Board of Road Commissioners Meeting

Board Room

September 25, 2013

The Regular Meeting of the Oceana County Board of Road Commissioners was called to order by Chairman Eilers in the Board Room at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, September 25, 2013.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

Members present: Eilers, Forbes, Wheeler, and Carr. Absent: Myers.

Staff present: Griffin.

Visitors: Gale Eitniear, Newfield Township Supervisor; John Hendrixon, Shelby Township Supervisor;

Tim Tariske, Hart Township Clerk; Denny Powers, Oceana County Commissioner; Jesse

Beckman, Oceana County Drain Commissioner; John Cavanagh, Herald-Journal reporter;

David Borgeson, Claybanks Township resident (Whiskey Creek); Jerry Brandel, Hart

Township resident; and Mark Ferris, Lake Tahoe resident (Grant Township).

TOTAL: 9 visitors.


Jerry Brandel, Hart Township resident, requested that “we look into getting a county-wide road millage. This should be put on the ballot because our roads are in bad shape.” Mr. Brandel cited the lack of manpower, reduction in revenues, and being under-staffed as adequate reasons for our failing road system to be brought to the public. Tim Tariske, Hart Township Clerk, commented that Hart Township has one (1) mill dedicated for road work, which generates about $60,000/year.

Mark Ferris, Lake Tahoe resident in Grant Township, explained that he is more interested in “preventive maintenance; there are wet areas in Lake Tahoe that could be improved if we would trench these areas and apply sponges to soak up the water to prevent road deterioration.”

Motion by Wheeler and supported by Forbes to approve the following Agenda items for discussion.

1. Hart Township – 88th Avenue – Re-Tec Proposal (recycled shingles).

Roll call vote: Wheeler – yes; Forbes – yes; Carr – yes; Eilers – yes; Myers – absent.

Motion carried.

Motion by Forbes and supported by Wheeler to approve the Minutes of the September 11, 2013 Regular Board Meeting as presented.

Roll call vote: Forbes – yes; Wheeler – yes; Carr – yes; Eilers – yes; Myers – absent.

Motion carried.

The 2013 Revenues & Expenditures Report and Cash Flow Statement were given to the Commissioners to review.

Motion by Forbes and supported by Carr to approve the following Vouchers as presented.

Voucher No. 71787 (Accounts Payable) $208,403.40

Voucher No. 71788 (Payroll) $ 49,038.85


Roll call vote: Forbes – yes; Carr – yes; Wheeler – yes; Eilers – yes; Myers – absent.

Motion carried.

At the September 11, 2013 Regular Board Meeting, Tim Tariske proposed to apply recycled asphalt shingles to a portion of 88th Avenue (between Baseline Road & Fillmore Road in Hart Township). The Board asked for a letter of approval for this road work from Hart Township. On September 12, 2013, the following letter from Hart Township was delivered to the Clerk-Manager at the Road Commission.

“The following Resolution was made by Huntington, supported by Moul, and passed 4-0

with Tariske abstaining.

The Hart Township Board position is that the Oceana County Road Commission is totally

responsible for maintenance of 88th Avenue, between Fillmore Road and Baseline Road

and as such the Hart Township Board would be in favor of the Oceana County Road

Commission grinding, leveling and compacting of 88th Avenue, from Fillmore Road to

Baseline Road as they see fit. Using whatever surface material the Oceana County Road

Commission and their contracting agent deem as being most beneficial.”

The Board members agreed that the letter from Hart Township did not say “yes” or “no” to the process Mr. Tariske has proposed to experiment with on 88th Avenue. Commissioner Wheeler prepared a written statement that he read aloud as a Motion.


Motion by Wheeler and supported by Forbes to have the Oceana County Road Commission send a letter to Hart Township asking if they have any objection to:

1. Rubblize one (1) mile of 88th Avenue from Baseline Road North in 2013.

2. Do any grading/reshaping necessary in 2013.

3. Apply “stabilizer” in May, 2014.

4. Re-Tec apply “pepper” form of asphalt shingles in May, 2014.

5. Remove “nail deposit” from Re-Tec agreement.

6. Work with Snider Farms to not always have equipment travel in the “same track.”

Roll call vote: Wheeler – no; Forbes – no; Carr – no; Eilers – no; Myers – absent.

Motion failed.

Considerable discussion was held before the roll call vote was taken. Commissioner Wheeler felt the nail agreement (Item No. 5) should be removed; he would like to see the full road be done for half the distance next Spring so it could be exposed to warm Summer weather. Mr. Tariske stated that he had proposed his product be used on 88th Avenue at no cost to the Road Commission other than our people grinding and compacting the road; he went on to say that his “investors are not interested in spending a lot of money on this project.” He also said that he had equipment lined up to do this work on October 1-2, 2013. The Clerk-Manager did not think our forces would have time to pulverize and grade the road to get it ready. Mr. Tariske said he could crush the road or another option would be to sweep the road surface and fill the potholes and then apply the crushed shingles.

Mr. Tariske was asked if he could provide a “cost per mile” figure for this operation. The Clerk-Manager told the Board that she has requested an estimate from API and Rieth-Riley to reconstruct Fish Road, East of 88th Avenue in Shelby Township, which is the same type of road as 88th Avenue and in the same condition. Further discussion ensued with other options using the recycled shingles being offered by Mr. Tariske.

Jesse Beckman, Hart Township resident and Oceana County Drain Commissioner, commented that he did not think 4” of this product could be put on a hard surface and stay in place. He added that someone should look at some of the driveways and parking lots where this product has been used. He thought placing this type of material on a gravel road that had truck traffic (such as 88th Avenue, South of Polk Road, in Hart Township) would be less costly as there would be no need for grinding up any asphalt. Commissioner Wheeler reminded the Board that the letter from Hart Township did not disapprove of the recycled shingles being placed on a road within their Township and proposed a second Motion.


Motion by Wheeler and supported by Forbes that we proceed with the Re-Tec proposal to apply recycled shingles to 88th Avenue, between Baseline Road and Fillmore Road, with the following exceptions.

1. Eliminate the “nail deposit” (Item No. 5).

2. Have the product applied (double lanes) and done on Re-Tec’s time and their specifications.

3. There will be no cost to the Oceana County Road Commission for installation or removal.

Roll call vote: Wheeler – yes; Forbes – yes; Carr – no; Eilers – no; Myers – absent.

Motion failed.


The Board was informed that all employees returned to eight (8) hour work days, beginning Monday, September 23, 2013. The 72nd Avenue Bridge in Shelby Township, the 148th Avenue Bridge in Ferry Township, and the McKinley Road Bridge in Grant Township should be paved yet this week. The Water Road Project in Grant Township (Clay Road to Park Road) is complete except for minor shoulder work and final inspection. The Grant Road Project, West of Scenic Drive in Benona Township, has had some grade changes and is coming along nicely.

Jesse Beckman, Oceana County Drain Commissioner, asked if the Board had received a copy of the September 19, 2013 letter from Michelle Hohn (DEQ, Water Resources Division) that was addressed to Tim Tariske for work he performed on Taylor Road, between 104th Avenue and 112th Avenue in Hart Township without a DEQ Permit. The Clerk-Manager read the entire letter aloud. John Cavanagh, Herald-Journal reporter asked about the work and was told by Mr. Tariske that he had removed the failed boiler plate culvert and installed abutments and plank decking to cross Huftile Creek.

Commissioner Wheeler offered up an idea to improve the traffic flow at Oceana Drive and Polk Road. He suggested that MDOT be consulted to see if a “Michigan left” could be installed so that North/South traffic would drive through the intersection, make a left turn, to come back to their East/West road.

Commissioner Carr commented on the email received from Sonya Flanagan, Michigan Sales Representative for Unique Paving Materials, offering to bring a pug mill with an operator and tanker with liquid to our facility to make our own coldpatch. The Road Commission would purchase the 31A aggregate and use our equipment to load and stockpile the product. She had a handout showing our usage to date for 2013 and feels that we could save $8,000+ if we wanted to try this operation.

Denny Powers, Oceana County Commissioner, encouraged the Board to visit Gales Pond, now that the new spillway is complete. He asked that the Road Commission try to keep the brush cleared from this area. It was also suggested that the Mill Pond Park in Ferry Township be visited. Both sites have turned out very good and are a credit to all the different County entites, Ferry Township, and volunteers involved.

Chairman Eilers asked if there was any further business to come before the Board. There being none, the Meeting was adjourned at 10:53 AM.

Respectfully submitted,



Clerk-Manager Chairman

October 9, 2013