Daily Board Work—Week of September 16th - 20th
Remember, label all your work with DBW and the date. Read the directions carefully! Keep your work in the correct section of your English binder. Always identify the source(s) of your answers.
DBW—Monday, September 16th: Introducing foreign phrases into your vocabulary:
Many states have Latin mottoes. Some of these include California (Eureka!), Connecticut (Qui transtulit sustinet.), Kansas ( Ad astra per aspera.), Michigan (Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam, circumspice.), Mississippi (Virtute et armis.), New Mexico (Crescit enundo.), North Carolina (Esse quam videri.), Oklahoma (Labor omnia vincit.), and South Carolina (Dum spiro, spero.).
Pick any two of these mottoes and translate them into English. Then write a short discussion for each (at least two sentences each) guessing why the state chose that motto.
DBW—Tuesday, September 17th: Responding to Literature
Now that you have begun reading Crash, you should also begin to evaluate the characters. Choose one character from that novel, and list five adjectives (words that describe) that fit that character. Next to each adjective, write a completesentence explaining how that character illustrates (or shows) that personality trait.
For example, for the character of Penn Webb:
- innocent—Penn doesn’t know when people are joking with him, like when
Crash tells him his name is Mergatroid.
DBW—Wednesday, September 18th: World History
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World were all important objects or places built between 3000 B.C. and A.D. 476. All included man-made objects considered important because of their size or some other unusual quality. The Seven Wonders were the Great Pyramid, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Zeus, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Temple of Artemis, and the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. Use an encyclopedia or the internet to look up one of these Wonders, and write a paragraph (at least five sentences, at least 75words) describing it. Your description should include answers to (at least most of) the following questions: where is it located, when was it built (and by whom), what does it look like, what was its purpose, what happened to it?
DBW—Thursday, September 19th: Evaluation Your Experiences
The book Crash shows that middle school can be a difficult adjustment for some students. Now that you have completed your first year of middle school, make a list of five pieces of advice you would give to new sixth graders just starting middle school. Write each piece of advice in a complete sentence. Label your list “Advice for Middle School Success”:
- You should (always, never. . .)
DBW—Friday, September 20th: to be completed in class.