Obstetrics & Gynaecology ST Regional Teaching Sessions – 2017 Matrix

(Updated May 2017)

ST 1-2 / ST 3-5 / ST 6-7
January / Basic Surgical Skills (? Change to August in 2018)
13th January 2017
All day session - 9-4.30pm
Venue: Kirklands
Venue booked - YES
N=7 (usually 10-15)
Basic Pelvic Anatomy
20th January 2017
Co-ordinators – Dr M Allam, Dr K Guerrero, Mr Mohasseb
Venue: Kirklands
Venue booked – YES (max N=20)
Only 5 applied (min=6)
CANCELLED / ATSMs – why, what & how? (ST5-7)
13th January 2017 (NOTE CHANGE OF DATE from 6th)
Co-ordinator - Dr K Brogan
Venue: Crosshouse Hospital – Maternity Building
Symposium – CTG interpretation (ST1-7)
27th January 2017
Co-ordinator – Dr E Ferguson
Venue: Kirklands
Venue booked – YES
Good attendance
**maximum 20 spaces. Trainees must book a place with Kirklands in advance **
February / ST1-2
Breaking Bad News
(Consider Palliative Care 2018)
3rd February 2017
Co-ordinator - Karen McIntosh (from AN Results & Choices)
Venue: Seminar Rooms 4 & 5, Ground Floor (next to ward A), Stobhill ACH
Venue booked - YES
N=7 / ST3-5
Prioritisation on Labour Ward
10th February 2017
Co-ordinator – Dr M McMillan
Venue: New Lister Building – GRI; Room 2 (seminar room)
Venue booked - YES
N=16. / ST6-7
March / Gynaecology Emergencies
24th March 2017
Co-ordinator – Dr A Khaund
Venue: L2-005 (2nd floor)
Teaching & Learning Centre
ST1-2 / Hands on Laparoscopic Surgery (ST3-7)
3rd March 2017
Full day – 9-4.30pm
Co-ordinator – Dr M Allam
Venue: Kirklands (maximum N=12) – fully booked
Venue booked – YES
Intermediate and Advanced Surgical Anatomy (ST3-7)
17th March 2017 (GOGS trainee night)
Full day - 9-4.30pm
Co-ordinator - Dr. K. Guererro
Venue: University of Glasgow, Anatomy Department. N = 15
ST3-5 / Avoiding Litigation (ST6-7)
10th March 2017 (6 ST3,1 ST4)
Co-ordinator – Susan Murray (Medical Negligence Solicitor)
Venue: Seminar Room 6 Stobhill Hospital
N =27.
April / Symposium – Maternal Critical Care (ST1-7)
21st April 2017
1.30-2pm (pre-session Bake off)
Co-ordinator – Dr M Kent
Venue: RAH –Lecture Theatre – Main Building booked.
N = 55.
May / Labour Ward Prioritisation
5th May 2017
Co-ordinator - Dr K Brogan
Venue: Crosshouse Hospital – Maternity Building
N = 17. / Hands on Hysteroscopic Surgery (ST3-7)
26th May 2017
All day session – 9-4.30pm
Co-ordinator – Dr M Allam
Venue: Kirklands (max n=16)
Venue booked – YES
N=16 booked; N=12 attended.
June / Introduction to Reproductive Medicine
9th June 2017
Co-ordinator - Dr H Lyall
Venue: Seminar Room 6 – Stobhill Hospital
Venue booked - YES
CANCELLED – to reschedule 2018
ST1-2 / Non-technical Skills / Obstetric Simulation
2nd June 2017
Co-ordinator - Dr K Patrick
Venue: Larbert
**maximum 6 trainees** - fully booked
Please book directly at: http://scschf.org/
ST3-5 / Hands on Complex Operative Delivery (pilot session)
16th June 2017
Co-ordinators- Drs E Ferguson and K Patrick
Venue – Larbert Sim Centre
**maximum 8 trainees**
Please book directly at: http://scschf.org/
Preparing for a Consultant Post – CV and Interview practice
30th June 2017
Co-ordinators – Drs Dina McLellan & Phil Owen
Venue: Seminar Room 6, Ground Floor (next to ward A), Stobhill ACH
Venue booked - YES
July / Case Studies in Gynaecology Oncology
7th July 2017
Co-ordinator - Dr R Lindsay
Venue: - Seminar Room 6, Stobhill Hospital
Venue booked - YES
September / Normal Delivery and Assisted Delivery
1st September 2017
Co-ordinator – Dr J Murphy
Venue: RAH / Hands on Laparoscopic Surgery (ST3-7) Hands on Complex
8th September 2017 Operative Delivery
15th Sep 2017
Full day – 9-4.30pm Max n=8 (ST6-7)
Co-ordinator – Dr M Allam Ferguson/Patrick
Venue: Kirklands Venue: Kirklands
**Maximum 16 trainees** Please book at http://scschf.org/ http://scschf.org/
Full or half day - TBC
**Maximum 8 trainees**
October / ST1-2
Introduction to Laparoscopy
27th October 2017
Co-ordinator – Dr A Khaund
Venue: QEUH, Maternity Building, Ground floor seminar room
Venue booked - YES
How to Improve your CV
20th October 2017
Co-ordinators – Dr Ellie Jarvie and Dr Phil Owen
Venue - Seminar Room 6, Ground Floor (next to ward A), Stobhill ACH
Venue booked - YES / ST3-5
STI in Pregnancy, GUM & Contraception
6th October 2017
Co-ordinators – TBC
Venue – Seminar Room 6, Ground Floor (next to ward A), Stobhill ACH
Venue booked - YES
How to Improve your CV
20th October 2017
Co-ordinators – Dr Ellie Jarvie and Dr Phil Owen
Venue - Seminar Room 6,
Ground Floor (next to ward A), Stobhill ACH
Venue booked - YES / ST6-7
Symposium – CTG Interpretation (ST1-7)
13th October 2017
Afternoon session – 2pm
Co-ordinator – Dr E Ferguson
Venue: Kirklands
** Maximum 20 spaces. Trainees must book a place with Kirklands in advance **
(AMONGST – 17.11.17) / Symposium – Menopause
3rd November 2017
Co-ordinators – Dr M Perera, Dr J Sassarini with contributions from BOC
Venue: Seminar Room 6, Stobhill Hospital
Venue booked - YES
ST1-2 / ST3-5
Obstetric Haemorrhage
24th November 2017
**(Note change of date)
Afternoon session – 2pm start
Co-ordinator – Dr C Malcolm
Venue: Kirklands
Venue booked – YES
N=16 (MAX) / ST 6-7
Job Planning, Appraisal & Revalidation
10th November 2017
**(Note change of date)
Co-ordinators – Dr K Brogan
Dr J Ramsay – TBC
Venue – New Lister Building – GRI – Seminar Room 1
(Booked – yes)
December / Non-technical Skills / Obstetric Simulation
Tuesday 5th December 2017
Full day
Co-ordinator – Dr K Patrick
Venue: Larbert
Venue booked – YES
** Maximum 6 trainees **
Please book directly at: http://scschf.org/