Vehicles should be rented only when it is more cost advantageous than driving your personal car or taking a taxi or shuttle when out of town. When a vehicle is rented, unless you are renting the vehicle on foreign soil, you are not to take out the additional car insurance that will be offered to you at the rental agency.
We have a mandated State Contract for Car Rental with the following companies:
- Enterprise XZ51R10
- National XZ51R10
- Hertz CDP301115
Enterprise/National rentals include the additional vehicle insurance with each rental as long as you are renting using our contract numbers above.
Travel Advances
Group Trips may receive up to a 100% advance. A Travel Advance for a domestic group trip is to be reconciled within 30 days after the return of the trip. To meet the 30-day requirement, the Travel Claim is to be in the Travel Office for auditing within 25 days after the return of the trip.
A Travel Advance for aninternational group trip is to be reconciled within a maximum of 60 days after the return of the trip. To meet the 60-day requirement, the Travel Claim is to be in the Travel Office for auditing within 50 days after the return of the trip.
Exceptions to the Travel Advance Policy will only be granted with written approval by the Travel and/or Treasurer’s Office.
Traveler TCard Charges
All Traveler TCard charges associated with the group trip are to be reconciled either by the processing of the Travel Claim or by repaying the TCard charge. Failure to process the Travel Claim for a domestic group within 30 days after the return of the trip may result in a payroll deduction and suspension of Traveler TCard.
Required Receipts
- Airfare itinerary showing amount of tickets along with any service feecharged.
- Registration receipts showing amount of registration along with name of conference.
- Itemized hotel receipts
- Itemized car rental receipts
- Taxi and/or shuttle receipts if cost for taxi is over $25.00
- Parking (ex: hotel, airport, etc)
- Gas receipts if gas was purchased for a rental car
- Any misc. item purchased. (Ex: internet, bag fees, copying for presentation)
- Itemized meal receipts for group meals (Remember, group meals are limited by Federal Per diem rates with the exception of Athletics, where NCAA regulations are taken into consideration).
- If money is disbursed to students and other members of the group (federal per-diem limits are enforced for all recipients) the following information is required:
- Signature sheet legibly (preferably typed) listing of all students and staff who received funds
- Amount received broken out by Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
- Student ID or Employee ID (exception-ATHL where we have access to a team roster)
- Signature of the recipient of the funds
Guide to Processing Group/Team Travel
Travel Office Staff
Grace Henderson-Travel Supervisor: 575-5271
Shavawn Smith-Travel Analyst 575-5298
Gina Swanson-Travel Analyst 575-7951
Elena Degago-Travel & Pymt Specialist: 575-5363
Donna Carter-Manager Travel, A/P, & eBusiness Services: 575-8414
Travel Processes and Guidelines may be found at:
(updated 3/8/18)
What constitues ‘Group Travel’ ?
In order to process a group travel through the
Travel Office, the event for which the group is
participating in normally occurs away from their ‘official station’, which for most groups will be Fayetteville, AR. The one exception is the athletic sports teams, where athletic events held in Fayetteville may be grouped for ease of processing of expenses for these events.
In accordance with ACA 19-4-904 (d) state
supported institutions of higher education may
provide travel expenses for a group or number of students who, when accompanied by those who instruct the students in the fundamentals of a competitive sport and direct team strategy, must travel and be recognized as a cohesive unit representing not only their institution, but exemplifying the State of Arkansas in their behavior, attitudes, interests, presentation, and conduct.
Group Travel may also include a number of
guests along with a university employee traveling together for a particular event or circumstance.
In these circumstances the payment of group
travel expenses, including those of students and employees may be authorized.
Some examples of group travel functions:
- Study Abroad
- Intramural Sports
- Archeological digs
- Athletic team events
For instructions on how to create the Travel Requisition, which becomes the Travel Authorization upon approval, go to:
Please Note: Group Travel MUST include student representation. A group of employees going to the same function DOES NOT constitute group travel.
Requirements when purchasing airline tickets
Anthony Travel is the U of A’s contracted travel agency IF you are utilizing an ADMN or Traveler TCard. There are exceptions for STAB, ARCH, and Athletics (who has their own contract with Anthony)
You have the option of utilizing the Concur Booking tool or contacting Anthony Travel directly when purchasing airline tickets Please see for information, phone numbers, and login information.
State Regulations prohibit the purchase of First Class tickets. In addition, University policy also prohibits the purchase of Business Class ticketsunless traveling internationally with an extended flight schedule. Other exceptions to the purchase of a Business Class flight will only be granted with written approval by the Travel Office.
Per State of Arkansas Travel Regulations an airline ticket is to be purchased a minimum of 14 days in advance of travel. In most instances, the U of A purchases coach class tickets at the lowest nonrefundable rate, but DO NOT require or promote the purchase of BASIS Economy Tickets, which can present issues for travelers.
Preferred Seating is NOT ALLOWABLE per State Regulations UNLESS it is the only seats left at the time of booking and that must be notated on documentation.
Method of payment when purchasing airline tickets
There are 3 ways of purchasing your airline tickets:
- Administrative TCard
- Traveler TCard (for group trips IF the employee responsible for the trip has a Traveler TCard, ALL tickets for group can be purchased using this card)
- Purchase with own funds and claim reimbursement after trip
Most departments on campus have an Administrative TCard in the name of a support staff member who is responsible for processing travel.
Note: Payment made for an airline ticket using the Administrativeor TravelerTCard includes $500,000 life insurance in the event of an airline disaster.
If you purchase your airline tickets with personal funds, you must be aware that you will not be reimbursed for this amount until AFTER the trip has ended. This is very important to know as many times thesetickets are purchased well in advance of your trip.
The payment of registrations is another item that is normally paid with an Administrativeor TravelerTCard. If the conference does not accept credit cards,then a Purchase Order will be issued along with a check for pre-payment.
When traveling to and from XNA you are to utilize Long Term Parking NOTShort-Term Parking when overnight travel is involved. If Short Term parking has been utilized, reimbursement will be limited to the cost of Long Term Parking.