MAY 30, 2017Whistler, BC


Resolved that, [insert motion here]

(total length: 2-3 pages, single-spaced; 3 pages maximum)

SPONSOR (list name of applicant, and sponsor if applicable)


The purpose of this brief is to create the strongest, most provocative case possible for your issue and how it will improve seniors care and/or the continuing care sector in British Columbia. It will serve as the one aspect to encourage conference attendees to vote for this issue as one of the final two to be presented in 1st Annual BCCPA Care to Debate.


Briefly state the problem or issue for consideration.This opening statement will help make your case versus other motions that are being considered. In particular, this paragraph should highlight provocative and relevant statistics regarding seniors and/or continuingcare.


This section should provide supporting information that is relevant to the issue and motion and demonstrate the relevance of the issue in the current environment. For instance:

  • Why does the issue exist? How did it originate?
  • Why is the issue of particular relevance now? What is the importance and relevance of the issue to the current health care system and, in particular, seniors care?
  • Have others attempted to address the issue?
  • Why is this one of the most important issues in seniors care today?
  • What will be the impact on the continuing care system if this resolution isn’t adopted?
  • Are there other examples of best practices in other jurisdictions/countries?


  • What are the options for addressing the issue?
  • What are the statistics that would make public / government officials take notice?
  • What would be the statistical projections if we don’t take notice of this issue? (i.e., how much worse would the situation be?)
  • What are the “pros” and “cons” of these options?
  • For example, what are the financial, political and implementation considerations?
  • What constraints would limit the range of options available to addressing the issue?
  • What organizations do you see playing a role in addressing the issue?How could collaboration be used to move the issue forward?
  • What are the implications of not addressing the issue?
  • What is the proposed recommendation or solution to the issue? (the motion)
  • How can spread and sustainability be achieved?


  • How do you see this moving forward?
  • Please indicate the stakeholders that should be involved and what can/should they contribute to implementing or moving this motion forward, including:
  • You (and/or the organization, if applicable) that sponsored the motion;
  • Health leaders/ stakeholders;
  • Health authorities
  • Provincial/territorial and/or federal governments;
  • Public
  • Others?


  • What are the sources of information that were used to prepare this issue brief?Please ensure that references are noted.


  • Who can we speak to for more information?
  • Do you have supportive visual materials (existing video footage, still photography)that are relevant to this issue?
  • Would you be available to speak to the media?

This brief was prepared in collaboration with: [insert motion sponsor name/affiliation]

1 / BCCPA 1st Annual Care to Debate