Physiological resonances and modification of consciousness

V. Novikov is a reserve officer who worked at defence enterprises of the military industrial complex. At present he is an inventor and a scientist. The sphere of his scientific interests includes generation and transformation of energy in different nature structures.

Living organisms are extremely vulnerable to the oscillation impact of different origin. This can be sound, electromagnetic or combined impacts. Human ears perceive oscillations at the range of 20 Hz to 20 KHz. Many animals easily perceive lower frequencies, dogs, for instance, hear starting with 12 Hz. However, the most interesting abilities possess low frequency oscillations (infrasound) since their impact on the human organism is very powerful. It is well known for a long time that any organ of a human body has its resonance frequency, at which the external pulsing infrasound pressure induces beating. Frequency of resonances of certain organs is specific and usually lies within the interval of 4 to 10 Hz. There are certain resonance frequencies for heart, kidney, lungs, and brain and so it is for every human organ and even for certain tissues. Depending on the amplitude of oscillation strength they can differently impact a human body. Weak impacts of this sort induce nausea and dizziness. The powerful ones cause lethal result. Longstanding experiments concerning the influence of fields of different origin on the animals under tests, in which the author of the present article participated, were carried out on a large scale under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences. Different aspects of the problem were studied, including medical, pharmacological and other ones. In the experiments on animals took part the experts in different sciences: biophysicians, medics, physiologists, biochemists, programmers, physicians-opticians, experts on quantum generators and many others.

The animals under tests were exposed to the impact of various radiators. The experts studied the influence not only of certain fields as electromagnetic, electrostatic, sound and others but also of their combinations. The other variables of the experiments were certain parameters of the fields, namely modulation, pulse repetition diapasons and staging. It was found out that certain combination of impacts paralyses animals; some other modifications of impact conditions induce physiological resonance of certain internal organs, what usually lead to death. Experiments on human beings, which were held on a large scale during the last decades of the XX century all over the world, also bore witness for the fact that electromagnetic radiation and inaudible infrasound oscillations are able to influence human psychic causing fear or consternation. Irradiation with infrasound oscillations of certain frequency induces heart cramps and even heart standstills. Certain frequency and intensity of the external field selectively cause cramps of different organs. Especially effective are the combinations of different fields. In this case we observe synergism of certain impacts i.e. their mutual amplification. Some pharmacological substances to a certain extent can protect an organism from impacts of such fields and even stimulate the remedial processes after irradiation. Electromagnetic oscillations are capable to influence human mind causing fear and consternation. Tallying of pulse repetition of external electromagnetic field with the frequency of alpha-rhythm of the brain, for instance, could bring the animal under test to have a dismal mood and even whiplashes of fear. Irradiations of different origin causing effects of influencing a human mind are known under the name of psychotronic ones. Numerous scientific researches in the laboratories all over the world of a great number demonstrated a possibility of controlling muscle movements of a human being and his emotions (and his actions as well) by means of electric field generators. There are methodologies worked out which enable to put patients to sleep, implant any thoughts, and percolate into long-term and short-term memory. Moreover, it is possible at the very short term to develop a new set of skills and erase the existing ones, that is in other words to replace the gained life experience with the new one, required by experimentalists.

The most of psychotronic impacts are well known for a long time in the result of numerous researches in many countries of the world. Already in 1966 in the USA was published a fourteen-volume work under the title The challenge of the new world which summarises the results of the scientific researches held in the laboratories of the Air Force. This work enlightens the achievements of the developing of new weaponry up to and including electromagnetic generators, as well as of turning a human into a biological robot.

In the chapter The process of biological controlling the authors wrote about creation of such an electromagnetic energy source, with the help of which it will be possible to control muscle movements of a human, his emotions (and his actions as well), to put him in sleep and implant any thoughts. Such radiations are able to influence long-term and short-term memory, and at the very short-term develop a new set of skills and erase the existing ones, that is in other words to replace the gained life experience with the new one, necessary for the certain manipulators. From the same source it is well known that the first developments of similar weaponry relate to the times of the Second World War, when the Japanese scientists were engaged in the programme Death Ray. Despite the fact that this programme was not put to the mass appliance, the developing was regarded as a quite promising one and in the programme in the period 1940-1945 were invested hundred thousands yens.

The Japanese developed a certain radiator capable to injure a human out of the cover at a distance of 8-16 km. In 1943 it passed tests successfully: with the help of this radiator operating on a certain wavelength were cut off working engines; living beings (pigs and mice) exposed to the impact of this radiator with a wavelength at the range of 0,6-2m suffered pulmonary haemorrhages; wavelength more than two meter started destroying brain cells. The most intensive experiments on controlling of a human mind were firstly held at the times of the Second World War in the concentration camps of Japan and Germany. Nazi medics in the concentration camp Dahau were carrying out experiments on hypnosis and hypnosis based on the use of the drug mescaline on the enemy prisoners of war. Mescaline (3,4,5- trimethoxy-beta-phenylethylamine), bio chemically related to lysergic acid, the oldest classic hallucinogen, known for scientists, that is the basic alkaloid of the cactus peyote. The name mescaline derives from the name of the Indian tribe Mescalero having broadly consumed this kind of drug. In 1886 the German pharmacologist Ludwig Lewin published the results of his first systematic research of this cactus, which Indians considered to be a divinity. This substance was won from the peyote cactus and pharmacologically defined in 1896. Jaensch, Havelock Ellis and Weir Mitchell, the researches of peyote, are of the same opinion that mescaline is the most distinctive drug ever existed, it changes mind in a deepest way and at the same time it is least toxic. Mescaline is regarded to be a standard of effect strength for other phenylethylamines.

The chemists managed to synthesise it in 1919.

Similar experiments were held in other fascist concentration camps as well. As the journal Military researches reports (issue of September 1999) after the war the USA captured the secret scientific elaborations of the Third Reich and involved many of the former Nazi scientists to the research work in one of the scientific centres in Germany. Later some of the scientists were secretly taken out to the USA in the framework of the secret programme Project Paperclip. They were gathered at the Air Force base in San Antonio (State Texas). By 1953 CIA and American chemical troops as though imitating nazi methods, in their turn started carrying out the experiments on hypnosis based on drugs. Prisoners, patients of mental homes, illegal immigrants, representatives of ethnic and sexual minorities became their “patients”.

Only in the middle of the 70ies the general public was let to know about the thirty year history of these horrible experiments, which were held by military and investigatory departments of the USA. It became also known that the most successful results achieved Dr. Jose Delgado (a famous American scientist, the most famous expert in the sphere of electropotentials of the brain, died in 1985). He demonstrated by means of special equipment electrostimulation of brain at a distance causing living beings under test feel such strong emotions as anger, passion and the sense of emptiness. That was an authentic neurohypnosis, a direct impact on the neural axis of a human. In one of his reports he wrote: “Radiostimulation of various points of brain of four patients induced diverse effects, including pleasant sensations, excitement, deep thinking concentration, unpleasant sensations, superrelaxation on the verge of deep hypnosis, colour visions etc.” Delgado believed in the creation of a “psychocivilized society” and predicted that it will be possible with the help of a computer to establish a two-sided connection with a human brain in which will a special stimosaver implanted. This day came in 1974. Namely then Lawrence Pinneo, a neurophysiologist and electronic engineer at Stanford Scientific Research Institute developed a computer system capable of thoughts reading. It showed the data of a thinking process on the screen of an electroencephalograph. At present the achievements in this area proceeded much further.

However the neurohypnosis was acknowledged to be not enough reliable way of impact, though the developments of this method have been being carried up to now. CIA, for example, at present is funding the researches of Ewan Cameron (famous American psychologist conducting experiments on prisoners of American prisons), which deal with elaborating of a method to erase memory and modify violently a personality. In his time Cameron found out that electroshock induces memory loss and started the programme which he called remodelling, erasure of the former memory. According to his method, persons will be at first turned into something like robots and then they will be reprogrammed. When the wide scientific circles of the USA found out about these interesting experiments, furious general public made him resign. Just after it the Congress of the USA prohibited to conduct similar experiments and demanded suspending of all these projects. However, later the former agent of CIA Viktor Marchetti admitted that the programmes are in full swing, they are made just more secret. And in 1989 CNN broadcasted a documentary about electromagnetic weaponry and submitted to the government of the USA a document reporting about the plan of applying this weaponry against terrorists. Before the film was demonstrated, the Minister of Defence made a statement that microwaves and other modulators were regularly applied by Israelis to calm Palestinians down. Later the famous weekly Defence News (May 1992) informed that the Russian government discussed the issue of submitting to the American counterparts the information on acoustic psychocorrection as well as equipment. Afterwards Russian experts said this device is capable “to transmit the commands by the way of static and multifrequent sound waves and impact on human subconsciousness without putting other intellectual activity out of the order.” American experts reported that the results of proving of the potentials of this equipment are “quite promising.” After the impacting the object, let it be a volunteer or a victim suspecting nothing, within a minute he changes his behaviour in the way necessary for the agents or servicemen conducting irradiation. To the opinion of the experts this acoustic psychocorrector was worked out in the former Soviet Union already in the middle of the 70ies with the aim of “suppressing disorders, controlling of dissidents, demoralisation of the enemy and putting him out of the order and creating of favourable conditions for the activities of friendly troops.” However, this information comes from the American source and is not approved by other sources.

The work on improving of the death rays goes on in our days. So, not so long ago on the pages of American periodicals Dr. Ross Adey at the Californian University reported that the emotional state and behaviour of a human being could be influenced at a distance by means of changing of the electromagnetic field of a human. Adey and other scientists are going to find out precisely which frequencies and pulsations affect these or those aspects of brain activity and neural system. The large scale tests of psychotronic weapon on persons suspecting nothing are also going on. Already in 1986 Kim Besly (died in June 1996), a head of the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp, situated next to the military base in Greenham Common (USA) made a catalogue of the symptoms caused by the low frequency signals to which were exposed protesting women. This impact manifested itself in dizziness, frequent bursting of eye blood-vessels, face burns (even at night), nausea, insomnia, quickening of heart beating, memory losses, inability to concentrate attention, disorientation, heaviest headaches, temporary paralysis, speech difficulties, irritability, unreasoned panic. Dr. Robert Becker, an expert in the area of impact of electromagnetic waves on a human organism at the Stanford University, approved that the symptoms observed by women in Greenham Common fully correspond to those caused by psychotronic weapon.

In May 1994 American scientific journal Scientific American published an article on already existing at that time nonlethal weapon.Among other things were called laser rifles and low-frequency infrasound generators, enough powerful to induce nausea and stomach upset. Among the present programmes researchers of this issue indicate the Sleeping Beauty, a programme stipulating the creation of electromagnetic weaponry impacting the mind of the enemy armed forces during military operations. This project is headed by Jack Verona, officer of the military intelligence service of the high rang. Moreover on the 21st of July 1994 the Minister of Defence William Perry signed a memorandum on nonlethal weapon with a register of cases in which it is allowed to be applied. The first point in the register was control over crowd, and the fifth position took putting out of the order and destruction of weaponry or military productions, including mass destruction weaponry. In the July of the next year at the very popular newspaper of American human rights defenders Spotlight was published an article in which Emery Horvath, a professor of physics at Harvard admitted: “These electronic scalphunters were elaborated to enable governmental authorities to percolate into human brain, disorient crowds of people or manipulate certain personalities making them stop being themselves. That is a really horrible weapon.”

The term not nonlethal weapon was invented by American scientists. A selective list of technologies relating to the sort of weapon in question includes portable lasers making enemy soldiers go blind and isotope radiators camouflaged as standard weaponry. Infrasound generators which not only disorient the enemy but also induce nausea and stomach upset, as well as generators of noise, which dismally affect hostile crowds. Almost all these technologies are elaborated at the laboratory in Los Alamos in the framework of a national programme of creating the so called nonlethal weapon. The basic conclusion to make for the present day: The longstanding researches on creating of psychotronic weaponry brought not bad results, but the basic problem is the fact that it is very difficult to impact the objects under test at a considerable distance. The appliance of psychotronic weaponry is being hindered by an extremely low capacity of the generators of such oscillations and a weak penetration through diverse obstacles (walls, shelters etc.). This demands immense energetic expenditure and frustrates all efforts on creating of efficient long-range devices. There is need in such a source of energy which will be compact and will ensure the impact at a distance or at least at some hundred meters. It is necessary to mention that this is a fundamental problem. To the opinion of military experts, the generators of powerful radiation are important not only for the impact on living objects but also on military equipment as well as for destroying of engineering constructions. Research work on this weaponry was started already at the times of the president Reagan. Namely in the framework of the strategic defence initiative was created the vision of a new generation, beam weaponry based on new physical principles. At that time American scientists were actively involved in the creating of effective laser systems. They mistakenly supposed the basic element of defence systems be powerful lasers.

In Russia also were conducted experiments in this direction; military laser was tested on tested on American space shuttles. On the testing cite Sary Shagan was installed a powerful laser aggregation Terra-3, irradiation of which experienced the crew of Challenger in 1984 during the flight over the region of Balkhash sea. Laser ray distorted the functioning of electronic equipment and made astronauts feeling seriously unwell. The works on laser weaponry goes on also in the third millennium. As the journal New Scientist (October 24, 2001) reports that the generators of microwave radiation intent to impact crowds of people at a distance have been already created. To the information of the journal the irradiator influence a human body with a narrow microwave beam. The waves penetrate through the skin and quickly warm up the zone of impact to the temperature of 45 grades Celsius. This unavoidably causes pain shock and even losing of consciousness of persons exposed to the impact of this weaponry. Unfortunately all irradiators elaborated by now correspond to a vision of the ideal beam weaponry to a very little extent. Responsible for this is the extremely low efficiency of generators, including laser devices. They transform a thousandth part of pump energy into the energy of light ray what is anyway not enough to destroy the objects at distance. No modifications are able to help beginning with eximer laser and ending with laser of nuclear pumping energy.