Royal Oak, Tunbridge Wells

Monday 14 July 2008

Present: Ian Fielder, Dave Moore, Paul Bailey, Iain Dalgleish, Carole Dalgleish,

Tony Mantle.

1 Apologies Clive Peacock

2 / Minutes of the last meeting / Iain to give Tony a camera for his use while touring the pubs.
Change Andrew as signatory and not Clive P.
POTY tour next year will be a week earlier not later.
3 / Chairman’s Report / POTY presentation at Rose & Crown and the Weekend in Edinburgh went off very well.
Sevenoaks social with Jazz in the Anchor at the beginning of July was not well attended and maybe this is due to the time of year.
Don Crocker formally selected onto the Committee.
4 / Secretaries Report / What’s Brewing has changed their printer and will roughly stay the same but the ‘Beer’ supplement will be coming out in colour quarterly.
I Contacted Brian Fletcher’s sister re his Memorial social on 16 August. She has been unwell for some time and gives her apologies for not attending this year.
5 / Treasurers Report / The account has remained stable since the last meeting with £168.06 in the bank and £49.92 cash in hand.
6 / Membership Report / We have 395 members in West Kent. 20 joined since last meeting and 30% of those came from Wetherspoons, who will also be giving ‘money off drinks’ vouchers later in the Summer.
New system of re-activation for members - to write and also e-mail our monthly social events.
CAMRA figures nationally is 93,000
7 / Pubs Report
Tunbridge Wells
Sussex Arms
Rose & Crown
Ragged Trousers )
Forum )
Sussex Arms )
Foreign Office )
Sussex Arms
Ivy House )
Punch & Judy )
Station House )
All pubs in W.Kent area / Having trouble keeping a Manager.
Now called ‘Retreat’
Wine Bar been bought by a private person
Might keep ‘real ale’.
Refurbished inside and out, beer acceptable.
Owns these 4 pubs
Will review - These four pubs are
completely different types of pubs that cater for different age groups.
looking for new Manager.
Now a Bed shop.
All up for sale
All belong to the same consortium
Now moving to Cardinals Error – taking tenancy no news of tenants moving in as yet.
Iain D produced spreadsheet and would like to keep it updated will cc it to Tony and Dave.
8. / Publicity Officer / The Courier in their Diary Page gave good coverage to the Rose & Crown winning the POTY and now is eligible to be considered for Kent POTY.
9 / Kent Regional / Locale Campaign not workable in this area at present.
10 / BLO’s Report
Larkins / Brewing 4 days a week.
Doing single variety hops.
Goldings now on tap, also Early Birds,
Brambley Cross and WGV.
Now growing his own barley.
11 / Kent Regional 2008 : / 20 Sept Canterbury tbc
08 Nov Old Wick, Bexley
10/17 Jan Constutional Club, T.Wells tbc
13 / West Kent Pub Guide / Next Meeting Wednesday 20 August at The Crown, Otford 8.30pm.
14 / Next WK meeting / Monday 22 Sept’08
Man of Kent Tonbridge at 8.30pm.
15 / Any other business / Cask and glass you can now e-mail if you want real ales currently on tap, usually 2 or more accepted.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting finished at 10.25pm

Harveys and London Pride in good condition. Complimentary dishes of nuts were well received.