DATE: December 19, 2012

PLACE: 500 N. Calvert Street 3rd Floor Conference Room

Baltimore, MD 21202


Paul Edmeades

Stephen Parker

Gary Bowden

William Parham

Magda Westerhout

ABSENT: Diane Cho, Chair

Gary Ey

OTHERS PRESENT: Pamela J. Edwards, Executive Director

Terry A White, Administrative Secretary

Milena Trust, Assistant Attorney General

Michael Miller, Assistant Director

John Corkill, AIAMD

Janet Morgan, Outreach Coordinator

Harry Loleas, Commissioner


Paul Edmeades, Acting Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.


Motion(I) was made by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried to approve the October 24, 2012 meeting minutes as submitted.


The Complaint Committee reported on the status of the following complaints:

11-AR-09 - Open; Hearing set for 02/27/2013

12-AR-02 - Closed; Found guilty in PG County District Court

12-AR-06 - Open; Offered consent order and fine

12-AR-07 - Closed; Consent order signed, fine paid

12-AR-11 - Open; Sent to Investigations

12-AR-12 - Closed; Consent order signed, fine paid

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December 19, 2012

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13-AR-01 - Closed; Consent order signed, fine paid

13-AR-02 - Closed; Consent order signed, fine paid

13-AR-03 - Closed; Respondent in compliance

13-AR-04 - Open; Send to Investigations

13-AR-05 - Open; Send to Investigations

13-AR-06 - Open; Send cease and desist letter

13-AR-07 - Open; Offer consent order and fine

Motion (II) was made by Mr. parker, seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried to accept the report of the Complaint Committee.


The Board approved the following applications for reciprocal licensing:

Patrick M. O'Rourke 17107 James D. Anderson 17164

Lori A. Cadrdelli 17165 Mark A. Cerny 17166

Matthew J. Groves 17167 Lawrence J. Huber 17168

William F. Kirchner, Jr. 17169 Mary K. Lyttle 17170

Michael A. Muse 17161 Andrew K. Niazy 17171

Jerome D. Scott 17172 Chelsea L. Thomas 17173

Robert L. Worthing 17174


The Board approved the following applications for the Architectural Registration Examination:

Joshua A Adcock Maria E. Brown

Lacey A. Block Kristina R. Crenshaw

Aaron J. Hernon Douglas S. Kuchta

Peter J. Lazzari Ralph B. McElfresh

Katharine Y. Masciocchi Lauren K. Olean

Michael R. Summers Amy R. Vetal

Chi Y. Yan

Paul E. Mota (Transfer of Grades)

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December 19, 2012

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The Board approved the following applications for the Certificate of Authorization:

FES Group, LLC 17138

CORE Design Group, LLC 17162

inFORM studio, P.C. 17137

CPH Engineers, Inc. 17163

R.D. Jones & Associates, Inc. 17176


The Board unanimously approved 7 applications for Reinstatement.


Motion (III) was made by Mr. Parker, seconded by Ms. Westerhout and unanimously carried to deny four applications for incompleteness.


Continuing Professional Competency Committee Update

As this committee did not meet last month, there is no report.


Frank Lee - CEU Course Approval

Mr. Frank Lee submitted to the Board a request for continuing education credit for an online course he completed. EverBlue BPI Multifamily Building Analyst required approximately 24 hours to complete, including 16-hours of direct instruction, and two on-site, proctored exams were given in November 2012 in Boston Massachusetts. Mr. Lee provided the completion certificates as well. Mr. Lee is asking for the maximum of twenty-four credits.

After some discussion, the Board will recognize 16-credits for the course, all of which will apply to the Health, Safety and Welfare category. The Board asked Ms. Edwards to notify Mr. Lee that he can only claim 12 credits per year.

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December 19, 2012

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Joint Chairs Update

Ms Edwards reported that the Joint Chairs met on December 5, 2012. It was reported Special Fund balance has decreased slightly. The reduction has sparked discussion at the Joint Chairs meeting about a fee increase. The law imposes a 12% cap on any fee increase. A detailed discussion shall take place at the February meeting.

Ms Edwards also conveyed that, again, the concept of an electronic boardroom was discussed. More information needs to be gathered. There was also discussion about the use of electronic seals and signatures (recommended by the Board for Professionals Engineers) and online, printable licenses, which are already being used by other boards in the agency.


Regional Meeting Report

Paul Edmeades reported that he and Ms Edwards participated in the NCARB Region 2 Teleconference. He reported that the Region 2 budget is in order and meets the fiscal needs, new bylaws were implemented and the newly elected officers are in position to guide the region through another successful year. Mr. Edmeades as well as Ms Edwards reminded the Board that Baltimore will be the host for the 2014 regional meeting. This item will appear on the Agenda for next month.

Member Board Administrators Meeting

Diane Cho, Chair and Milena Trust, Counsel for the Board attended the MBA meeting held by NCARB in Boston, Massachusetts in early November. Ms. Trust said among the topics discussed was military service and how it is related to and credited towards licensure qualifications. Also discussed were waivers of continuing education requirements and late fees for licensees on active duty.

Commissioner Harry Loleas

The Board was informed that Harry Loleas, Commissioner is retiring after many years of service. The Board thanked him for his many contributions to the Board.

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December 19, 2012

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There being no further business, motion (IV) was made by Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Parker and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 11:15 a.m.

______With Corrections

_____Without Corrections


Paul Edmeades, Acting Chair

