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Mirror Lab

Concepts to investigate: Law of reflection, angle of incident, angle of reflection

Materials: 5 mirror tiles, butcher paper, clay or mirror stands, colored pencils, meter stick, protractor.


  1. Place butcher paper on the lab table at the corner. Identify two arbitrary points one on the x-axis and one on the y-axis. Mark them and label as X and Y
  2. Attach small mirrors to the clay or stands
  3. One student crouches down at point X, while the other crouches a point Y.
  4. Position the first mirror so that the two students can see each other. Position the other four until both students can see each other through the reflections in all five mirrors.
  5. Trace the location of the mirrors and the line of reflection on the butcher paper using a meter stick.
  6. Bisect the angles and label and give the values for the angle of reflection and angle of incident using the protractor.
  7. Repeat the activity using two different locations for X and Y. Repeat step 7 for the new location.

Hide and Seek

Mirror Lab

Concepts to investigate: Law of reflection, angle of incident, angle of reflection

Materials: 5 mirror tiles, butcher paper, clay or mirror stands, colored pencils, meter stick, protractor.


  1. Place butcher paper on the lab table at the corner. Identify two arbitrary points one on the x-axis and one on the y-axis. Mark them and label as X and Y
  2. Attach small mirrors to the clay or stands
  3. One student crouches down at point X, while the other crouches a point Y.
  4. Position the first mirror so that the two students can see each other. Position the other four until both students can see each other through the reflections in all five mirrors.
  5. Trace the location of the mirrors and the line of reflection on the butcher paper using a meter stick.
  6. Bisect the angles and label and give the values for the angle of reflection and angle of incident using the protractor.
  7. Repeat the activity using two different locations for X and Y. Repeat step 7 for the new location.