executiveAGENDA2000 hrs 12 March 2013

Meeting Details:

Location: Minto WO’s & Sgt’s Mess

DTG: 2000 hrs 12 March2013

  1. Call to Order by Pres
  1. Time: ______hrs
  1. Pause and Observe a moment of silence for our fallen comrades

Act of Remembrance (Binyon’s 4thVerse)

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning

  1. Roll Call: Request for and acknowledge any regrets:
  1. Members in attendance:Steve MacMillan, Hugh O’Donnell, Len Johnson,Dave Gibson, Tom Russell, Karen Tyler, Sean Rivas, Mike Nickerson, Mitch Prudhomme
  1. Proxy Votes Received from: N/A
  1. Regrets:Taffy Gray
  2. Introduce new members / guests:
  1. Confirmation of last minutes by Recording Secretary: HO’D
    Read the minutes of the Executive Meeting08JAN 2013.
  1. Amendments: Nil
  1. Motion to Accept: & Seconder:
  2. Motion Carried:


  1. President’s Report: Steve MacMillan

President’s Report: Steve MacMillan(cont)


  1. Vice President’s Report: KT - Nil
  1. Membership & Treasurer’s Report: Dave Gibson: $______in the bank,
    $______cash to be deposited
    - (75) paid up mbrs at this time. 16 cards issued to mbrs since reunion.
    - New cards are needed and order has been placed.
  2. Secretary: Bills & Communications:
    Received items:
  1. Letters received from:Nil
  2. Emails from web site:
  1. Oatmeal Rag publishing date – Soon !
    - March April time frame chosen. Is in play now, on the street soon !
  2. Motion to answer communications: N/A
    & Seconder:
  1. Motion Carried: N/A
  1. Reports of Committees:
  1. Sick & Visiting: HO’DLen Johnson – New S & V cards needed by LJ to continue his great work. DG notified during Treasurer’s report.
  2. Roy Taylor –Per G. Coutts report, has been doing physiotherapy and is doing much better.
  1. Bill Douglas – OK.
  2. Hugh Comak – DeerLodgeHospital. Did very well 11 Nov according to Don Morrison.
  1. LAST POST: Hugh O’D Len J

  1. Social and Entertainment:
  1. Foundation Trustees Report: Marc Gautron (2011-2013) and Fred Westphal (2012 – 2014)
    - Nil, but to restate that donations to the Cadets CAN be done through the Foundation – but MUST be clearly labeled as such.
  2. Regimental Reports: See handout
  2. Arctic response Company Gp Prince Albert, SK trg event.
  3. Budget cut impacts.
  4. 38 CBGBattle School. Jr O trg Kenora 08-10 March, T Eaton Cup 16 March
  1. Old Business:
  2. Association Dining In – Future project for an annual event. Pres/TG and VPres/SMac.
    - Update – Now to be a BBQ at SMac’s. Notice to be put in Oatmeal Rag for March (Steve – what do you want in the OR ?
    - Maybe a bowling event later on ?
  3. Oatmeal Rag # 12should be out maybe about ???? 2013.
    We are seekingmore support for this from advertisements and members. HO’D looking into.
    - Per Len Johnson’s points HO’D to prepare copies for Percy Curtis Glen Eden FH and Eric Bardal FH with request for support rather than actual numbers. To be handed of by LJ as he knows the players.
  1. DTG for meetings: - Per web site update.
    2013: 14 May @ Minto Armouries WO’s & Sgt’s Mess 1930 for 2000 hrs.
    02 Oct 2013 and 2013 AGMat #4 RCL. Hugh to do Recce and set up DTG with #4 RCL
    The timetable has been published on the web site and printed as necessary.
  2. Taffy’s Flags: 10 of the CampFlag and Unit Flag have been placed in the Kit Shop to see how it goes. SMac to bring in to Kit Shop.
  1. New Business:
  2. Plans for 2012-2013:
    Discussion: 16 Aug Reunion – JR’s Minto again if possible.
    17 Aug Reunion Golf – Don MacD & SMac again
  1. TR to investigate doing a Brunch w/ Bill Douglas and Gord Coutts re Assn
  1. 2014 Anniversary – Get a list prep’d for a short notice VA call for Normandy vets who can travel – and want to. (HO’D in Oatmeal Rag ?)
  1. Good & Welfare:
    Next Monthly Meeting: 14 May2013 Minto WO’s & Sgt’s
    Very important – it’s the Reunion planning meeting !!!!
  1. Time & Motion for Adjournment: ______at ______hrs.



Steve MacMillan

President Vice President


David Gibson
