A Public Assembly was held prior to the meeting at 7.30 p.m.

Present: Cllr. Brian Spencer (Chair) Cllr. Donna Harris (from 7.30pm)

Cllr. John Hathaway Cllr. Chris Johns

Cllr. Derek Jones Cllr. Mrs Ruth Watkins

In Attendance: C. Cllr. Sara Jones.

Apologies: None

To disclose personal and pecuniary interests in items of business listed below:

None declared.

1. Election of Chairman:

Proposed: Cllr. Chris Johns nominated Cllr. Brian Spencer for Chairman.

Seconded: Cllr. John Hathaway.

Resolved: - Members unanimously approved the election of Cllr. Brian Spencer as Chairman. Cllr. Brian Spencer accepted.

2. Election of Vice Chairman:

Cllr. John Hathaway nominated Cllr. Chris Johns as Vice Chairman.

Seconded: Cllr. Derek Jones.

Resolved: - Members unanimously approved the election of Cllr. Chris Johns as Vice Chairman.

Cllr. Chris Johns accepted.

3. To receive the Chairman’s Report for the year 1/4/16 to 31/3/17:

See attached Chairman’s report.

4. To consider vacancies in all wards:

It was noted that following the June 2017 elections there are now four vacancies – one in each of the wards.

Resolved:- Members agreed to look for suitable candidates in their wards. The Clerk will check the regulations governing the distance a member can live from the ward / council area. This item will be placed on the agenda for the July council meeting.

5. To approve the Accounts for the 2016/17 financial year:

Notice of annual audit of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2017

(i)  To receive and note letter including appendices 1 - 8 from the new appointed external auditor, on behalf of the Auditor General for Wales, BDO LLP

(ii)  To receive and note BDO Audit Spring Briefing – April 2017

Cllr. Mrs Donna Harris arrived at the meeting – 7.30 pm

(iii)  Summary of Timescale following Internal Audit – to note

Statutory deadline for council to approve Annual Return / 30 June 2017
Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise if Electors’ Rights / 22 May – 19 June 2017
Date by which BDO LLP are to receive approved Annual Return / 20 June 2017
Appointed date set for the exercise of elector’s rights to inspect
Annual Return / 20 June 2017
Council to publish certified Annual Return / 30 September 2017

Year End Accounts – 2016/17

The Clerk went through, in detail, the year-end accounts with members and answered relevant questions.

Resolved: - Members approved the 2016/17 Year End Accounts including the 2016/17 Balance Sheet, 2016/17 Receipts & Payments Accounts, 2017/17 Fixed Assets & the year end bank reconciliation dated 31/3/17.

Annual Return 2016/17

The Clerk gave members full details of the Annual Return for 2016/17 – Section 1 – Accounting Statements for Llanarth Fawr Community Council.

Resolved: - Members approved the Accounting Statement and this was signed by the Chairman.

Annual Governance Statement 2016/17

The Clerk read to members each point on the Annual Governance Statement.

Resolved: - Members approved the response for each point on the Annual Governance Statement for the 2016/17 External Audit.

6. Bank Signatories:

Resolved: - Bank Signatories confirmed as Cllr. B. Spencer, Cllr. C. Johns, Cllr. D. Jones and the Clerk. Former Cllr Ms Carol Oatey is to be removed from the bank mandate and Cllr. Mrs Ruth Watkins is approved to become a signatory.

7. Confirmation of Standing Orders & Financial Regulations:

It was noted that the Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations had been first adopted in November 2014- these were reviewed prior to this meeting.

Resolved: - The Council approved the Standing Orders and Regulations without amendment. These were signed by the Chairman.

8. Annual Risk Assessment:

The Clerk familiarised members with the contents of the 2017 Risk Register.

Resolved: - Members approved and confirmed the 2017 Risk Register. This was signed by the Chairman.

9. Any Other Business:

To appoint Internal Auditor. It was noted that it have not been easy for the Clerk to find a suitable and willing Internal Auditor. Catherine Williams – Chartered Accountant has been selected by the Clerk as fully satisfying the Internal Audit requirements and she is willing and able to undertake this work.

Resolved:- Members unanimously approved the appointment of Catherine Williams as Internal Auditor. A suitable letter of engagement is to be sent by the Clerk.

The meeting rose at 7.52 p.m.