
Commission Chairman Ronald Winterton, Commissioner Ken Burdick, Commissioner Greg Todd, Former Commissioner Kirk J. Wood, Deputy County Attorney Tyler Allred, Deputy Clerk Auditor Connie Sweat, Personnel Director Lisa Henrie, Thomas Winterton, and Commission Assistant BobbiJo Casper taking minutes of the meeting.

Opening Comments

Mr. Wood gave the prayer. There were no comments.

Consideration Of Vouchers

The commission reviewed vouchers # 130445 through 130467 dated January 05, 2015, in the amount of eighty nine thousand one hundred ninety dollars and forty cents ($89,190.40) as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. Commissioner Burdick motioned to approve the vouchers as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of A Beer License Application For Moon Lake Resort

Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the beer license application as presented. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Appointments On The Children’s Justice Center Board Of Trustees

Assistant Casper stated that there are two expired appointments on the Children’s Justice Center Board. Herb Gillespie as the Criminal Defense Attorney and Jane Gurr representing the Justice Center; both are eligible to be reappointed. Commissioner Todd motioned to reappoint Herb Gillespie and Jane Gurr to the Children’s Center for another term pending their acceptance. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Ratificaion Of Allocating Additional Funds For The Event Center

Commissioner Winterton stated that this is for the comfort of the state and CIB Board in which when we received funds for the loan/grant it was not to exceed 5.2 million dollars and we are putting in 1 million. The bids are coming in and there is not a buffer zone so we wrote a letter stating that we will take up the $400,000 in slack to give a comfort zone; we may not use it, but at least it’s there. Commissioner Burdick motioned to approve the additional funds of four hundred thousand dollars for the Event Center. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of An Agreement With Simlifile LC For Electronic Recording

Recorder Shelley Brennen, Treasurer Stephen Potter, & IS Director Kent Ogletree joined the meeting at 1:18 P.M…

Director Ogletree stated that Simplifile is a recording service where people can send documents in to be recorded in the Recorder’s Office and sent into Coins without the Recorder’s Office ever actually touching the documents. The money will be put into an account. This will reduce the workload in the Recorder’s Office. Recorder Brennen stated that Senate Bill 79 was passed in the last legislative session for us as a 4th class county to be doing this by July of 2017. She has spoken to all local title companies and a lot of them have already been using this at other counties. This will also save title companies time and money. Treasurer Potter stated that the way this will affect his office is that they will need to verify that the money has been received. Director Ogletree stated that this should be in place within 2-3 weeks.

Consideration Of A House Lease Agreement

Deputy County Attorney Jared Tingey joined the meeting at 1:36 P.M…

Attorney Allred stated that the county owns the house by the fairgrounds and he created a lease agreement. Attorney Tingey prepared Exhibit A to the agreement. The rent would be eight hundred dollars ($800) per month which would be a reduced amount subject to certain projects being completed to justify the reduced rate. Attorney Tingey stated that he will pay eight hundred dollars ($800) a month and wants to make sure that what he does is fair and equal to fair market value. Rent would typically be twelve hundred dollars ($1200) a month, so he wants to make sure it’s fair and that the contract is at arm’s length. If the county feels that they aren’t getting the sweat equity of the difference, he will pay the full amount so there are no questions or concerns. Chairman Winterton stated that they acquired this hose last year because we own everything around it. The house was in fairly good shape other than the sewer. It has sat for several months and it’s now showing some age things that need to be addressed. We want someone in there to take care of it and so it doesn’t sit idle. The money for these upgrades is coming out of a 41 account. This is not tax dollars; it comes from mineral lease and other funds that aren’t used during the year that goes into the 41 pool. Commissioner Burdick motioned to approve the house lease agreement. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Discussion Of Property Taxes With Dan Robinson

Assessor Greg Garff joined the meeting at 1:55 P.M…

Mr. Dan Robinson did not show. Assessor Garff stated that there is a code that says you can defer or exempt property taxes. Mr. Robinson has a house in Hancock Cove that he has not been able to live in since November due to sewer issues. We could defer 1/3 of his taxes for this year. He has until May 22, 2015 to determine the value of the home; it’s in unusable condition because of sewer problems. It sounds like we are going to have more of these situations coming in.

County/Community Planning Administrator Mike Hyde joined the meeting at 2:00 P.M…

Administrator Hyde stated that on October 2, 2014, we sent a letter to the property the Stonegate property owners after we did an onsite visit.

Discussion Of Fire Protection For New Construction

Emergency Management Director Mike Lefler joined the meeting at 2:07 P.M…

Director Lefler stated that Ted Black from the State Fire Marshalls Office came out and talked about Western Urban Interface Codes and he wanted to introduce what he wants to accomplish. In 2006, we adopted the Western Urban Interface and Fire Codes. In Chapter 1 of the fire code in the technical assistance section it talks about how we deal with individuals who don’t have the ability to put in a sprinkler system or a fire hydrant. Some things are impractical, but additions or alterations may be made if it conforms to the new building or structure. The code official is authorized to grant alterations if it’s impractical to follow the code and it should be approved prior to the building permit being issued. He is looking for directions as the county continues to grow. We want to have a fire plan that people can be aware of and have the plans in place prior to construction. Administrator Hyde stated that it’s going to take the Emergency Management Department, Planning Department and Building Department to work together. In his part of it, if the fire protection isn’t there, they need a conditional use permit with the building permit. We need to keep up our efforts when they first come in to get a building permit so people know what needs to be done upfront. Everything is already in the ordinance, but you can make changes. Director Lefler stated that we bill for fires and he wants to enhance the program and require things sooner than later. Administrator Hyde asked Director Lefler to review the building permit checklist to add what he feels should be on it to beef it up and make people aware of what needs to be done. With people knowing what needs to be done upfront, we will hear some grumbling.

Consideration Of Commission Chairman For 2015

Commissioner Todd motioned to appoint Ron Winterton as Chairman for 2015. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motioned passed.

Consideration Of Commission Assignments For 2015

Chairman Winterton stated that if one of us can’t make it to a meeting, we can help each other and attend those meetings.



Ronald Winterton, Chairman

Board Appointments / Personnel Departments
Animal Control / HR Department
Utah Counties Insurance Pool / Emergency Management- Michael Lefler
Tri County Health / Public Works/Landfill
Regional Economic Development / Public Lands
Uintah Basin Association of Governments / Building Department- Karl Mott
Uintah Basin Narcotics Strike Force / State Boards
SSD#3 / Permanent Community Impact Board (CIB)
Federal Boards
RAC-National Forest Service

Greg Todd, Member

Board Appointments / Personnel Departments
Department of Workforce Services / Planning & Zoning – Mike Hyde
Aging / Information System-I.T./GIS
Eastern Utah Television & Technology Board / Public Works/Landfill
County Library System / Public Lands
Northeastern Counseling / State Boards
Economic Development District (EDD)
Uintah Basin Association of Governments
Revolving Loan Fund
Children’s Justice Center Board
Uintah Basin Medical Center Board

Ken Burdick, Member

Board Appointments / Personnel Departments
County Fair / Weeds – Ron Johnson
Rural Public Lands County Council / Buildings & Grounds – Shane Jenkins
Utah Association of Counties Commission/Council / Commission Assistant – BobbiJo Casper
Uintah Basin Association of Governments / Public Works/Landfill
Public Lands
State Boards

Commissioner Burdick motioned to approve the commission assignments as presented for 2015. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Minutes For Combined Commission Meeting Held December 22, 2014

Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the minutes as corrected. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Minutes For Special Commission Meeting Held December 29, 2014

Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the minutes as corrected. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Closed Meeting –

Commissioner Todd moved to go into and out of closed session for the purpose of discussing litigation issues at 3:19 P.M. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Entered back into combined commission meeting at 4:24 P.M…

Commission Calendaring


Chairman Winterton adjourned the meeting at 4:45 P.M.

Read and approved this 26th day of January 2015.

Ronald Winterton / JoAnn Evans
Commission Chairman / Clerk/Auditor

Minutes of meeting prepared by BobbiJo Casper______

Combined Commission Meeting January 05, 2015 Page 1 of 3