Chapter 33

Student: ______

1. Which of the following types of fibers accounts for the strength of various connective

A. elastic fibers

B. collagen fibers

C. actin fibers

D. reticular fibers

2. Which of the following tissues is striated, contains cells with one nucleus each, and is
not under voluntary control?

A. skeletal muscle

B. smooth muscle

C. cardiac muscle

D. nervous tissue

3. Tattoos are permanent markings on the body; therefore, they must not involve which
layer of the skin?

A. epidermis

B. dermis

C. subcutaneous layer

4. Which gives the correct sequence of increasing organizational complexity?

A. organ, tissue, cell, organ system, organism

B. cell, organ, organ system, tissue, organism

C. cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

D. organism, tissue, cell, organ system, organ

E. tissue, cell, organ system, organism, organ

5. Which type of tissue lines body cavities and covers body surfaces?

A. muscle tissue

B. nervous tissue

C. epithelial tissue

D. connective tissue

6. Which type of tissue is responsible for contractions that allow movements of organs or the entire body?

A. muscle tissue

B. nervous tissue

C. epithelial tissue

D. connective tissue

7. Which type of tissue is responsible for receiving, interpreting, and producing a response to stimuli?

A. muscle tissue

B. nervous tissue

C. epithelial tissue

D. connective tissue

8. Which tissue includes bone and cartilage?

A. muscle tissue

B. nervous tissue

C. epithelial tissue

D. connective tissue

9. Which tissue includes the epidermis?

A. muscle tissue

B. nervous tissue

C. epithelial tissue

D. connective tissue

10. Which tissue includes blood and adipose tissue?

A. muscle tissue

B. nervous tissue

C. epithelial tissue

D. connective tissue

11. Digestive juices cannot leak between the epithelial cells lining the lumen because of

A. adhesion junctions (desmosomes).

B. the size of the molecules of digestive juices.

C. gap junctions.

D. tight junctions.

12. Which of the following statements is NOT true about epithelial tissue?

A. Flattened cells are found in squamous epithelium.

B. Columnar epithelium is cube-shaped with the nucleus near the upper surface of the cells.

C. Simple epithelium has a single layer of cells in the tissue.

D. Pseudostratified epithelium looks like it has multiple layers, but all the cells are attached to the same base.

E. Epithelium lining the respiratory tract contains cilia that move particles along its surface.

13. Which statement about epithelial tissue is NOT true?

A. Stratified epithelium has numerous layers of cells.

B. Epithelial tissue has one free surface and one surface attached to a basement membrane.

C. Connections between epithelial cells include gap junctions, tight junctions, and adhesion junctions.

D. Cells of the human epithelium contain a waterproof protein called keratin.

E. Glandular epithelium that secretes its product into a duct forms the endocrine glands.

14. The Greek root words for "thread" and "bud" are the basis for the term

A. exocrine.

B. endocrine.

C. fibroblast.

D. epidermis.

E. epithelium.

15. Which is NOT a function of connective tissue?

A. line body surfaces and cavities

B. bind and support body parts

C. store energy in fat

D. fill spaces

E. produce blood cells

16. Which statement about connective tissue is NOT true?

A. Loose connective tissue contains fibroblasts, different kinds of fibers, and a nonliving matrix.

B. Fibrous connective tissue includes bone and cartilage.

C. Blood is a connective tissue that contains a fluid matrix.

D. Adipose tissue provides insulation and padding, as in the skin.

17. The Latin root word for "fatty" is the basis for the term

A. adipose.

B. endocrine.

C. hyperfibroblastic.

D. exocrine.

E. obese.

18. Which is NOT a structure seen in compact bone?

A. concentric circles of organization

B. central canals containing blood vessels and nerves.

C. osteocytes located within lacunae

D. bony bars and plates with irregular spaces between them

E. cytoplasmic extensions of bone cells in canaliculi

19. Which statement is NOT true about cartilage?

A. Cartilage cells are located in small spaces called lacunae.

B. The matrix of cartilage includes calcium salts.

C. The matrix of cartilage includes collagen and elastic fibers.

D. The original skeleton of the human embryo is made up of cartilage.

E. Adults have cartilage structures that include the nose, ear, and intervertebral disks.

20. Which statement about blood is NOT true?

A. Red blood cells, erythrocytes, carry oxygen.

B. Platelets are not complete cells.

C. Platelets are involved in blood clotting.

D. White blood cells, leukocytes, are involved in the body's defense against infection.

E. The fluid matrix, plasma, is made by the cells in the bloodstream.

21. Which of the following statements about muscular tissue is NOT true?

A. Skeletal muscle fibers are extremely large cells with multiple nuclei.

B. All striated muscle is under voluntary control.

C. Smooth muscle lacks striations.

D. Striated muscle has bands of actin and myosin filaments perpendicular to the length of the cell.

E. Skeletal muscle fibers form as multiple precursor cells join to produce a single cell.

22. Which statement about the heart tissue is NOT correct?

A. The heart is composed mainly of cardiac muscle tissue.

B. Cardiac muscle is not striated.

C. Cardiac cells have a single central nucleus.

D. Cardiac muscle cells are joined end to end by cell to cell junctions called intercalated disks.

23. The heart is made of cardiac fibers that are bound together in one interconnected mass due to

A. shared nuclei.

B. tight junctions.

C. adhesion junctions (desmosomes).

D. gap junctions.

E. intercalated disks made of both desmosomes and gap junctions.

24. Which statement is NOT true about nervous tissue?

A. Cells in the nervous system that conduct electrical impulses are called neurons.

B. Neuroglia support and protect neurons.

C. The dendrites carry electrical impulses away from the cell body of the neuron.

D. Nerve fibers are long axons covered by a myelin sheath.

E. Neuroglia may provide neurons with nutrients or keep them free of cellular debris.

25. Which structure is NOT a part of the skin?

A. stratified squamous epithelium

B. melanocytes

C. dermis

D. connective tissue

E. subcutaneous tissue

26. The Greek root words for "over" and "skin" are the basis for the term

A. exocrine.

B. endocrine.

C. fibroblast.

D. epidermis.

E. epithelium.

27. The general process of gaining a tan and then losing it is best explained by which of the following?

A. Melanocytes form melanin in the dead top epidermis and it is soon washed off.

B. Melanocytes form melanin in response to sunlight but blood flow slowly carries it away.

C. Melanocytes form melanin in response to sunlight but then reabsorb it in the absence of light.

D. Melanocytes in the dividing layer of the epidermis produce melanin, but then cells divide and half are constantly being pushed to the top to flatten and be washed off.

E. Ultraviolet light damages the subcutaneous skin cells but these dark burned cells soon are dissolved and replaced by healing processes.

28. Which of the following functions performed by the skin would be lost or seriously compromised if someone suffered a severe burn over most of the body?

A. prevention of heat and water loss

B. prevention of massive and continuous infection from invasion by external bacteria, viruses, and parasites

C. production of sweat that evaporates and cools the body when it is overheating

D. conversion, in the presence of ultraviolet light, of precursor molecules to vitamin D

E. All of these are vital functions of the skin and would be compromised.

29. If you wash your skin and hair several times a day, you will soon have dry skin that easily cracks and bleeds because the oils you have removed are necessary to keep the skin supple. This oil is

A. pili secreted by arrectors.

B. lymph secreted by lymphatic ducts.

C. sebum secreted by sweat glands.

D. sebum secreted by sebaceous glands.

E. salty sweat secreted by sweat glands.

30. Possible indications of skin cancer are

A. color change of a mole

B. mole with asymmetrical shape

C. irregular borders of a mole

D. All of the choices are correct.

E. None of the choices are correct.

31. At one time it was thought impossible to operate within the body cavities. But then the Canadian doctor William Beaumont operated on a gunshot wound to the stomach. Several decades ago we saw breakthroughs in heart operations and transplants. And the 1990s were called the decade of the brain because of the extensive research being done on how the brain functions. The order in which these discoveries were made, by cavity, are

A. abdominal–thoracic–dorsal

B. abdominal–dorsal–thoracic

C. dorsal–thoracic–abdominal

D. thoracic–abdominal–dorsal

E. thoracic–dorsal–abdominal

32. Usually it is not possible to penetrate inside a body cavity to reach interstitial spaces, without cutting through some protective epidermal tissues. However, sperm reach the egg via the vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes. Without crossing any epidermal barrier, the sperm can find itself inside which body cavity?

A. abdominal cavity

B. pleural cavity

C. thoracic cavity

D. pericardial cavity

E. dorsal body cavity (cerebral-spinal)

33. The Greek root words for "resembling" and "standing" are the basis for the term

A. feedback.

B. thermoregulatory.

C. pseudostratified.

D. semiconservative.

E. homeostasis.

34. The level of carbon dioxide in the blood is monitored by nerve tissue. If you exercise strenuously, the increase in cellular respiration consumes oxygen from the blood and produces surplus carbon dioxide removed in the blood. Since this physical exertion requires faster breathing to replenish oxygen supplies and carry away carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide sensors result in signals from the brain to increase breathing rate. After you have rested, and carbon dioxide levels are back to normal, your breathing rate decreases too. This is an example of

A. a response to a sensory impulse that causes a muscle or gland to react.

B. a negative feedback loop that stimulates a response similar to the stimulus.

C. a positive feedback loop that stimulates a response opposite to the stimulus.

D. the dynamic interplay between events that tend to change the internal environment and events that tend to keep it the same.

E. the dynamic interplay between events that tend to change the internal environment and events that tend to increase the changes.

35. Which is the best definition of homeostasis?

A. dynamic interplay between events that tend to change the internal environment and events that tend to keep it the same

B. dynamic interplay between events that tend to change the external environment and events that tend to keep it the same

C. response to a sensory impulse that causes a muscle or gland to react

D. a positive feedback loop that stimulates a response opposite to the stimulus

E. a negative feedback loop that stimulates a response similar to the stimulus

36. When discussing homeostasis in body temperature, it is NOT true to say that the body responds to

A. cold by contracting the arrector pili muscles.

B. cold by contracting skeletal muscles in shivering.

C. cold by rerouting blood away from the skin.

D. heat by stimulating sweat release.

E. heat by constricting the blood vessels in the skin.

37. Exocrine glands are classified as ______tissue.

A. epithelial

B. connective

C. muscle

D. Nervous

38. Characteristic of epithelial tissue is that

A. it lines inner cavities.

B. it is a continuous layer over the body surface.

C. one side of the epithelium is always exposed to a surface or a cavity.

D. All of the choices.

39. Which of the following is mis-matched?

A. Squamous epithelium–flat cells

B. cuboidal epithelium–cube shaped cells

C. columnar epithelium–long cells such as those that resemble the pillars of a house

D. stratified squamous–layers of cube-shaped cells

40. Which of the following connective tissue types supports the epithelium and forms a protective covering encasing muscles, blood vessels, and nerves?

A. dense fibrous connective tissue

B. adipose tissue

C. loose fibrous connective tissue

D. cartilage

41. Which of the following connective tissues has fluid ground substance not made by the cells?

A. adipose

B. bone

C. blood

D. loose fibrous connective tissue

42. Which type of muscle tissue is found in the viscera of internal organs?

A. skeletal

B. smooth

C. striated

D. cardiac

43. Neuroglia

A. outnumber neurons by 50 to 1 and compose more than half of the brain volume.

B. support and nourish neurons.

C. engulf bacteria and debris, produce a glia hormone, and form myelin.

D. All of the choices apply.

44. Which is most closely associated with negative feedback?

A. As you turn on a faucet, more water flows out of it.

B. As the sun rises, a morning glory opens its flowers.

C. As the temperature falls in a house, the heater comes on.

D. As you study biology more thoroughly, you learn more about it.

45. The nervous and the lymphatic systems are the two main body systems in control of body functions.
True False

46. Hair is derived from epithelial tissue.

True False

47. The structure and function of an organ system are dependent on the structure and function of the lower organizational levels such as organs and tissues.

True False

48. Glandular epithelium may be composed of unicellular glands or multicellular glands.

True False

49. The basement membrane is the structure that connects an epithelial tissue to an underlying connective tissue layer.

True False

50. Collagen fibers in connective tissues provide strength and elasticity.

True False

51. Loose connective tissue is found in tendons and ligaments, providing flexibility.

True False

52. Spongy bone is located at the ends of long bones.

True False

53. Bone is given rigidity by its mineral components and strength from its protein fibers in the extracellular matrix.

True False

54. Smooth muscle cells form long fibers with multiple nuclei.

True False

55. Glial cells in the nervous system have dendrites, an axon, and a cell body.

True False

56. Cells at the surface of the epidermis are dead.

True False

57. Melanocytes are cells in the epidermis that respond to ultraviolet light by producing more of the dark pigment melanin.

True False

58. Sebaceous glands are associated with hair follicles, where they produce and release sweat.

True False

59. Homeostasis is ultimately controlled by the nervous system.

True False

60. Characteristic of connective tissue cells is that the cells are separated widely by a noncellular matrix.

True False

61. Keratin is a protein found in skin that prevents water loss.

True False

62. List the four types of tissues and give the basic function of each.

63. Name and distinguish among the types of epithelial tissues based on cell shape, and based on cell layers.

64. List and distinguish among five kinds of connective tissues, describing each and telling where it would be seen in the body.

65. Discuss the different types of muscular tissue, and tell where each would be located and how it is controlled.

66. Describe the structure of human skin, including glands and similar structures associated with it.

67. Describe the difference between a negative feedback loop and a positive feedback loop, giving an example of each.

68. Describe how homeostatic mechanisms regulate body temperature.

Chapter 33 KEY

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. C

6. A

7. B

8. D

9. C

10. D

11. D

12. B

13. E

14. C

15. A

16. B

17. A

18. D

19. B

20. E

21. B

22. B

23. E

24. C

25. E

26. D

27. D

28. E

29. D

30. D

31. A

32. A

33. E

34. D

35. A

36. E

37. A

38. D

39. D

40. C

41. C

42. B

43. D

44. C


46. TRUE

47. TRUE

48. TRUE

49. TRUE



52. TRUE

53. TRUE



56. TRUE

57. TRUE


59. TRUE

60. TRUE

61. TRUE

62. Answers will vary.

63. Answers will vary.

64. Answers will vary.

65. Answers will vary.

66. Answers will vary.

67. Answers will vary.

68. Answers will vary.