Making the Most of Me

Booking form

Please choose the dates that you wish to attend, whether you would like to attend
Year R, Year 4 or both, complete reply slip below and return to address/email shown below.

Year R Session:
Wednesday 2nd November 2016
To be held at:
Kingsmoor Lower School
Kingsmoor Close,
MK45 1EY / Year 4 Session:
Wednesday 9th November 2016
To be held at
Kingsmoor Lower School
Kingsmoor Close,
MK45 1EY
  • The school venueshave very kindlyloaned us their spaces free of charge
  • Sessions will be: 9.30am - 3.00pm (with a break for lunch)
  • Lunch is not provided

(please bring something to eat,or you could go out at lunchtime)

  • Tea, coffee, biscuits and cold drinks will be provided
  • The day will consist of: AM: - Healthy Eating Session

PM: - Dance Session (please wear comfortable clothing andtrainersand be prepared for an active session)

  • We will supply all resources for the sessions and you will have a teachers’ resource pack to take away with you. The pack will contain all the resources that you need to deliver the programme in your own setting as well as helpful information and links to websites.

Many Thanks: Amy White & Nikki Sinden Public Health

If you have any further queries or questions regarding this course please contact us on:

Amy White:01234

Nikki Sinden:0300 300


Reply Slip

Please return to:

Sarah Ashley, Bedford Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford MK42

Year R / Please tick session required / Name of School & Attendees
(max x2 per school)
Wednesday 2nd November 2016
To be held at
Kingsmoor Lower School
Kingsmoor Close,
Bedfordshire MK45 1EY
Year 4 / Please tick session required / Name of School & Attendees
(max x2 per school)
Wednesday 9th November 2016
To be held at:
Kingsmoor Lower School
Kingsmoor Close,
Bedfordshire MK45 1EY