. Andy’s psychologist D. Ms. Blackwell E. Rob’s parents

6. After the crash, B.J. becomes

A. religious. B. withdrawn. C. aggressive. D. optimistic. E. completely numb.

7. Gerald hates Band-Aids because

A. they remind him of his father’s beatings. B. he finds wearing them embarrassing.

C. they cannot take away emotional pain. D. they are advertised as “skin tone,” but they come only in white.

E. pulling them off hurts more than the wounds they cover.

8. When he first sees Andy after the accident, Coach is

A. unable to look Andy in the eye. B. utterly supportive. C. thinking about kicking Andy off of the team.

D. disgusted with Andy. E. lukewarm towards Andy.

9. Andy and Rob had been friends since

A. seventh grade. B. freshman year. C. they were toddlers. D. kindergarten.

E. sophomore year.

10. When Rob realized that he was trapped in the burning car, he screamed for

A. all of the boys’ help. B. God’s help. C. his mother’s help. D. B.J.’s help.

E. Andy’s help.

11. At their first meeting, Andy is surprised to find out that his psychologist is

A. male. B. black. C. a basketball fan. D. bitter. E. a former drunk driver.

Essay- Choose two of the four essay topics- Be sure to respond in complete paragraphs!- (10 pt. each)

*Attach responses with a separate piece of paper*

1. Consider Gerald’s essay in which he states that the three things in the world he would most like to get rid of are Band-Aids, five-dollar bills, and peanut butter. Which three things do you think Andy would eliminate? Support your choices with details from the text.

2. Contrast Rhonda and Tyrone’s relationship with Keisha and Andy’s relationship. One is healthier than the other, explain the differences.

3. Andy and Rob are good friends. Describe the tone that Andy and Rob take with each other in conversation.

4. What, according to Rob, is the reason that why Andy only scored six points in tonight’s game? How do you know this?

Matching: Match the correct letter and description with the correct character from the novel (1pt. each)

A. sponsors S.A.D.D. at Hazelwood High School

_____ Andy B. Was not drinking the night of the accident

_____ Coach Ripley C. Has transferred to another high school in California

_____ B.J. D. Psychologist

_____Robbie E. Father physically abuses him

_____ Rhonda F. Good friend of Kiesha’s

_____ Tyrone G. Driving the car that killed his best friend

_____ Gerald H. Gave the police the most details about the events that lead up to the accident

_____ Dr. Carrothers I. Died in a terrible car accident

_____ Saundra J. The girlfriend of Tyrone

Creative Writing: (10pts.)

Pretend that you are a student at Hazlewood Highs School and write a condolence letter to Robert (Robbie) Washington’s family.

Tears of a Tiger- Test 1 Student Name: ______B

Multiple Choice- Circle the correct answer (1pt. each)

1. After Rob dies, Andy becomes one of the basketball team’s star

A. strategists. B. forwards. C. centers. D. guards. E. three-point shooters.

2. Andy’s mother spends most of her energy and time on

A. Monty. B. her sorority. C. Andy’s father. D. working out.

E. her book club.

3. Coach Ripley is the sponsor of

A. D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) C. M. A. D. D. (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)

B. S.A.D.D. (Students Against Drunk Driving) D. A. A. (Alcoholics Anonymous)

3. Andy’s mother refers to the crash that killed Rob as

A. “that trouble you had”. B. “that unfortunate incident”. C. “that one dark day”.

D. “the unmentionable”.

4. Mr. Jackson thinks that Andy lacks

A. potential. B. the talent necessary to excel. C. the intelligence Monty displays.

D. the desire to excel.

5. Who surprises Andy by showing up at a basketball game soon after the crash?

A. Andy’s father C. Andy’s mother and Monty D. Andy’s psychologist

B. Ms. Blackwell D. Rob’s parents

6. After the crash, B.J. becomes

A. religious. B. withdrawn. C. aggressive. D. optimistic. E. completely numb.

7. Gerald hates Band-Aids because

A. they remind him of his father’s beatings. D. he finds wearing them embarrassing.

B. they cannot take away emotional pain. E. they are advertised as “skin tone,” but

C. pulling them off hurts more than the wounds they come only in white.

they cover.

8. When he first sees Andy after the accident, Coach is

A. unable to look Andy in the eye. D. utterly supportive.

B. thinking about kicking Andy off of the team. E. disgusted with Andy.

C. lukewarm towards Andy.

9. Andy and Rob had been friends since

A. seventh grade. B. freshman year. C. they were toddlers. D. kindergarten.

E. sophomore year.

10. When Rob realized that he was trapped in the burning car, he screamed for

A. all of the boys’ help. B. God’s help. C. his mother’s help. D. B.J.’s help.

E. Andy’s help.

11. At their first meeting, Andy is surprised to find out that his psychologist is

A. male. B. black. C. a basketball fan. D. bitter.

E. a former drunk driver.

Essay- Choose two of the four essay topics- Be sure to respond in complete paragraphs!- (10 pt. each)

*Attach responses with a separate piece of paper*

1. Consider Gerald’s essay in which he states that the three things in the world he would most like to get rid of are Band-Aids, five-dollar bills, and peanut butter. Which three things do you think Andy would eliminate? Support your choices with details from the text.

2. Contrast Rhonda and Tyrone’s relationship with Keisha and Andy’s relationship. One is healthier than the other, explain the differences.

3. Andy and Rob are good friends. Describe the tone that Andy and Rob take with each other in conversation.

4. What, according to Rob, is the reason that why Andy only scored six points in tonight’s game? How do you know this?

Matching: Match the correct letter and description with the correct character from the novel (1pt. each)

_____ Andy A. sponsors S.A.D.D. at Hazelwood High School

_____ Keisha B. Was not drinking the night of the accident

_____ Coach Ripley C. Has transferred to another high school in California

_____ B.J. D. Psychologist

_____Robbie E. Father physically abuses him

_____ Rhonda F. Good friend of Kiesha’s

_____ Tyrone G. Driving the car that killed his best friend

_____ Gerald H. Gave the police the most details about the events that lead up to the accident

_____ Dr. Carrothers I. Died in a terrible car accident

_____ Saundra J. The girlfriend of Tyrone

Creative Writing: (10pts.)

Pretend that you are a student at Hazlewood Highs School and write a condolence letter to Robert (Robbie) Washington’s family.