The System of Checks and Balances: answer choices


·  Use chapter 9 and the text of the Constitution (Articles I, II, III) at the back of the book

·  For each item, figure who has the power to DO the thing listed, and who is being limited or balanced out when the power is used. Basically, you need to figure out who DOES it, and who they do it TO. For example, some things the President does to balance out the powers of the Congress (CHECKS THE CONGRESS). Other things the President does to balance out the power of the Supreme Court (CHECKS THE SUPREME COURT).

·  USE PENCIL to write each item in its proper place on the chart

·  If you make a mistake, erase it neatly, then clearly write the correct answer.

·  Check off each item as you use it to make sure you use them all.

·  Each answer choice will only be used ONCE, and ALL answer choices WILL be used.

Example: “Veto a bill” belongs in the section of the chart where you see “CHECKS THE CONGRESS” and “President has power to:” because the President can veto bills passed by the Congress if he does not agree with the bill.

Answer Choices:

q  Veto a bill

q  Propose Amendments to overturn Supreme Court rulings

q  Establish lower courts

q  Grant a pardon or parole

q  Declare a law unconstitutional

q  Appoint federal judges or Justices

q  Reject a treaty

q  Recommend laws

q  Impeach and remove the President

q  Override a veto

q  Appoint federal officials (Cabinet, ambassadors)

q  Reject an appointment to the Supreme Court (or other federal courts)

q  Impeach and remove a federal judge or Justice

q  Declare an action of the President unconstitutional

q  Reject an appointment to the Cabinet (or other federal office)

q  Interpret treaties

q  Negotiate treaties