helping you make the language and cultural connection with your audience
40-hour training, daily 8:30-5:00
Marriott Sawgrass Golf Resort and Spa, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Our training philosophy:
· We guide you through self-assessment exercises that assist you in pinpointing your underdeveloped interpretation skills and in elaborating your own P3(Professional Progress Path).
· We cap enrollment at 15 to coach you in advancing toward attainable progress mile posts and tracking your development.
· We immerse you in high-energy activities that will increase and polish your interpretation skills.
· Due to the vibrant dynamics of our daily training sessions, we recognize that you will need to unwind and recharge.Retreat from the training room, and the world, to a resort that caters to your recreational and relaxation needs so that you can return to the training room and the world of work refreshed and revitalized.
In this course you will identify and refine your skills in a reassuring training atmosphere. These sessions will also fulfill the 40-hour continuing education requirement for nationally certified medical interpreters. Interpreter continuing education credit approval pending.
Trainer bio:
Christopher Dimmick has a passion for interpretation that is highly contagious in training sessions, which he has lead from coast to coast since 2002. He has trained over 2,500 interpreters who work in more than 40 languages. Chris holds a degree in Spanish Translation and Interpretation and has done graduate work and received instruction in small-group facilitation, learner-focused adult education, cross-cultural communication strategies, and experiential-based training of language professionals. As a Master-Level Certified Spanish Court Interpreter (Idaho, Oregon), Washington State Certified Spanish Court Interpreter, and a Certified Medical Interpreter – Spanish (NBCMI), he employs unique instructional techniques targeting various learning styles and building upon each individual’s strengths.
What training alumni say:
“I attended a forty-hour training given by an exclusive interpreter institute in California. I got much more out of Chris’ training and had much more fun in the process.” Interpreter
“You assimilated language-specific examples into the course and then interacted with the students about their perspectives on these examples.”
Training coordinator
“I have gone to conferences, courses and trainings across the country. This one is by far the most interactive. It has helped me, and my interpreters, to see where I am and what I need to do to improve, but in a very non-threatening way.”
Interpreter/Language Services Department Head
“Excellent class by a very knowledgeable instructor who obviously was thoroughly prepared. Impressive! Great tools to assist in preparing and practicing from home. Thank you!”
“Brilliant course. The best I’ve attended so far! Hands-on, meaningful and relevant activities. Presentation materials were great, too. The instructor’s interaction with the students was engaging and yet professional and respectful.” Interpreter
“Very comprehensive yet adapted to the circumstances of new as well as experienced interpreters.” Interpreter
“Christopher Dimmick is in his element here! He did a fantastic job teaching us. GREAT suggestions and tips. Lots of nice practice. Very patient and reaffirming of all viewpoints. He kept the class moving. Excellent strategy to get everyone back from breaks on time. Masterful.” Interpreter
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Translation þ Interpretation ý Training
(208) 365-2622
114 N Commercial Ave, Emmett, Idaho 83617 U.S.A.
helping you make the language and cultural connection with your audience
Draft AgendaJune 16
8:30-5:00 / June 17
8:30-5:00 / June 18
8:30-5:00 / June 19
8:30-5:00 / June 20
8:30-5:00 / June 21
Term ice-breaker / Ethics ice-breaker / Culture ice-breaker / Term ice-breaker / Ethics ice-breaker / Term ice-breaker
Training introduction / Medical interpreter ethics collaboration / Medical interpreter culture collaboration / Medical interpreter term collaboration / Medical interpreter Ethics collaboration / Medical interpreter term collaboration
Pre-assessment skills
brainstorming / Simultaneous skill blast / Sight translation skill blast / Consecutive skill blast / Simultaneous skill blast / Simultaneous final assessment
Morning break
Tri-modal interpreter
self-assessment / Simultaneous simulation / Sight translation simulation / Consecutive P3 recalibration / Simultaneous P3 recalibration / Simultaneous P3 recalibration
Interpreter Professional
Progress Path – P3 / Simultaneous P3 recalibration / Sight translation P3 recalibration / Simultaneous skill blast / Consecutive skill blast / Consecutive final assessment
Lunch break
underdeveloped skills / Consecutive skill blast / Consecutive skill blast / Simultaneous P3 recalibration / Consecutive P3 recalibration / Consecutive P3 recalibration
Mile-markers for
interpretation skills / Consecutive simulation / Consecutive simulation / Sight translation skill blast / Sight translation skill blast / Sight translation final assessment
Afternoon break
P3 instructor coaching
and peer review / Consecutive P3 recalibration / Consecutive P3 recalibration / Sight translation P3 recalibration / Sight translation P3 recalibration / Sight translation P3 recalibration
Tri-modal individual
skill review / Tri-modal individual
skill review / Tri-modal individual
skill review / Tri-modal individual
skill review / Tri-modal individual
skill review / Mile-markers for future professional progress
40-hour training, daily 8:30-5:00
Marriott Sawgrass Golf Resort and Spa, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
World-renowned resort:
· The Marriott Sawgrass Golf Resort & Spa was named by Travel & Leisure Magazine as Florida's #1 Golf Resort. Designed by Pete Dye in 1986, THE PLAYERS Stadium Course was ranked #61 among the top 100 golf courses in the world according to Golf Magazine.
· The Sawgrass Spa boasts the #1 Best Spa Therapist in Jacksonville - 10% discount on treatments
· A beautiful private beach at The Cabana Beach Club
· Four pools: Two for adults, two for families
· Six restaurants, Starbucks onsite - two complimentary cocktails or 1 appetizer (per stay) in Lobby Bar
Guest rooms:
· Relax and stretch out on a private balcony which showcase our beautiful resort views
· Enjoy complimentary wireless internet access in every room and spacious, guestroom workspace
· Ask us about upgrading to a newly renovated suite or villa with kitchenette
· Unlimited local and U.S. domestic long distance phone calls
· Complimentary 2-hour bike rentals and biking trail Jogging/fitness trail Miniature golf
· Sauna Table tennis Volleyball Friday poolside movies St. Augustine, oldest US city
· Cabana Beach Club fitness classes Complimentary self-parking, discounted valet parking
40-hour training, daily 8:30-5:00
Marriott Sawgrass Golf Resort and Spa, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Why choose this training retreat? Just compare:
Training event / Cost per training hour / Total training hours / Hands-on professional development with feedback / Hotel charges / ParadiseMedical Interpreter Professional Development
Retreat / $12.50 per training hour / 40 hours / Yes / $169/night
*deeply-discounted group rate
*10% lodging taxes / Yes, see page 4!
National conference / $17.40 per training hour / 24 hours / No / $295 per night / N/A
National conference / $14.00 per training hour / 24 hours / No / $199 per night / N/A
College/University programs / $23.75 - $125 / 40+ hours / Yes, depending on the program / Varies, depending on the area / N/A
Training programs / $13.00 $27.00 / 40+ hours / Ideally, but not the norm / Varies, depending on the area / N/A
40-hour training, daily 8:30-5:00
Marriott Sawgrass Golf Resort and Spa, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Training Retreat Application – Part 1Please type responses below and email as an attachment to
Type “Training Retreat Application” in the email subject line.
Training applicant name
Mailing address
Email address
Phone number
Language background
What languages do you speak?
How did you acquire your first language skills?
How did you acquire your second language skills?
What is your educational background? (K-12, undergraduate, graduate, when, where)
Interpretation background
What is your interpretation background? (certification, experience, fields, yearly continuing education)
What interpretation skills do you feel are your strongest?
What interpretation skills would you like to refine more?
What skills would you like to acquire in this training?
How do you think other interpreters in the training may help you in your progress?
How do you think the instructor may help you in your progress?
What terms in English have you found nearly impossible to interpret due to lack of an equivalency?
Training Retreat Application – Part 2
Sight translation recordings
Take five minutes to review the paragraphs below. Do NOT translate them now.
1. Dial (208) 477-1875.
2. Record a voice mail with your name, phone number, and Ponte Vedra Beach Retreat.
3. In the same message record a sight translation of the English paragraph into Spanish.
4. In the same message record a sight translation of the Spanish paragraph into English.
English paragraph to be sight translated into Spanish:
“Shin splints, also called tibial stress syndrome, cause dull, achingpain in the front of the lower leg. Some people feel it only during exercise; others, when they've stopped exercising. Sometimes, the pain is constant. Depending on the exact cause, the pain may be located along either side of the shinbone or in the muscles. The area may be painful to the touch. Swollen muscles can sometimes irritate the nerves in the feet, causing them to feel weak or numb.”
English paragraph to be sight translated into Spanish:
La insuficiencia cardíaca, también conocida como insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva, es un síndromeo un conjunto de síntomas derivados de la incapacidad delcorazónparabombear suficiente sangreal cuerpo. El padecimiento normalmente se desarrolla lentamente después de una lesiónen el corazón como lo puede serun ataque cardíaco, tensión arterial alta no tratada durante muchos años o una válvula coronaria dañada.
Training retreat registration
Check one:
Training per person early registration received by February 15, 2014 / $500
Training per person registration received by March 10, 2014 (Subject to availability) / $600
Training per person late registration received after March 10, 2014 (Subject to availability) / $650
Receive a $50 rebate off your training retreat registration when you refer another interpreter who applies for this training retreat and is accepted. Type the name of the other training applicant you referred:
Marriott Sawgrass Golf Resort and Spa registration
Hurry! Rates only guaranteed through March 10, 2014!
Group rates will be honored for 3 nights before group arrival (6/12-14) and 3 nights after group departure (6/22-24) based on availability. / Resort hotel room $169/night
Main Building Executive Suite: $209.00
One Bedroom Villa Suite: $229.00Two Bedroom Villa Suite: $299.00
Please mark the nights of your stay. The training dates are shaded.
6/12 / 6/13 / 6/14 / 6/15 / 6/16 / 6/17 / 6/18 / 6/19 / 6/20 / 6/21 / 6/22 / 6/23 / 6/24 / Lodging tax 10% / Resort Total
$ / $
If sharing a room with another training participant, type their name:
Check room preference: / King bed / Two queen beds
Check one: / Debit / Credit / Check one: / Visa / MasterCard / Discover / American Express
Card #: / Expiration date: / Security code:
Card holder name:
Card billing address:
If you would like to give us your payment information via telephone, dial (208) 477-1875. Record a voice mail with your name, phone number, Ponte Vedra Beach Retreat, credit/debit, type of card, card number, expiration date, security code, card holder name, and card billing address.
Payment authorization
By typing my name below, I fully understand that should this training retreat application by accepted, the above-mentioned card shall be automatically charged the non-refundable grand total listed above.
Card holder electronic signature / Date
Should training retreat enrollment be full when registration is received, no charges will be made to your credit card. Are you interested in being placed on the alternate list for this training or on a waiting list for future training retreats?
Alternate for this training retreat / Waiting list for future training retreats:
Please type responses and email this application as an attachment to
Type “Ponte Vedra Beach Training Retreat Application” in the email subject line.
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Translation þ Interpretation ý Training
(208) 365-2622
114 N Commercial Ave, Emmett, Idaho 83617 U.S.A.