Intracranial Control with Adjuvant Radiation Therapy for Resected Brain Metastases: Whole Brain Radiotherapy versus Stereotactic Radiosurgery Alone

Supplemental Table 1 - Retrospective Series on Post-operative SRS

Author / Institution(s) / Patients / RPA Class I or II (%) / Solitary Lesion (%) / Median Marginal SRS Dose (Gy) / 1yr LC (%) / 1yr Freedom from WBRT (%)
Mathieu et al. [9] / Pittsburgh & Canada / 40 / 90 / 68 / 16 / 74 / 84
Prabhu et al. [10] / Emory / 62 / 85 / 71 / 18 / 78 / 74
Soltys et al. [12] / Stanford / 72 / 96 / 65 / 18.6 / 79 / 81
Robbins et al. [11] / Henry Ford / 85 / 88 / 62 / 16 / 81 / NR
Hartford et al. [8] / Dartmouth / 47 / NR / 70 / 10 / 86 / NR

Supplemental Table 2–Comparing 1-year Overall Survival, Local Control, and Distant Brain Control rates based on Primary Tumor Site.

Primary Site / 1-year OS / 1-year LC / 1-year DBC
Lung / 50% / 79% / 53%
Breast / 71% / 77% / 47%
Melanoma / 67% / 93% / 44%
Colorectal / 100% / 100% / 67%
Renal / 43% / 63% / 50%
Other / 46% / 76% / 56%

OS - Overall Survival, LC - Local Control, DBC - Distant Brain Control

Supplemental Table 3 – Comparing 1-year Overall Survival, Local Control, and Distant Brain Control rates after SRS to WBRT based on Primary Tumor Site.

1-year OS / 1-year DBC / 1-year LC
SRS / WBRT / p value / SRS / WBRT / p value / SRS / WBRT / p value
Lung / 51% / 47% / 0.69 / 46% / 72% / 0.21 / 77% / 84% / 0.33
Breast / 65% / 78% / 0.86 / 43% / 50% / 0.66 / 83% / 74% / 0.32
Melanoma / 70% / 50% / 0.15 / 45% / 0% / 0.82 / 92% / 100% / 0.78
Colorectal / 100% / 100% / 0.23 / 50% / 100% / 0.48 / 100% / 100% / *
Renal / 43% / - / * / 50% / - / * / 63% / - / *
Other / 49% / 38% / 0.28 / 57% / 51% / 0.50 / 94% / 42% / 0.03

OS - Overall Survival, LC - Local Control, DBC - Distant Brain Control

SRS – stereotactic radiosurgery; WBRT – whole brain radiation therapy. * - number of patients too small to calculate significance of differences

Supplemental Table 4 - Multivariate Analysis for Distant Brain Failure

DBF Hazard-ratio / p value
Type of Radiation
SRS vs. WBRT / 2.141 / 0.019
Number of Metastasis
Single vs. Multiple / 0.418 / 0.001
Local Recurrence
Yes vs. No / 1.509 / 0.182

WBRT – Whole brain Radiation therapy; SRS – stereotactic radiation therapy.

Factors entered: type of radiation, number of brain metastases, RPA class, primary tumor site, gender, systemic disease status, cavity local recurrence, age, systemic therapy