Teacher: Mr. David A. Hoffman E-mail:
Room #: LHS East Campus, Room A129 Contact #: 620-604-2256
Geometry continues students’ study of geometric concepts building upon middle school topics. Students will move from an inductive approach to deductive methods of proof in their study of geometric figures. Two- and three-dimensional reasoning skills will be emphasized and students will broaden their use of the coordinate plane. Appropriate technology, from manipulative to calculators and graphics software, will be used regularly for instruction and assessment.
Regular Geometry Curriculum Aligned with Textbook
Unit 1
· Ch 1 Tools of Geometry – 1.1 – 1.7
· Ch 2 Reasoning and Proof –2.1, 2.4 – 2.7
· Supplement Project on 2-column life application
Unit 2
· Ch 4 Congruent Triangles – 4.1 – 4.8
· Ch 7 Proportions and Similarity– 7.1 -- 7.7
· Ch 8 Right Triangles and Trigonometry –8.1 -- 8.5
· Supplement Project - Trig ratios (elevation or depression)
Unit 3 (beginning in January for Spring semester)
· Ch 3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines – 3.1 – 3.2, 3.6
· Ch 6 Quadrilaterals – 6.1 – 6.6
· Ch 11 Areas of Polygons and Circles – 11.1 -- 11.5
· Ch 12 Surface Area and Volume of Solids – 12.1 – 12.6
· Supplement Construction Project with popsicle sticks
Unit 4
· Ch 9 Transformations and Symmetry – 9.1 – 9.6
· Ch 3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines – 3.4-3.5
· Ch 10 Circles – 10.1 – 10.8
· Supplement Construction Project
Supplies Needed:
1-inch three-ring binder with3 dividers (notes,
Homework & class worksheets, quizzes/tests)
Lot of pencils with erasers
Lot of college ruled papers
Graph papers
Scientific calculator
2 dry erase EXPO markers (blue or black)
Colored markers
1 ruler
1 red pen
1 set of compass and protractor
Test Corrections:
Students have the opportunity to increase test scores through corrections. Once ALL students have taken a test, then I will pass back the test to be reviewed and collect them back. Students then have 10 school days to come into my room and correct their errors. They are allowed to use the textbook, notes, homework and teacher as a resource to earn 1/2 point back on each question that was missed. Students can only do corrections in my presence before and/or after school.
Cheating: First offense will result in a zero. Per zero policy, assignment may be redone with different questions and with lesser points after-school. Second offense will result in an office referral.
· Daily homework will be assigned each day, but may not be graded daily. It will be posted in the room and it is your responsibility to write them down and complete the work.
· Assessment of homework will include: grading the work, completion only, quizzes, and grading selected problems only.
· Students must work in class. I cannot help you improve your skills unless I see how you work.
Cell Phone Policy:
· Not allowed to use as a calculator
· Pictures not allowed to use in place of taking notes unless absent; call parents in the office
· No texting or playing of games during class
Classroom Procedures and Expectations:
· Beginning and Ending of Class
o Enter the classroom quietly, sharpen your pencil, and go to your assigned seat. Turn off any electronic device.
o Once you are seated, perform the bell work/warm-up at once. Then check on the board all assignments/activities that need to be achieved for the day. Be quiet when attendance is checked.
o Students who are tardy should give the tardy note to the teacher.
o If you missed the work from previous day, check the flip chart in front or ask for the make-up work. If you missed a quiz or test, plan to take it after-school. Be sure to inform Mr. Hoffman ahead of time.
o Stay on your seat quietly until the dismissal bell rings. / LHS Classroom Policies:
1. Be Prepared. Bring all assignments and all supplies to class every day.
2. Be On Time. Be in your seat with materials for class out when the bell rings.
3. Be Respectful. Follow directions, listen, and participate in a positive manner.
Consequences of Assertive Discipline Policy:
1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: 15-min detention
3rd offense: 30-min det. w/ Parent Contact, No RR break
4th offense: Office Referral
Severe Clause: A student who totally disrupts, uses vulgarity, is physical threat to others, or is willfully disobedient, openly defiant, or flagrantly disrespectful will bypass the first three consequence levels and go directly to Level 4.
Students who do not come in before or after school to serve his/her detention time will serve double detention time the next day. Failure to come in will result in a referral to the principal’s office and a telephone call will be made to parent/guardian.
Positive Consequences:
1. Acknowledge the good work of students no matter how small it is.
2. A reward like positive call, email, or note to parent/guardian, restroom break, homework pass, certificate of recognition, and treats may be given.
Grading Policy:
Formative Assessments (20%)- Homework, Classwork,
Collaborative Assignments, Bell work, Quizzes
Summative Assessments (80%)– Chapter Tests, Post Tests,
Projects, and Final Exam
Grade Equivalents:
A+ 98-100 A 94-97 A- 90-93 B+ 87-89
B 84-86 B- 80-83 C+ 77-79 C 74-76
C- 70-73 D+ 67-69 D 64-66 D- 60-63
F 00-59
2.Transitions and Interruptions
a. If you need to leave the room for any reason, just raise your hand and ask permission quietly from the teacher. Use your student planner as hall pass (1 student at a time). Also, observe the 10-minute rule, no going out 10-min. after tardy or dismissal bell.
b. Skipping class will be written up.
c. During fire and tornado drills, please follow the evacuation chart posted beside the door.
3.Use of Materials and Equipment
d. All classwork/homework should be placed in the corresponding Inbox tray/folder for each period.
e. Some classroom materials and supplies are available. Be sure to return the materials after using.
4.Seatwork and Teacher – Led Activities
f. I expect that you are seated in your assigned seat and pay attention during lesson presentations.
g. Refrain From Talking while doing your classwork, I am discussing, somebody is reading or answering aloud, having your quiz or tests or when your opinion is not asked or needed. No side-bar conversations.
h. If you want to talk and participate, or you need help, raise your hand before you’ll be recognized.
i. Out–of-seat behavior is a disruption to the class. Be in your assigned seat all the time unless it is being changed by the teacher.
j. When you are done with your classwork, turn in your work on the designated Inbox tray. Return to your chair and wait quietly for further directions.
5.Disrespect, Rudeness, and Use of Inappropriate
They are not allowed in the classroom. Your attention will be immediately called once it happens and there are consequences. No arguments or verbal fights in the classroom.
6.Follow the social contract all the time.
8.NO FOOD OR DRINK IN CLASS! (except for 2nd
I’m looking forward to a successful semester of learning with you students!!!J
Mr. Hoffman
I have read the rules, procedures, and expectations of Mr. Hoffman. Note: This signed form is a homework grade!
Signed: ______(student) Date ______
Signed:______(parent) Date:______