WelcomingCEC’s CAN Coordinators!

September 2013


Greetings and Welcome new CAN Coordinators! As CAN Coordinators, you are the Premier Grassroots Advocates for CEC. This newsletter will help you get acquainted with some tools and tricks for your new role. For those of you who have been with us for a while, enjoy this refresher! As a CAN Coordinator, you will be well versed in CEC policies as well as relevant current events. It will also help you develop an effective network system that will be depend on regular communication, taking action, and making strong connections with policy makers. Your fellow CAN Coordinators will also serve as a strong network in helping to push for successful advocacy.

Before we get into more detail, let’s discuss the Basics of Grassroots Advocacy

Grassroots advocates are anxious to DO SOMETHING, and especially in relation to CEC, something meaningful that will affect change. We are politically conscious people and will jump at the opportunity to fight for a cause that is worth advocating for. The most basic forms of grassroots work come from everyday people, and makes the process work from a broader base. Grassroots advocacy involves actions such asmaking phone calls, knocking on doors, getting the word out to their friends and relatives, e-mail everyone with their network, attending rallies, volunteering at events for their cause, writing letters to policy makers, and numerous other measures. Being a CAN Coordinator will involve a number of the tasks listed and we of course encourage creativity when coming up with ways to advocate. The sky is the limit! But for the sake of our new coordinators, here are three starter steps to beginning your grassroots advocacy:

  1. Look at previous “Can Do” newsletters, these will provide helpful tips on the most effective advocacy strategies and allow you to see what you can expect from the newsletters monthly. CAN resources and newsletters.
  1. Use social media networks to begin to develop your network. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube, you name it! This will be a great way to communicate with people in your state unit or division as well as elected government officials.
  1. Become familiar with our website, particularly the Legislative Action Center (which is discussed more in depth below). Online resources will give you valuable up to date information, and they go hand in hand when using media networks to promote issues.

More Tips and Tricks can be found here!

Legislative Action Center

The Legislative Actions Center (LAC) will be one of the best resources to use in keeping track of up to date information going on within the Congress and other policy-making outlets. Here, you will be able to search for your elected officials and Congressman, get up to date news stories, current legislation and more, and be able to find local media that correlates to your advocacy, all by simply typing in your zip code. You can find all of this and more on the LAC webpage here!

To view the May 2012 CAN Do newsletter that highlights the LAC, click here!

CEC’s Responsibility to YOU!

Although you, as CAN coordinators have a responsibility to CEC, we, in turn, also have a responsibility to you! It is up to us to provide you with the most up-to-date information on what is occurring on Capitol Hill, the U.S. Department of Education, and other agencies and organizations. We will also provide you with information with which to educate your expanding network. Keep in mind that we also provide technical support as well which involves providing a list of CEC members in your state unit or division, at request, helping to craft emails for your network distribution, assisting on coordinating congressional visits to your local schools, and providing key talking points that will touch on key issues.Just shoot us an email or give us a call and we’re happy to help!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please email us at or give us a call at 703-264-9498.