Craft Ideas for the Jumper Handbook Submitted by: Wynda
Awana Forums Username: Wynma
Cubbies Director, Bloomfield Baptist Church, Bloomfield, Kentucky
Starting Night: First Night of Cubbies
Make a Cubbie Puppet using the Cubbie Pattern from the front of the Leader Guide.
Small Paper Bags
Cubbie Pattern
Let the kids color Cubbie then glue the pieces on the paper bag.
Brochure 1 - "God loved us, and sent His Son"
Jesus Plate
Paper Plates
Aluminum Foil
Will need two plates per child. Cut the center out of one plate. Cut a circle of aluminum foil slightly larger that the hole in the plate. Glue the aluminum foil to the center of the "solid" plate, then glue the plate with the hole on top of the first plate. This creates a "mirror" for the children to see themselves in. You can write
"Jesus Loves…" on the top of the plate, and the child’s name on the bottom.
Brochure 2 - "all have sinned", "while we were sinners, Christ died for us"
"A", "C"
Letter Puzzles
Draw an outline of the letters "A", & "C" , break them down into different shapes. Put dots in the shapes. Then finish out paper with different shapes & lines. Copy and give one of each letter to each child and have them color only the areas with the dots inside to reveal the "A", & "C".
Bear Hug 1 - "God is Love"
2 Paper Plates
Hole Punch (if using bells )
String (if using bells)
Bells (optional)
Unpopped popcorn kernels (optional)
Have children color designs on the back of each plate. Then staple plates together facing each other (colored side out). You can either put popcorn inside plate or can attach 2 or 3 bells with strings for "music".
Bear Hug 2 - "God created the Heaven & the Earth"
Bear Hug 3 - "He hath made everything beautiful"
Cupcake Flower
Multi colored cupcake papers
Brown & Green Construction Paper
Large Popsicle Sticks ( I’ve also used tongue depressors)
Cut 2" circles from the brown construction paper, 2 simple leaves for each flower from the green construction paper. Glue the brown circle to the center or inside bottom of the cupcake paper, glue the cupcake paper to the top of the Popsicle stick, then glue the "leaves" to the stick. Let the glue dry then flatten the cupcake paper a little.
You can write the verse on the Popsicle stick for added emphasis.
Bear Hug 4 - "O give thanks to the Lord that made great lights...sun by day...moon and stars by night"
Waxed Paper
Multi Colored Confetti Paper
Yellow Tissue Paper
White Tissue Paper
Hole Punch
String or Yarn
(You may want to go ahead and get the first part of this craft ready before club night if you know how many kids you will have. I always make 3 or 4 more than the regular number of kids we have just in case we have a visitor or two. Also depends on how much time you have to devote to crafts.)
Cut a 3" sun out of the yellow tissue paper and a 3" moon and stars out of the white tissue paper. Cut two 10" circles of waxed paper. Arrange the "sun" and "moon and stars" on the waxed paper. Sprinkle confetti paper all over the circle. Place second waxed paper circle over the first one. Put suncatcher on a towel and iron together. Make sure that the waxed sides of the paper are on the inside.
Punch holes all around the outside of the suncatcher about 1" to 2" apart. Have the children lace the string or yarn through the holes leaving enough string at the top to tie together for a hanger.
Bear Hug 5 - "All things were made by him"
Paper Chain Caterpillar
Green Construction Paper
Markers or crayons
Cut a 4" circle and ten 1"x6" strips from the green paper. Using the strips of paper make a paper chain. On the circle have the kids color eyes and a mouth for the caterpillar. Glue the head (circle) to the paper chain body.
Bear Hug 6 - "I am wonderfully made"
Photo Frame Lid
Plastic Lids (from Kool-Aid cans or about that size)
Paper Doilies
Ribbon or lace
Photo of each Cubbie
Glue the Cubbie’s picture to the inside of the lid. Glue a frame around the lid using the ribbon or lace. Glue paper doily to the back of the lid. Glue small magnet to the back of the lid. ( you can use the self-stick magnets that are already pre-cut into squares)
You can either ask parents to provide photos or you can take pictures of them on a previous night and save them for this craft.
Bear Hug 7 - "All scripture is given by God"
Bear Hug 8 - "Thy word is true from the beginning"
Rainbow Mobile
Paper Plate
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and White Construction Paper
Hole Punch
Cut 2 Cloud shapes from white paper for each "rainbow". Cut Plate in half. Cut strips of colored paper to form a rainbow. Glue Colored paper to the plate starting with red at the top of the rainbow. Punch a hole in the top of the rainbow. Punch one hole on either side at the bottom. Punch hole in each "cloud". Tie string in the top of rainbow and attach the other end to the stick. Tie one cloud on either side of the bottom of the rainbow at the bottom.
Bear Hug 9 - "Trust in the Lord"
Moses Parting the Red Sea - instructions for this craft can be found at
Bear Hug 10 - "For the word of the Lord is right"
Yellow Construction Paper
Different types of stickers
Cut a crown shape out of the construction paper. Let children decorate their crown with stickers. Staple ends together.
Bear Hug 11 - "Evening, and morning, and at noon I pray"
Lion Head - Instructions for this craft can be found at
Bear Hug 12 - "God, loved us and sent his son"
Friendship Angel - Instructions for this craft can be found at
Bear Hug 13 - "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with great joy"
Shooting Star - Instructions for this craft can be found at
Bear Hug 14 - "Let the little children come to me"
Bear Hug 15 - "We ought to love one another"
Heart Pin
Red craft foam
White Lace
Adhesive pin clip
White Paint Pen
Cut 3" to 4" heart out of the craft foam. Write the verse on the heart. Glue Lace around the whole heart. Place pin on the back of the heart.
Bear Hug 16 - "Jesus came into the world to save sinners"
Lost Sheep - Instructions for this craft can be found at
Bear Hug 17 - "Even the winds and the sea obey him"
Clothes pin sailboat
Wooden clothes pins with spring
White paper for Felt
Take the springs off the clothespins. Cut 2 ½ " square of white paper or felt. Glue the flat sides of the clothespins together so that there is a little hole at one end. Insert toothpick through the paper to form sail. Place a small amount of glue in the hole in the clothespin. Put the toothpick in the hole.
Bear Hug 18 - "Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures"
Sugar Cube Cross - Instructions for this craft can be found at
Bear Hug 19 - "I am with you always"
God’s Eye - Instructions for this craft can be found at
Bear Hug 20 - "Love one another as I have loved you"
Make a simple bookmark with the verse written on it. Can be made with construction paper cut in to a 2"x6" strip and let the kids decorate with stickers or color with crayons or markers.
Bear Hug 21 - "Love Thy Neighbor"
Noodle Necklaces
Multi-colored macaroni
Waxed String
String the macaroni together to make 2 necklaces, tie ends together. Have the children give one necklace to a neighbor.
Bear Hug 22 - "Children, obey your parents in the Lord"
Bear Hug 23 - "The Lord is My Shepherd"
Hand Lamb
Black construction paper
Cotton Balls
Wiggly Eyes
Red yarn
Cut a hand shape from the black paper. Have kids glue an eye on the thumb then cover the rest of the hand with cotton balls leaving the tip of each "leg" black. Tie a piece of yarn around the neck.
Bear Hug 24 - "Serve the Lord with gladness"
Craft Ideas for the Jumper Handbook Submitted By: Wynda