/ Planning for Institutional Effectiveness (PIE) 2008-09 /

For 2008-09, all Department and unit PIE documentation will be entered electronically using ePIE. A paper submission is no longer acceptable. Please refer to the ePIE Workbook for additional assistance with required fields: http://inside.mtsac.edu/organization/committees/iec/documents.html. For your convenience, the appropriate page references in the ePIE Workbook are listed below.

Institutional Planning Framework

1. Institutional Mission

The campus is unified through its demonstrated connection to the mission. Driven by the California Master Plan for Higher Education, revised by the President’s Advisory Council, and approved by the Board of Trustees, it informs all planning and assessment.

The Mission of the College is to welcome all students and to support them in achieving their personal,

educational, and career goals in an environment of academic success.

2. College Goals

College goals allow the campus to focus on critical issues. Articulated by the President’s Advisory Council, they guide institutional planning and assessment processes. The adopted college goals for 2008-09 are as follows:

1.  The College will secure funding that supports exemplary programs and services.

2.  The College will prepare students for success through the development of exemplary programs and services.

3.  The College will improve career/vocational training opportunities to help students maintain professional currency and achieve individual goals.

4.  The College will improve the quality of its partnerships with business and industry, the community, and other educational institutions.

5.  The College will utilize and support appropriate technology to enhance educational programs and services.

6.  The College will provide opportunities for increased diversity and equity for all across campus.

7.  The College will increase access for students by strengthening recruitment and opportunities for full participation in College programs and services.

8.  The College will encourage and support participation in professional development to strengthen programs and services.

9.  The College will provide facilities and infrastructure that support exemplary programs and consider the health and safety of the campus community.

10.  The College will ensure that basic skills development is a major focus and an adequately funded activity.

11.  The College will improve effectiveness and consistency of dialogue between and among departments, committees, teams and employee groups across the campus.

3. Team Goals

Team goals are developed by review and summary of goals articulated at the department/unit level and align priorities with resource distribution mechanisms. Each department/division/work unit is part of one of the following 4 teams: Administrative Services, Human Resources, Instruction, or Student Services. Therefore, each unit should indicate where/how its individual goals align with both the College and Team goals that are appropriate to the unit.

Human Resources

HR-1. Expand recruitment efforts to increase the diversity of applicant pools.

HR-2. Utilize PeopleAdmin to streamline the recruitment process.

HR-3. Evaluate and update all Human Resources internal procedures.

HR-4. Through research, explore the viability of bringing on an additional online fingerprinting system.

HR-5. Procure document imaging services for personnel files.

HR-6. Assess POD department staff customer service performance and needs.

HR-7. Identify technology-based training needs across campus and recruit presenter(s) to conduct training.

HR-8. Convert the POD Coordinator’s position into a Supervisory position.

HR-9. Secure an additional full-time individual to provide clerical support for POD.

HR-10. Further address the needs of faculty (such as Department Chair training) through the utilization of the new Faculty Coordinator.

4. Department / Unit Reflection Process

Previous Year Accomplishments (p. 11)

Identity accomplishments from the previous year and the college goal they relate to.

College Goal / Previous Year Accomplishment(s)

5. Department / Unit Planning Process

Internal/External Conditions (p. 11)

Consideration of internal and external conditions is the basis of department/unit planning and assessment processes.

A. Identify those external conditions that have influenced the department/unit goal-setting process:

Note: External conditions include disciplinary or regulatory changes, changes in technology or legislative changes, accreditation recommendations, enrollment issues, advisory committee input, etc.

B. Identify those internal conditions that have influenced the department/unit goal-setting process.

Note: Internal conditions include results of previous SLOs/AUOs assessment, IT data, changes in technology, changes in budget, staffing, resources, enrollment issues, facilities issues, etc.

C. (p. 11)

Departments and units should support their planning efforts with quantifiable data, conduct appropriate analyses, and

make supportable conclusions. For your use, standardized IT data reports will be provided in TracDat and sent to departments under separate cover. You may also report on your own internally-generated data.

Report specific data reviewed and trends identified via this analysis (include all that are applicable – you may not have information for each parameter and may add others that are relevant in your area; expand as necessary). Demonstrate how analysis of data lead to the development of unit goals and/or decisions for action.

Type of Parameter being examined / Data source(s) used / Findings/trends / Impact /
Enrollment/# of sections/# of transactions/other measures of volume for your area
Student achievement: such as retention/success/# of degrees or certificates awarded, etc.
Staffing levels/
workload values
Costs/budget data

Department/Unit Goals (p. 13) Department/Unit goals allow the area to focus its priorities. Prompted in part by College goals and Team goals and generated by faculty/staff, they guide area planning and assessment. Goals are not required to change every year. They can be either short or long term.

Goals: (expand as necessary)

A. Please do not list outcomes statements here. When appropriate, identify the connection of your goals to the College goals and Team goals.
College Goal # / Team Goal # / Department Goal (Assign a number and state the goal)

PROGRAM LEVEL SLOs/AUOs/Strategic Actions

B. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are a means of evaluating student learning. They are created and assessed by the faculty, department, or academic program. They inform planning and lead to goals of improved learning. SLOs are expressed in statements of what students will be able to think, know, do, or feel because of a given educational experience. The purpose of the related assessment process is to improve student learning. (p. 15)

Unit Goal # (form previous block) / Intended Outcomes (SLOs) / Means of Assessment
and Criteria for Success / Summary of Data
Collected / Use of Results /

C. Administrative Unit Objectives (AUOs) are means of evaluating the services provided by administrative units. They are created and assessed by the staff and managers of the unit. They inform planning and lead to goals of improved support services. AUOs are expressed as statements of what clients experience, receive or understand as a result of a given service. The purpose of the related assessment process is to improve the unit’s service. AUOs should be tied to unit goals (expand as needed). (p. 15)

Unit goal # / Intended Objectives
(AUOs) / Means of Assessment
and Criteria for Success / Summary of Data
Collected / Use of Results /

D. Strategic Actions (SAs) are the steps that an academic program or administrative unit may take in order to achieve the department goals listed above. SAs may also support the implementation of SLOs and AUOs. SAs are expressed as statements of what academic programs or administrative units will do to achieve their stated goals. They reflect the actions or steps required to implement those changes that are not recorded under “use of results” in the above table (expand as needed.) (p. 15).

Unit goal # / Strategic Actions


Should be developed for every ‘active’ course and entered in ePIE.

A. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are a means of evaluating student learning. They are created and assessed by the faculty, department, or academic program. They inform planning and lead to goals of improved learning. SLOs are expressed in statements of what students will be able to think, know, do, or feel because of a given educational experience. The purpose of the related assessment process is to improve student learning. (p. 21)

Unit Goal # / Intended Outcomes (SLOs) / Means of Assessment
and Criteria for Success / Summary of Data
Collected / Use of Results /

Resources Needed

In this section, you will relate your goals to college goals, team goals and resources needed. Resources requested by department/unit faculty and staff support plan implementation toward the achievement of identified goals. Resources may include budget, facilities, staffing, research support, training, marketing, etc. (p. 15)

Restate all SLO/AUO/SAs / Is SLO/AUO/SA linked to: / Resources Needed
(if none, please indicate) /
College goal
(if yes, identify #) / Team goal (if yes, identify #) / Check here if unit goal only /

THIS REPORT IS DUE IN ePIE by Friday, April 3, 2009

Process Timeline:

Nov. 26, 2008 Departments and administrative units receive forms

April 3, 2009 Unit input is complete in ePIE, and units have notified their appropriate manager of completion.

April 24, 2009 Deans/managers prepare a summary of the unit ePIE they received and submit to appropriate Vice President

June 1, 2009 Vice Presidents prepare a summary of reports they have received to take to budget allocation discussions; VPs submit summaries to IEC

June 22, 2009 IEC reviews all submitted summaries to prepare a year-end report to PAC on progress made in meeting College goals.

Planning for Institutional Effectiveness (PIE)…page 1