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Name : MeenaThakur
Designation: Assistant professor
- Ph.D. (Entomology) Dr. YSPUHF Nauni, Solan
Title of thesis: Studies on mites (Acarina) of fruit crops in Himachal Pradesh.
- M.Sc. (Entomology) CSKHPKVV Palampur
Title of the thesis: Bioactivity of some plant extracts against Hadda beetle (Henosepilachnavigintioctopunctata F.)
- B.Sc. (Agriculture) CSKHPKVV Palampur
Awards/ honour’s/ distinction:
- Certificate of Honor and Academic merit scholarship during B.Sc. Agriculture, M.Sc. (Entomology) and Ph.D. (Entomology)
Membership of scientific and professional societies:
- Life member of Indian Society for Pest Management and Economic Zoology Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (H P).
- Life member of the Society for the Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHANA), Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (H P).
- Annual member of Indian Ecological Society, PAU, Ludhiana
Work experience:
- Project assistant under ICAR sponsored project “prospecting for botanical pesticides” HATS Division, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource and Technology (IHBT), Palampur.
- Senior research fellow under mini mission project” Exploitation of pest control potential of some naturally occurring plant species of Himachal region against vegetable pests” Department of Entomology and Apiculture (EAP), UHF Nauni.
- Senior research fellow under “All India network project on pesticide residues”Department of EAP, UHF Nauni.
- Research Associate under “Monitoring of pesticide residues”Department of EAP, UHF Nauni.
Professional Experience: As Assistant professor:Sixyears
Field of specialization: Entomology (Apiculture)
Additional qualification/ trainings acquired: 21 days summer school on “statistical models for forecasting in agriculture” organized by Division of Biometrics and Statistical Modeling, IASRI, New Delhi w.e.f. 11th Sept- 1st Oct 2012
Teaching:For last fiveand half yearshas been teaching courses related to entomology, pesticide pollution and environmental analysis techniques to the post graduate students of Department of Environmental Science.
- Worked on assessment of climate change impacts on insect pest fauna, pesticide and heavy metal pollution, insect pest management using environmentally safe management tactics and water pollution monitoring.
- Have guided 5M.Sc. students(one foreign student) as Major Advisor in the department of environment science and 9 M.Sc. students as co-advisor. Presently guiding 3 M.Sc. students as Major Advisor.
- Has made scientific contributions in the field of entomology and environment science, has more than 30 publications (research papers/ book chapters/research articles/ manual) in reputed journals.
Present research interests/ projects:
- Working in the project entitled “All India Coordinated Research Project on Honey Bees & Pollinators funded by ICAR” since August 2015.
Selected Publications:
- MeenaThakur and C.L. Dinabandhoo 2005. Predatory mites associated with phytophagous mites of temperate and subtropical fruit trees in Himachal Pradesh.Journal of Biological Control, 19(1): 81-84
- MeenaThakur and P.K. Mehta 2004. Assessment of insecticidal properties of some plants against Hadda beetle Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata (Fabr.). Indian Journal of Entomology, 66 (1): 20-23
- MeenaThakur, Sangita Sharma and C.L.Dinabandhoo 2004. Phytophagous mites associated with temperate and subtropical fruit trees in Himachal Pradesh. Pest Management and Economic Zoology 12(1):83-87.
- MeenaThakur, Rajneesh Mahajan and Sangita Sharma 2005. Biological activities of Podophyllumhexandrumroyle and podophyllotoxin against cruciferous pests. Indian Journal of Plant Protection. 35(1):43-46.
- J.K. Dubey, S.K. Patyal, I.D. Sharma, MeenaThakur and Ajay Kumar 2008. Residue behaviour and consumer safety assessment of Thiacloprid (Calypso 240 SC) on apple and tea. Pesticide Research Journal. 20(2):269-272.
- MeenaThakur and S. C. Verma. 2013. Pest infestation and yield potential of organically grown tomato in mid hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh. Insect Environment: 3&4 (18).
- Dubey JKand MeenaThakur(2013).Pollution: Pesticides in Natural Ecosystems. In: Encyclopedia of Environment Management. Taylor and Francis, New York,Published online: 01 May 2013;2145-2149.
- Dubey, JKand MeenaThakur(2013).Pollution: Pesticides in Agro-Horticultural Ecosystems. In: Encyclopedia of Environment Management. Taylor and Francis,New York, Published online: 01 May 2013; 2139-2144.
- Kavita Gupta, SC Verma MeenaThakurand AakritiChauhan (2014): Impact of Land Uses on Surface Water Quality and Associated Aquatic Insects at Parwanoo area of Solan District of Himachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management. 5(3):427-431.
- Kavita Gupta, SC Verma andMeenaThakur(2015): Assessment of surface water quality and associated aquatic insect fauna under different land uses of Barotiwala area, Solan, Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Farm Sciences.5(1): 168-176.
- AakritiChauhan, S C Verma andMeenaThakur(2015). Bio-assessment of water quality of mountainous streams under different landuses in Solan district, Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management. 6(1):161-166.
- SharmilaChohan, SC Verma,R . S. Chandel, NeerjaRanaand MeenaThakur(2015): Impact of Nickel mediated artificial diet on biology of Spodopteralitura F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The Bioscan.10(3): 1109-1112.