

Represented:Workforce Readiness Council

Submitted by:Lawanna Dendy

  1. ItemsorProjectsfor Board Discussionor Approval:

2. ActionItemProgress(Board Member or Committee assigned):

3. UpdatesonCurrentProjectsandPlans(asinformation–no discussion needed):

WRC last met via email June 14, 2015. Email addressed to:'Dixon, Theresa ()'; ''; ''; Todd; Scheib, Kelly; ; Kithcart, Maria; Groomes, Susan; <>; Rachel Putman (); Emily Beth Wood; ''; GSHRM

Good Morning,

Due to conflicts in multiple schedules, our June 19th meeting is cancelled. However, in order to keep us on track for theAugust HR conference, I have attached the panel questions. They have been arranged into ten questions according to the suggested flow of the discussion. This will allow approximately four minutes per question (or about one minute per panelist per question). Wewill go over this in the July meeting but do let me know if you have any immediate questions or comments.

Additionally, an update on the Mission Continues Fellowship. Our application has been submitted along with the job description. The approval process takes a few weeks so we should know something by our August meeting. A pool of interested veterans will be assigned and we will get the opportunity to interview them. Whoever is selected will attend a three day Mission Continues training seminar in Dallas, TX on October 16-19 (all expenses paid by Mission Continues) and their assignment with GSHRM would begin on October 20. This is a wonderful opportunity for a returning veteran and on their behalf and other veterans as well, I thank you for being open to this arrangement.

Thank you

Robyn J. Grable

4. NewMember ContactsRegardingCommittee Interest:

5. GSHRM membersinvolved inyour projectwork:

Active members include:

  1. Kelly Scheib
  2. Todd Davis
  3. Laura Bogardus
  4. Bob Lowe
  5. Cheri Shumate
  6. Susan Groomes
  7. Beth Wood
  8. Todd Davis
  9. Rachel Putman
  10. Robyn Grable
  11. Nicole Andrews
  12. Tia Foster
  13. Lawanna Dendy


  1. What are some of the common barriers that employers face when trying to attract, recruit and retain veterans in the workplace?
  2. Translating military experience into the business world is difficult. What is the best way to accomplish this task? Are there existing tools to assist with translating a veteran’s resume/experience?
  3. Many organizations provide (voluntary and/or involuntary) culture/diversity training, should there be similar programs related specifically to veterans? As an example, some people are uncomfortable around someone that has been in the military. Their intensity, clean cut look, and respectful manner of answering can be troubling. How do we overcome this bias?
  4. What are the best recruiting methods for veteran hiring, i.e. military recruiting events, visit local bases?
  5. How should employers/community help veterans adjust to the marketplace/industry once they have decided to transition out of military service? What are some of the best training options for veterans entering the civilian marketplace?
  6. Since command and control leadership style is the norm in the military and empowerment and engagement is the norm in business, how does an employer determine if a military candidate can adapt to the different style/culture?
  7. What about the perception that veterans may need to be micro-managed because they are used to taking orders as opposed to taking initiative? What are some other misconceptions about veterans?
  8. What is any monetary benefits/tax benefits exist as a result of hiring veterans? Is applying for these credits burdensome?
  9. With regard to reentry into the workplace, should veterans have the same treatment as repatriates? Should veterans benefits package be the same or better than fellow employees?
  10. What are some best practices of veteran friendly employers? How have they been successful with sustaining veteran employment (cultural awareness, policies, education, mentors/sponsors, resource groups, etc.)?