English 7A: October Homework Board

Directions: Homework assignments consists of 2 Achieve 3000 5-Step Literacy Routines and Accelerated Reading (Read AR Book for 30. Min)

2Achieve 3000 (ONLINE): “Get Ready for the New Apple”
Students complete assigned Achieve 3000 lesson (steps 1-4):
Before Reading Poll, Article, Activity (75% Mastery), After Reading Poll.
*Activity is a reading quiz and the most important step. / 4Achieve 3000 Thought Question: Writing
Imagine that you have $500. Would you purchase the iPhone, the Apple TV, or something else? Explain why you would or would not want one of these new Apple devices. / 5 Accelerated Reading (30 min.)
Students read AR book for 30 minutes and complete the assigned reading log activity.

9Achieve 3000 (ONLINE): “The Face of the Mummy”
Students complete assigned Achieve 3000 lesson (steps 1-4):
Before Reading Poll, Article, Activity (75% Mastery), After Reading Poll.
*Activity is a reading quiz and the most important step. / 11Achieve 3000 Thought Question: Writing
Why do you think leaders in Egypt want to prevent King Tut's mummy from disintegrating? If the mummy did turn to dust, how would this affect Egypt? Explain. / 12 Accelerated Reading 30 min.
Students read AR book for 30 minutes and complete the assigned reading log activity.

16 Achieve 3000 (ONLINE):
“Cars Without Drivers”
Students complete assigned Achieve 3000 lesson (steps 1-4):
Before Reading Poll, Article, Activity (75% Mastery), After Reading Poll.
*Activity is a reading quiz and the most important step. / 18Achieve 3000 Thought Question: Writing
What would be the benefits and drawbacks of driverless cars? If you had the chance, would you like to ride in a driverless car? Why or why not? / 19Accelerated Reading 30 min.
Students read AR book for 30 minutes and complete the assigned reading log activity

23 Achieve 3000 (ONLINE):
“In the Deep Cold Sea”
Students complete assigned Achieve 3000 lesson (steps 1-4):
Before Reading Poll, Article, Activity (75% Mastery), After Reading Poll.
*Activity is a reading quiz and the most important step. / 25 Achieve 3000 Thought Question: Writing
Write a journal entry from the perspective of one of the scientists participating in the expedition described in the article. Be sure to include information about where you are and why the team of scientists is exploring the region. Describe what you are doing and what you observe. Also, explain what you plan to do with the specimens that you find. / 26Accelerated Reading: 30 min.
Students read AR book for 30 minutes and complete the assigned reading log activity

ATTENTION PARENTS: Students have assignments written in their ESMS Agenda/Planner Books. Please encourage your child to read and refer back to the text as they answer 8 reading comprehension questions. Also, please ask your child about his/her Lexile/Grade equivalency reading level. Your child may be reading at the elementary level. Please feel free to email me if you have additional questions.