1. Actions Recommended

The NHS Grampian Workforce update is for noting and highlights key workforce challenges and risks as at 30th June 2015.

  1. Strategic Context

Recruitment of staff continues to be a challenge, however, there have been improvements over the last couple of months including a greater number of applicants, although this may not secure an increase in the number of employees as this is dependent on applicant quality. For the nursing and midwifery workforce there has been a drop in the number of vacancies of 24 whole time equivalent (wte). This reduces the vacancies to a comparable figure to June 2014.

This falling vacancy trend has not been repeated for consultant medical staff where there has been a rise of 13 wte, although there are 28 individuals appointed to these vacancies who will start their employment with NHS Grampian over the next few months.

Significantly and related to these vacancies is the increase in the overall medical locum spend, this has doubled compared to the same period last year.

This work is having some impact as the overall wte of the workforce has increased, however, there has also been a significant increase in the overall bank spend of more than 20% compared to the same period last year.

Actions continue in relation to careers fairs and the use of social media to improve recruitment across the organisation. This work is having some impact as the overall wte of the workforce has increased, however, there has also been a significant increase in the overall bank spend of more than 20% compared to the same period last year.Of note,is the launch of a GP blog spot and facebook page to promote jobs and working in Grampian.

  1. Key Matters Relevant to the Recommendation

3.1 Workforce

The total number of staff in post was 11,818 whole time equivalent (WTE) and 14,263 headcount as 30th June2015. This represents an increase of 2.1% and 1.5% respectively in the number of staff employed when compared to 30th June 2014 but a decrease of 37wte from 31 March 2015.

The largest staff group within NHS Grampian continues to be Nursing and Midwifery, accounting for 44% ofall staff in Grampian with 5,170.3 WTE at 30th June 2015.

The number of nurses and midwives in post increased by 2.5% (129.3 WTE) between 30th June 14and 30th June 2015.

The number of consultants in post in Grampian has seen an annual increase of 2.6% (11.8 WTE) to 468.4 WTE at 30th June 2015.


The number of Nursing and Midwifery vacancies has increased by 0.7% (2.6 WTE) since this time last year to 355.5 WTE at 30thJune 2015.

The vacancy level has seen a reduction of 7% since last quarter from, 379.3 WTE.

There are currently 28 consultant posts that have been appointed, but not yet started. At 30th June 2015; there were 79.0 WTE consultant vacancies, which is a 23% increase when compared to the June 2014 position.

The number of consultant posts vacant for more than six months (43.7 WTE) has increased by 23% (14.7 WTE) since June 2014.

3.3 Bank Usage

The total bank spend for the year to date (April 15 – June 2015)has increased to £4.1M compared to £3.2M at the same point last year.

Nursing/Midwifery bank spend is showing signs of stabilising as appears to be following last years trend.

3.4 Agency Usage

The year to date (April 2015 – June 2015) agency spend for Nursing and Midwifery has increased to £405K compared to £91K at the same point last year (with a £314k increase).

Below is the chart covering the previous two financial years covering the overall spend for the Nursing and Midwifery agency figures.

Locum Agency Spend

In 2014/15 locum agency spend has increased to £9,262,108 compared with £6,618,432 in the previous year, this is an increase of 39.9%. Comparing locum agency spend in April 2015 which is £933,500 and April 2014 £494,987 sees a significant increase of 88.6%.

3.5 Sickness Absence

All figures below are published by ISD and may be subject to slight variation compared with local reporting.

Total Sickness Absence for the month of May is 4.58%, which is higher than at the same point last year (4.45%). The annual sickness absence rate (May15) has increased to 4.71% compared to 4.62% at the same point last year.

NHS Grampian continues to perform better than the most other large territorial Boards in terms of absence, with a particular difference in relation to long term absence. This can be attributed to the Boards approach to support staff back into the workplace on supported rehabilitation programmes and where required, with relevant adjustments.

3.6 Job Plans

The NHS Grampian Job Plan Submission 2014/2015 rate was 84.4% across NHS Grampian. The figure for 31 March 2014 was 69.6% compliance, due to the improved performance management of processes there has been an increase of 17.7%. As of June 2015 the submission rate is 33.3% across NHS Grampian.

3.7 Recruitment Services

For the period of April 2014 until March 2015 there were 1950 vacancies in NHS Grampian across all staff groups,compared with 1732 vacancies during the same period in the previous year. This is a 12.6% increase in vacancies within the same period during 2013/14 and 2014/15. This correlates with an increase in staff turnover to 12.3% as at 31st March 2015.

For the period of April 2014 until March 2015, 42,607 applications had been received for vacancies across all staff groups. This is a 7.8% increase in applications received within the same period during 2013/14.

For the 2 month period from April 2015 – May 2015, 8,628 applications were received. This shows a 13% increase for the same period in 2014/15.

  • 2012/13: 7,141 for first 2 months and 30,616 for year
  • 2013/14: 6,254 for first 2 months and 30,418 for year
  • 2014/15: 7,472 for first 2 months and 39,507 for year

Responsible Executive Director
Dr Annie Ingram
Director of Workforce & Acute Services
/ Contact for further information
Pauline Rae
Workforce Information Manager

July 2015

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