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Eyal Mishani, Monday, November 04, 2013
Eyal Mishani
Date of Birth – 10/08/63
Work – 972-2-6777931
1. Appointments at the Hebrew University
1996-2002 Medical Faculty Nuclear Medicine Lecturer
2003-2006 Medical Faculty Nuclear Medicine Senior Lecturer (with tenure)
2007- 2012 Medical Faculty Nuclear Medicine Associate Professor
2012- Medical Faculty Nuclear Medicine Professor
2. Additional function
1996- 2008 Hadassah Hospital Nuclear Medicine In charge of the cyclotron radiochemistry facility
2008- Hadassah Hospital Nuclear Medicine Director of the cyclotron radiochemistry facility
2012- IAEA Nuclear Medicine Expert
3. Board of directors & editorial boards
2005 - Editorial board member of Nuclear Medicine & Biology, official journal of the Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences.
2008- International associate editor of Molecular Imaging & Biology Journal.
2011- 2013 Director-at-Large of the Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (SRS) board of directors.
2012 Nominating Committee for next election of the SRS Officers and Board members. Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (SRS).
2012- Review articles subcommittee. Molecular Imaging & Biology Journal.
2013- Board member of the Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (SRS).
4. International conferences
2006 Member of the scientific committee, World Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WCNMB). Seoul, Korea.
2010 Category organizer & co-chairman, PET/SPECT probes. World Molecular Imaging Conference. (2 oral sessions and 2 poster sessions about 105 abstracts in this category); Kyoto, Japan.
2011 Category organizer & co-chairman, PET/SPECT probes. World Molecular Imaging Conference. (2 oral sessions and 2 poster sessions about 130 abstracts in this category) San-Diego, USA.
5. Visiting scientists and seminars organized.
1. PET Radiopharmaceuticals, Prof. M. J. Welch, Washintgton University.
Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital, November 1997.
2. Targetry and in target chemistry, Nuclear Research Center Negev, and prof. F. Helus.
Hadassah Hebrew University hospital, May 1998.
3. A. The development of receptor radioligands for brain, heart and lung.
B. Protein synthesis in tumor tissue quantified by PET.
C. Molecular biology and PET
Prof. W. Vaalburg, Groningen university hospital.
Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital, August 1999.
4. Micro-PET, Prof. M. J. Welch, Washintgton University.
Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital, November 2004.
5. A.Clinical use of 18FDOPA & 11C Choline, Prof. Fanti, University of Bologna.
B. Erbitux and other TK inhibitors in targeted therapy of Colon Carcinoma, Dr. Pantaleo, Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital.
Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital, April 2006.
6. New trends in cardiac imaging. Prof. William Strauss, Memorial Slon-Kettering, USA. Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital, Cyclotron Unit, February 2013.
7. Brain trauma and dementia: Imaging Tau pathology in living subjects. Prof. J. Barrio, David Geffen UCLA School of medicine. Israeli society of nuclear medicine conference, February 2013.
8. Monoamines and the brain at work: From experimental design to Clinical studies. Prof. D. Doudet, University of British Columbia, Canada. Israeli society of nuclear medicine conference, February 2013.
6. Grants.
1999 Magnet with Teva, A new MAO-B inhibitor-anti Parkinson drug; Use of PET for in-vivo measurement of Human Monoamine Oxidase B. E. Mishani, R. Chisin.
1999 International Atomic Energy Agency Grant, National and regional production of fluorinated radiopharmaceuticals – clinical and scientific aspects. R. Chisin, E. Mishani.
1999-2002 Binational Science Foundation (BSF), Labeled PET tracers for EGFr-TK and estrogen receptors. E. Mishani (PI).
2001-2002 Israel Cancer Association, Evaluation of prostate cancer with PET using [C-11]choline. M. Bocher, E. Mishani, R. Chisin.
2001-2007 A start-up company was established for research on EGFR, Hadassah-Hebrew University -Naiot. (with Prof. A. Levitzki)
2003-2007 NIH, Functional dopamine neurons from human ES cells.
Reubinoff Benjamin (PI), Ben Hur Tamir (Co-Investigator), Bergman Hagi (Co-Investigator), Mishani Eyal (Co-Investigator), Segal Menahem (Co-Investigator).
2005-2008 Joint German-Israeli Research Program, Development and clinical application of a PET-SERT ligand labeled with fluorine-18. Eyal Mishani (PI), Roland Chisin (Co-PI) Joerge Stainbach (Co-PI).
2007-2008 Aposense Inc.- Development the labeling and purification of ML-10, A potential PET imaging agent for apoptosis. Eyal Mishani (PI).
2007-2010 Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Targeting the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) in cancer - Development of PET molecular imaging agents. Eyal Mishani (PI).
2008-2010 Pain Therapeutics Inc.- Labeling development (Tc-99m and Re-188), purification and evaluation, in melanoma mice model, of novel melanin selective IgGs. Eyal Mishani (PI).
2010-2011 TEVA Inc. – Development the radiolabeling of Laquinimod, a novel drug for the treatment of Multiple-Sclerosis, and investigation of Laquinimod’s distribution in healthy and diseased mice by micro-PET/CT. Eyal Mishani (PI) and Galith Abourbeh (Co-PI).
2011-2011 Aposense Inc. - F-18 ML10 Micro-PET studies in apoptotic animal model. Galith Abourbeh (PI), Eyal Mishani (Co-PI).
2011-2014 Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Carbon-11/Fluorine-18 labeled ammonium salts as myocardial perfusion PET imaging agents. Eyal Mishani (PI), Galith Abourbeh, Haim Danenberg, Moshe Bocher.
7. Publications
Papers in peer-review journals, original research papers.
1. S. Rozen, E. Mishani and M. Kol (1991). A novel electrophilic methoxylation (with a little help from F2). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114: 7643-7645.
2. E. Appelman , D. French, E. Mishani and S. Rozen (1993). Synthesis, characterization, and reaction chemistry of tert-butyl hypofluorite. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115: 1379-1382.
3. S. Rozen, E. Mishani (1993). Conversion of esters to a, a-difluoro ethers using BrF3. J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 1761-2.
4. S. Rozen, A. Bar Haim and E. Mishani (1994). A new efficient route to a nitro acids. oxidation of amino acids with HOF.CH3CN. J. Org. Chem. 59: 1208-9.
5. S. Rozen, E. Mishani, I. Ben-David and M. Kol (1994). The chemistry of methyl hypofluorite with various unsaturated centers. J. Org. Chem. 59: 4281-4284.
6. S. Rozen, E. Mishani, A. Bar-Haim (1994). A novel carbonyl to CF2 transformation using BrF3. J. Org. Chem. 59: 2918.
7. S. Rozen, A. Bar-Haim and E. Mishani (1994). Fluorination of nitro compounds with acetyl hypofluorite. J. Org. Chem. 59: 6717.
8. S. Rozen, E. Mishani (1994). A novel method for converting aromatic acids into trifluoromethyl derivatives using BrF3. J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 2081.
9. E. Mishani, C. S. Dence, T. J. McCarthy and M. J. Welch (1995). A study of a,a,a - trifluoro toluenes mediated [18F] fluoro - for - nitro exchange. A useful intermediate in the synthesis of highly fluorinated radiopharmaceuticals. J. Labl. Comp. Radiopharm. 37: S575-7.
10. C. S. Dence, E. Mishani, T. J. McCarthy, M. J. Welch (1995). Evaluation of a microwave cavity for the synthesis of PET radiopharmaceuticals. J. Labl. Comp. Radiopharm. 37: S115-6.
11. S. Rozen, Y. Bareket, I. Ben-David and E. Mishani (1995). The impact of F2 on organic chemistry. J. Labl. Comp. Radiopharm. 37: S641-3.
12. E. Mishani, C. S. Dence, T. J. McCarthy and M. J. Welch (1996). Formation of phenylpiperazines by a novel alumina supported bis-alkylation. Tet. Lett. 37: 319-322.
13. E. Mishani, R. M. Brodbeck, J. E. Krause, C. S. Dence, T. J. McCarthy and M. J. Welch (1997). Synthesis and evaluation of A fluorine-18 labeled NK-1 antagonist. J. Labl. Comp. Radiopharm. 40: S653–655.
14. E. Mishani, Michael E. Cristel, Carmen S. Dence, Timothy J. McCarthy, Michael J. Welch (1997). Application of a novel phenylpiperazine formation reaction to the radiosynthesis of 18FTFMPP, a potent serotonin agonist. J. Nucl. Med. Biol. 24: 269-273.
15. I. Ben-David, E. Mishani, S. Rozen (1998). tert-Butyl Hypofluorite - an electrophilic tert-butoxylation agent. J. Org. Chem. 63: 4632.
16. E. Mishani, N. Lifshits, A. Osavistky , J. Kaufman, N. Ankry, N. Tal, R. Chisin (1999) .Radiation levels in cyclotron-radiochemistry facility measured by a novel comprehensive computerized monitoring system. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A, 425: 332-342.
17. E. Mishani, T. A. Bonasera, Y. Rozen, G. Ortu, A. Gazit, A. Levitzki (1999). Fluorinated EGFR-TK inhibitor-based tracers for PET. J. Labl. Comp. Radiopharm. 42: S27-29.
18. I. Ben David , D. Rechavi, E. Mishani , S. Rozen (1999). A Novel synthesis of trifluoromethyl ethers via xanthates, utilizing BrF3. J. Fluorine Chem. 97: 75-78.
19. M. Klein, N. Freedman, E. Mishani, Z. Gimon, M. Lotem, R. Chisin (2000). PET and lymphoscintigraphic evaluation of malignant melanomas. Nuklear Medizin, 39: 56-61.
20. M. Bocher, E. Mishani (2000). The contribution of Positron Emission Tomography-PET to patient management in oncology. J. of the Israel Medical Association. 139: 64-67.
21. T. A. Bonasera, G. Ortu, Y. Rozen, R. Krais, N. M.T. Freedman, R. Chisin, A. Gazit, A. Levitzki and E. Mishani (2001). Potential 18F-labeled biomarkers for Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase. J. Nucl. Med. Biol. 28: 359-37.
22. E. Mishani, I. Ben David, Y. Rozen, G. Ortu, A. Levitzki (2001). Carbon-11 labeled irreversible inhibitors for mapping Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (EGFR-TK). J. Labl. Comp. Radiopharm. 44: S94-96.
23. E. Mishani, I. Ben David (2001). [C-11] Acryloyl chloride- a fully automated preparation and reaction with model amine. J. Labl. Comp. Radiopharm. 44: S475-476.
24. E. Mishani, I. Ben-David, Y. Rozen, D. Laki, M. Bocher, R. Chisin (2001). [C-11]Choline - automated preparation and clinical utilization. J. Labl. Comp. Radiopharm. 44: S379-381.
25. M. Bocher, R. Chisin, Y. Parag, N. Freedman, Y. Meir, H. Lester, E. Mishani, O. Bone (2001). Cerebral activation associated with sexual arousal in response to a pronographic clip: A [O-15]water PET Study in heterosexual men. Neuroimage, 14: 105-117.
26. G. Ortu, I. Ben-David, Y. Rozen, A. Levitzki, E. Mishani (2001). Biological evaluation of a novel C-11 labelled irreversible EGFRTK inhibitor. Quar. J. Nucl. Med. 45: S7.
27. E. Mishani, I. Ben-David, Y. Rozen (2002). Improved method for the quality assurance of [C-11]choline. J. Nucl. Med. Biol. 29: 359-362.
28. G. Ortu, I. Ben-David, Y. Rozen, N. M. Freedman, R. Chisin, A. Levitzki, E. Mishani (2002). In-vitro and In-vivo investigation of an irreversible labeled EGFR inhibitor (ML03) and its potential as PET biomarker in cancer and feasibility as an anticancer drug. Int. J. of Cancer, 101: 360-37.
29. I. Ben-David, Y. Rozen, G. Ortu, E. Mishani (2003). Radiosynthesis of ML03, a novel positron emission tomography biomarker for targeting epidermal growth factor receptor via the labeling synthon: [C-11]Acryloyl chloride. Appl. Rad. Isotp. 58: 209-217.
30. E. Even-Sapir, U. Metser, G. Flusser, L. Zuriel, Y. Kollender, H. Lerman, G. Lievshitz, I. Ron, E. Mishani (2004). Assessment of malignant skeletal disease: Initial experience with 18F-Fluoride PET/CT and comparison between 18F-Fluoride PET and 18F-Fluoride PET/CT. J. Nuc. Med. 45: 272-278.
31. E. Mishani, G. Abourbeh, Y. Rozen, O. Jacobson, D. Laky, I. Ben David, A. Levitzki, M. Shaul (2004). Novel carbon-11 labeled 4-dimethylamino-but-2-enoic acid [4-(phenylamino)-quinazoline-6-yl]-amides: Potential PET bioprobes for molecular imaging of EGFR-positive tumors. J. Nucl. Med. Biol. 31: 469-476.
32. M. Shaul, G. Abourbeh, O. Jacobson, Y. Rozen, D. Laky, A. Levitzki, E. Mishani (2004). Novel Iodine-124 labeled EGFR inhibitors as potential PET agents for molecular imaging in cancer. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 12: 3421-3429.
33. Y. Barda, N. Cohen, V. Lev, N. Ben-Aroya, Y. Koch, E. Mishani, M. Fridkin, C. Gilon (2004). Backbone metal cyclization: novel 99mTc labeled GnRH analog as potential SPECT molecular imaging agent in cancer. J. Nucl. Med. Biol. 31: 921-933.
34. O. Jacobson, Y. Bechor, A. Icar, N. Novak, A. Birman, H. Marom, L. Fadeeva, E. Golan, I. Leibovitch, M. Gutman, E. Even-Sapir, R. Chisin, M. Gozin, E. Mishani (2005). Prostate cancer PET bioprobes: synthesis of [18F]-Radiolabeled hydroxyflutamide derivatives. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 13: 6195-6205.
35. N. M. T Freedman, E. Mishani, Y. Krausz, J. Weininger, H. Lester, E. Blaugrund, D. Ehrlich, R. Chisin (2005). In-vivo measurement of brain Monoamine Oxidase B (MAO-B) occupancy by Rasagiline, using 11C-L-Deprenyl and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). J. Nuc. Med. 46: 1618-1624. 35.
36. E. Mishani, G. Abourbeh, O. Jacobson , M. Shaul, R. Ben-Daniel , S. Dissoki, Y. Rozen, A. Levitzki (2005). High affinity EGFR irreversible inhibitors with diminished chemical reactivities as PET- imaging agent candidates of EGFR over-expressing tumors. J. Med. Chem. 48: 5337-5348.
37. O. N. Gofrit, E. Mishani, M. Orevi, M. Klein, N. Freedman, D. Pode, A. Shapiro, R. Katz, E. Libson, R. Chisin (2006). Contribution of 11C-Choline PET/CT to preoperative staging of patients with advanced Transitional Cell Carcinoma. J. Urol. 17: 940-944.
38. E. Even-Sapir, U. Metser, E. Mishani, G. Lievshitz, H. Lerman, I. Leibovitch (2006). The detection of bone metastases by 99mTC-MDP planar bone scintigraphy, single and multi-field-of-views SPECT, 18F-fluoride PET and 18F-fluoride PET -CT. Prospective study in 44 patients with high risk prostate cancer. J. Nuc. Med. 47: 287-297.
39. O. Wald, I. D. Weiss, H. Wald, H. Shoham, Y. Bar-Shavit, K. Beyder, E. Galun, L. Weiss, L. Flaishon , I. Shachar, A. Nagler, B. Lu, C. Gerard, J.L. Gao, E. Mishani, J. Farber, and A. Peled (2006). IFN-gg acts on T cells to induce NK cell mobilization and accumulation in target organs. J. Immunol. 176 (8): 4716-29.
40. S. Dissoki, D. Laky, E. Mishani (2006). Fluorine-18 labeling of ML04 – presently the most promising irreversible inhibitor candidate for visualization of EGFR in cancer. J. Labl. Comp. Radiopharm. 49 (6): 533-543.
41. O. Jacobson, D. Laky, K. E. Carlson, S. Elgavish, M. Gozin, E. Even-Sapir, I. Leibovitc, M. Gutman, R. Chisin, J. A. Katzenellenbogen and E. Mishani (2006). Chiral dimethylamine flutamide derivatives - modeling, synthesis, androgen receptor affinities, and carbon-11 labeling. J. Nucl. Med. Biol. 33: 695-704.
42. A. Levitzki and E. Mishani (2006). Tyrphostins and other tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 75: 93-109.
43. A. Shushan, H. Ben-Bassat, E. Mishani, N. Laufer, BY. Klein, and N. Rojansky (2007). Inhibition of leiomyoma cell proliferation in vitro by genistein and the protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor TKS050. Fertil. Steril. 87 (1): 127-135.
44. G. Abourbeh , S. Dissoki, O. Jacobson, A. Litchi, R. Ben Daniel, D. Laki, A. Levitzki and E. Mishani (2007). Evaluation of radiolabeled ML04, a putative irreversible inhibitor of the Epidermal Growth Factor receptor, as bioprobe for PET imaging of EGFR overexpressing tumors. J. Nucl. Med. Biol. 34: 55-70.
45. S. Dissoki, Y. Aviv, D. Laky, G. Abourbeh, A. Levitzki and E. Mishani (2007). The effect of the [18F]-PEG group on tracer qualification of [4-(phenylamino)-quinazoline-6-yl]-amide moiety – an EGFR putative irreversible inhibitor. Appl. Rad. Isotp. 65: 1140-1151.
46. E. Even-Sapir, E. Mishani, G. Flusser, U. Metser (2007). 18F-Fluoride Positron Emission Tomography and Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography. Semin. Nucl. Med. 37 (6): 462-469.