Spanish IV

Srta. Gleason

Telephone: 651-777-2555 (MPA) or 651-773-8256 x492 (voice mail)


Course Objectives: In Spanish IV, we continue to listen, speak, read, and write in Spanish. In terms of grammar, this year will be a review of the material from Spanish III. The first half of the year we will review the present tense, preterite, imperfect, all command forms, direct and indirect object pronouns, ser vs estar, por vs para, and reflexives. The second half of the year we cover: the subjunctive (present and past), comparatives, future and conditional tense, all of the perfects. The big difference between Spanish III and Spanish IV is the amount of time focused on readings and conversations. This year, most of the grammar will be embedded within the cultural components. We will focus on listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing through cultural presentations, videos, online news services, songs, games, and skits.

Supplies:Enfoques 3rd edition text and Student Activities Manaul (3rd edition)

Folder AND notebook exclusively for Spanish class

3x5 index cards to make flashcards (use these at home to study) or your computer

to use the Genius flashcard program or any other online flashcard program

Grading Scale77-79% C+

93-100% A72-76% C

90-92% A-70-71% C-

87-89% B+67-69% D+

82-86% B62-66% D

80-81% B-60-61% D-

0-59% F

Evaluation:1. Thoughtful and productive classroom participation in SPANISH- 10%

  1. Homework (anything not handed in the day it is due is worth half credit and can be done up to the end of the quarter for credit.) -20%
  2. Listening Comprehension- 10%
  3. Tests and Quizzes and Special Projects/Presentations- 60%


  1. All MPA rules will be followed in this class. (i.e. dress code, absences, tardies, plagiarism, gum chewing, etc.)
  2. Estudias espanol. Háblalo todo lo que puedas, especialmente en el salón de clase!
  3. All students are expected to do their homework EVERY night it is assigned and bring it to class EVERY day. Late assignments that are late will be worth half credit, big assignments and projects will get a reduction of 10% per day that they are late. Remember: I have to let your parents know if you turn in three or more late assignments in one quarter!
  4. Tests and quizzes are ALWAYS announced in advance. They will include information covered in class in a format that we have practiced.
  5. Please notify me if you need extra help, have a concern, know of anyone who would like to share an experience or cultural information with our class, or if you simply want to chat.

Student signature______

Parent signature______