Remax Board Room

November 10, 2009


Notation: Minutes hi-lited are inserted as presented by the director.


6:00 pm Opening remarks

Present: Guy Bezeau, Pat Moore, Sandra Milne, Mary Mulrooney, Michael Furlot

Regrets: David Walbank, John Mulrooney, Laura Surtees

Minutes of the last meeting

MOTION: M/S Pat/Mary: To accept the minutes of the last meeting as presented. CARRIED

Discussions resulting from minutes



·  There is an open invitation from the Rotary Club of Tacoma, Washington to join them in celebrating 100 years as a club. The celebration will take place on January 30, 2010 at the Hotel Murano. If any members wish to attend they must RSVP. Michael has the information. Any member attending will do at their own expense. There is no club funding available for this event.

·  We received an invitation to attend the World Community Service 9WCS) Workshops scheduled in Nanaimo for November 28th, 2009. Michael will e-mail the invitation to the general membership.

Directors Report:


1.  Proposed new members

It was proposed that more information about a proposed new member be forthcoming before the club is asked to consider them for membership.

2.  Transferring member

Transferring members will be asked to have the club they are leaving provide a resume of their time of service with that club.


-Trolley/Bus shelter will be installed soon

-JB solar hot water heater has been Installed on City Hall. Ruth Malli to arrange photo op and recognition in local papers

-Golf Course signage Pat B continues to finalize.

- Engine, Ken continues to bring this up with mayor and council

- Used Book sale Nov 14 and 15

-“Light Up”, Larry T co-ordinator .Set up to start at 1pm Remembrance Day Rotary/ -Legion dinner. Penny Ryan and committee co-coordinating at Eagles hall Nov 13th at 5.30pm dinner 6,30pm

-Rotary walk way at Ivy green Marina, Pat reports a very positive meeting with Mayor. Pat and committee will continue to pursue this proposed project. Question as to who this project would be turned over to when completed.

Christmas Hampers, Michael will co-ordinate December 23rd Aggie Hall at 10.30am

·  Due to conflict with the owner of the property Guy will not be at the Light Up fund raiser.



·  Special consideration will be given to students applying for scholarship that have displayed exceptional service to the community.

·  The Tristan DeKoninck scholarship will be name changed to the Rotary Club of Ladysmith Tristan DeKoninck Memorial Bursary.

·  No student will receive more than one award from Rotary.


***Foundation Month

Joan Phillips presented matched funding concept to the Board. Our club has recognition points that could be used to award deserving members or community persons a Paul Harris Fellowship.

MOTION: M/S Michael/Pat: The Club agrees to match the Foundation donation of individual members up to $100 per member up to the first 30 members for the month of November 2009. CARRIED

Finance Report

MOTION: M/S Michael/Mary: To accept the financial report as presented. CARRIED

There is concern over the availability of gaming funds for next year or what the Government is going to do in the future. As a club we will need to review the programs we have been supporting in the past with gaming funds. If Gaming funds are no longer available we will need to prioritize what we can continue to support and what we will need to find alternative funding for.

MOTION: M/S Pat/Sandra: Until the Gaming fund issue is resolved there will be a moratorium on any new gaming funded projects with exception of the Adventures in Citizenship program. CARRIED

Old Business

New Business

1.  Code of Conduct for general meetings

2.  AGM notification has to go out soon. We still do not have a President-elect

3.  AGM to be held on a regular Thursday meeting on December 10th, 2009

Final comments

Date for next meeting: December 07, 2009

Adjourn 7:30