Issue 1a8th July 2015
Woodseats Allotment Society
Basic Fertiliser Information
Fertilisers make crops grow faster and bigger so that crop yields are increased. They are water-soluble minerals. They must be able to dissolve in water so that plants can absorb them through their roots.Fertilisers provide plants with the essential chemical elements needed for growth particularly nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Generally, their effects on plants are as follows:-
Nitrogen: Leaf growth.
Phosphorus: Development of roots, flowers, seeds and fruit.
Potassium: Strong stem growth, movement of water in plants, promotion of flowering and fruiting.
Fertilizers typically provide, in varying proportions:
- the3 main macronutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K).
- 3 secondary macronutrients: calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and Sulphur (S).
N-P-K rating is a rating system describing the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in a fertilizer. N-P-K ratings consist of three numbers separated by dashes (e.g., 7-7-7 for Growmore) describing the chemical content of the fertilizer. A 100kg bag of fertilizer labeled 7-7-7 contains the equivalent of 7kgs of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
Liming is the application of calcium- and magnesium-rich materials to soil in various forms, including marl, chalk, limestone, or hydrated lime. This neutralises soil acidity and increases activity of soil bacteria. Lime is a basic chemical, the effect of it makes the soil more basic thus making acidic soils neutral. The hut stocks garden lime (£4.50 for a 20kg bag).
100% Organic Fertiliser 40L - £6.60
If you don’t like the idea of chemical fertilisers then use our 100% organic option.Produced for over 25 years. Composted, milled and oven heated at over 200oc to produce a safe and economical product. One bag will treat up to 210 M2.
Fertilisers Stocked in the Society Shop
Fertilisers are sold in 2kg plastic bags of varying prices as detailed below. The prices are very competitive and considerably lower than garden centres, major DIY stores and eBay.
Growmore (7-7-7)- £1.50Growmore is ideal as a base and top dressing, containing a blend of rich essential nutrients. A fast acting balanced feed that builds soil fertility and helps plants grow.
Liquid Growmore (7-7-7) 330ml - £1.40Balanced multi-purpose feed with micro-nutrients.Suitable for all plants indoors, outside & in the greenhouse. For use between March & September.
Fish, Blood & Bone (5-5-6) - £1.50Analternative to Growmore. A balanced fertiliser, it can be applied in much the same way and is widely used as a top dressing on lawns, flowers and vegetables. However, the nutrients are slower to release, excellent when a long term feed is required.
Digging into the soil before planting or mixing in with your compost.
Bonemeal (3.5-18.5-0) - £1.30Provides a natural slow release of organic plant food. Ideal for trees and shrubs, promotes strong and healthy rooting, end results is greener and healthier foliage.
Sulphate of Ammonia (21-0-0) - £1.10A Nitrogen feed rapid acting particularly useful early season to get things moving. Use as a compost activator by sprinkling into compost heaps and can also be used as a top or base dressing. Acidic action and recommended for limey soils.
Super Phos (0-18-0) - £0.85Superphosphate will help fruit, root and seed crops to produce higher yields and improve ripening. It will also help improve success rates when planting out seedlings, rooted cuttings and transplants. It can be used throughout the growing season by applying evenly at the recommended rates and then lightly hoeing or forking into the soil.
Potash of Sulphate (0-0-18) - £3.00Fast acting source of potassium to facilitate development of healthy fruit and flowers. Ideal for feeding all types of fruit trees, bushes and flowers to help plants become more weather and disease resistant. Can be applied throughout the growing season from March to the end of August, every 4-6 weeks.
Liquid Tomato Feed (x-x-x) 1L - £1.70High Potash feed essential for maximum growth of tomatoes & full flavoured fruit.Ideal for feeding tomatoes that are planted outdoors & in growbags. Flowering pot plants will also benefit & gain bigger blooms. Blended with seaweed extract for maximum growth of tomatoes & full flavoured fruit.For use between March & September.1 Litre bottle that makes 66 watering cans!* (Based on a 4.5 litre watering can).
Lawn Weed & Feed - £1.70A balanced lawn fertiliser with added moss control. High level of nitrogen for controlled growth. Stimulates growth, kills moss & eradicates weeds.
Lawn Feed - £1.50A balanced lawn fertiliser. High level of nitrogen for controlled growth.
Onion (6-8-15 +3Mg) - £2.30Ideal for all onion, shallot, garlic and leek varieties grown outdoors. A granular fertiliser specifically formulated with essential nutrients in the correct balance, slowly released throughout the season to give tastier, higher quality onions and increased yields.
Trench (6-11-18) - £2.00A slow release fertiliser with high trace element content. Use over winter to prepare soil for exhibition standard flowers and vegetables, (chrysanthemums, dahlias, leeks, onions, beans, sweet peas, roses etc.)
Vegetable (12-4-16 +3Mg + Boron) - £2.70An organic based granular fertiliser carefully balanced formula ideally suited to most vegetable crops.
Potato (6-10-10) - £1.50A carefully balanced organic fertiliser specially developed to promote the sustained growth of potato tubers. Its effect is to help increase the size of your potato harvests. Can also be used with other root vegetable crops. It should be applied as a top dressing at the time of planting.
Red items are possible new stock from 2016 if demand can beestablished.