Head Teacher:Thursday 13 October 2011
Ms Janet Lunn
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Thank you to Mrs Motara and Year 4 for their class assembly this morning. We all enjoyed finding out about the Vikings. It is celebration assembly tomorrow morning and everyone is welcome.
Free Lunch for Reception Parents
Wednesday 19th is our Lunch On Us Day for Reception children only. If parents buy a dinner for their child (£1.85) or are on free school meals, they can come and have a dinner with their child for freeon Wednesday. Please make sure you inform the office by tomorrow if you are planning on having a free dinner with your child so that we can inform our school cook Mrs Goodall.
October half term
We will break up on Thursday 20th October and return to school on Monday 31st October. I cannot believe we are at that point already. Friday 21st is an INSET day, which means in-service training day for the staff. The teachers are going to Lydgate school and we are sharing the cost of a guest speaker for the day to help our leaders develop their leadership styles and to help them to monitor their subject areas. The teaching assistants here will be joined by Lydgate school support staff for their first aid training.
Overall Attendance Figure– 96.86%
Many outstanding schools do not receive another Ofsted if they are maintaining their standards in results and in attendance. However, I am expecting that we will be seen by Ofsted again in the next few months and the reason is due to our attendance. Please do not keep your children off school unless they are ill. If your child is ill, please ring the school before 9.15am. Please note, no holiday leave will be granted and £50 penalty notice will be issued if you choose to take your child on holiday in term time.
Please ensure your child brings a coat to school. I know the weather is changeable but the children do need to have a warm coat on to play out in.
Key Stage 2 will be visiting the Showcase cinemas to watch Kung Fu Panda 2 on Monday 17th October.
Year 3 will be visiting Batley Library in the morning for poetry writing on Tuesday 18th October.
Mr Patel will be taking a few weeks out of school after half term as he is going on Hajj. We are still in the process of choosing a teacher for Year 5 but be assured that we will choose someone who is good and who the children will like. We wish him a safe journey and a blessed pilgrimage.
Ms Bayford has gone on maternity leave a bit earlier than planned and will return at Easter. We have employed Mrs Gardham to teach Nursery after October half term. At the moment, we are lucky to have Ms Barrett who is on supply for the next week.
Finer Diners will be dining with Mr Butterworth and their friends. The lucky children areDayaan Sadiq (Rec), Alyza Taswar (Y1) and Salehah Ravat (Y4). Congratulations.
Yours faithfully,